原生概念 Creative concept

原生概念 Creative concept 原生概念前瞻性的思維和創意無限的活動策劃聞名

【2024楓潮派對 New Chapter】對我們來說,2024楓潮派對是一個全新領域的挑戰。為了真實呈現《新楓之谷》的故事,我們深入了解了遊戲的背景與故事架構,並依此編寫舞台角色的腳本與台詞,設計動態影像流程,並與影像團隊緊密合作,確保每...

【2024楓潮派對 New Chapter】


For us, the 2024 Maplestory Party is a challenge in a whole new domain. To faithfully bring the story of Maplestory to life, we immersed ourselves in the game's background and narrative structure. Based on this understanding, we crafted the scripts and dialogue for the stage characters, designed the dynamic visual flow, and worked closely with the video team to ensure every detail was flawlessly executed.
Beyond presenting the story, we also collaborated with the client to address the logistical challenge of managing the influx of thousands of players into the venue, ensuring that every adventurer could smoothly participate in the event. Ultimately, our goal was to make sure that when the Maplestory adventurers stepped into the venue, it felt as if they were stepping directly into the world of Maplestory itself.

※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!
活動執行➤Tomi.Winnie.Camille.Yaya Lo.Cody

「KEEP YOUR ESSENCE.」在全新純電Macan發表會中,我們以多元形式展現這款車型所傳遞的精神:「在變與不變之中,保時捷仍然保有核心價值。」𖦆打造低調奢華的現場氛圍𖦆踏入會場,賓客將置身於以普羅旺斯紫為主調的視覺盛宴。光影透過...



𖦆Porsche Lifestyle的生活態度𖦆
進入Porsche Lifestyle展間,賓客能親身感受品牌如何透過周邊商品,將保時捷的風格內

𖦆Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur的精湛工藝𖦆
在專屬的Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur區域,我們邀請賓客探索保時捷的客製化工藝。現場展示多樣化的內裝材質與外觀選項,讓每位車主都能擁有專屬於自己的保時捷座駕。不僅彰顯了個性,更完美詮釋全新純電Macan KEEP YOUR ESSENCE. 的核心精神。



活動最後,我們特別邀請知名音樂人DJ Koo (具俊曄)現場演出,以震撼人心的音樂為這場盛會畫下完美句點。賓客在音樂中再次體會保時捷所展現的高奢品味與品牌精神。

十二點原生榮幸替Porsche Taiwan打造這場盛會,籌備全新純電Macan的發表會,我們思考如何以最佳方式傳遞保時捷品牌的核心價值,也希望賓客能從這場活動中留下難忘的回憶,品味與思考保時捷的精神與魅力。

#品牌精神 #低調奢華 #品味生活

Redbreast FY25 Brand Event -探 未至之境|品酒會-一場感官與故事交織的品酒之旅。12點原生為紅馥知更鳥精心規劃,將威士忌的魅力與場地的自然景觀融為一體,打造紅馥知更鳥的「巢穴」🪹,讓您從森林的源起出發,探索品牌背...

Redbreast FY25 Brand Event -探 未至之境|品酒會
合作品牌 ➤ Redbreast
統籌策劃 ➤ 十二點原生
專案管理 ➤ Tomi
創意概念 ➤ Joann
空間設計 ➤ Kelly
平面設計 ➤ Kelly
製作管理 ➤ Wei
服務內容 ➤ 創意概念發想、活動執行、道具設計製作、硬體統籌、陳列設計佈置、視覺素材延伸

#陳列設計 #設計佈置 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #活動策劃 #品牌活動 #活動設計 #奢華體驗 #專業策劃 #高端活動 #紅馥知更鳥 #威士忌探索 #探未至之境 #品酒會

2024 ITF 台北國際旅展 x 星宇航空STARLUX Airlines-「超乎想像、獨創性、最佳體驗」這是在第一次會議時大家對星宇提出的共同印象如何在偌大的展館裡獨樹一幟的同時傳遞出星宇的精神概念......(會議室如同在宇宙中一樣寂...

2024 ITF 台北國際旅展 x 星宇航空STARLUX Airlines

在規劃展場時 考量到民眾的參觀及排隊動線
無論從哪個方向路過 皆可隨意進入星宇太空站


※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!
合作品牌 ➤ 星宇航空STARLUX Airlines
統籌策劃 ➤ 十二點原生
專案管理 ➤ Camille
創意概念 ➤ Cody
空間設計 ➤ Rei
製作管理 ➤ Wei
服務內容 ➤ 展場設計、活動執行、道具設計製作、硬體統籌、活動體驗設計、線上活動設計、商品陳列、視覺素材延伸

#星宇航空 #星宇太空站 #展場設計 #陳列設計 #活動設計 #全新體驗 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #品牌活動 #專業策劃

2024 The New Panamera Launch  Gala Dinner|新車發表會晚宴-✨🚘 The Porsche New Panamera 耀目登場 🚘✨透過「無畏之擇」的核心理念,以現場燈光與鏡像交織出令人屏息的視覺饗宴,...

2024 The New Panamera Launch Gala Dinner|新車發表會晚宴
✨🚘 The Porsche New Panamera 耀目登場 🚘✨
透過「無畏之擇」的核心理念,以現場燈光與鏡像交織出令人屏息的視覺饗宴,完美詮釋性能與奢華的極致融合。從精緻內裝、卓越性能到層次豐富的味蕾享受,每一處細節都展現出 Panamera 的無限魅力。


※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!
合作品牌 ➤ Porsche Centre Taipei
統籌策劃 ➤ 十二點原生
專案管理 ➤ Eileen
創意概念 ➤ Joann
空間設計 ➤ Rei
平面設計 ➤ JC
製作管理 ➤ Lucas
服務內容 ➤ 活動執行、道具設計製作、硬體統籌、陳列設計佈置、視覺素材延伸

#無畏之擇 #奢華性能 #品味生活 #感官饗宴 #全新體驗 #陳列設計 #設計佈置 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #活動策劃 #品牌活動 #活動設計 #專業策劃 #高端活動

2024 Ferrari Track Day|車主活動-🐎【2024 Ferrari Track Day】🏁Ferrari的駕駛樂趣難以用言喻,只有親自駕駛,才能真正用心感受激情。�The joy of driving a Ferrari ...

2024 Ferrari Track Day|車主活動
🐎【2024 Ferrari Track Day】🏁
The joy of driving a Ferrari is hard to put into words; only by taking the wheel can you truly feel the thrill.

※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!
合作品牌 ➤ Ferrari
統籌策劃 ➤ 十二點原生
專案管理 ➤ Amy
空間設計 ➤ Alan
平面設計 ➤ JC
製作管理 ➤ Wei
服務內容 ➤ 活動執行、道具設計製作、硬體統籌、陳列設計佈置、視覺素材延伸

#法拉利車主 #法拉利車主活動 #經典回顧 #經典再現 #陳列設計 #設計佈置 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #活動策劃 #品牌活動 #活動設計 #專業策劃 #高端活動

2024 PCTP Cinema 台北保時捷電影院|車主活動-🚗🎬【Porsche Cinema 回顧精華】🎬🚗本週末,與 Porsche Centre Taipei 一同穿越 66 號公路,來場《Cars》電影的全新體驗!雖然不少車主已看...

2024 PCTP Cinema 台北保時捷電影院|車主活動
🚗🎬【Porsche Cinema 回顧精華】🎬🚗
本週末,與 Porsche Centre Taipei 一同穿越 66 號公路,來場《Cars》電影的全新體驗!雖然不少車主已看過這部經典動畫,但這次不只是單純的觀影,而是充滿互動和驚喜的專屬 Porsche 電影院!🔥

這次活動為大家帶來了難忘的美好回憶,讓這個週末充滿了速度與激情。期待與大家再次相聚,續寫更多 Porsche 的經典時光!✨

※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!
合作品牌 ➤ Porsche Centre Taipei
統籌策劃 ➤ 十二點原生
專案管理 ➤ Yaya
空間設計 ➤ Alan
平面設計 ➤ Ruru
製作管理 ➤ Lucas
服務內容 ➤ 創意概念發想、活動執行、道具設計製作、硬體統籌、陳列設計佈置、視覺素材延伸

#66號公路之旅 #速度與激情 #保時捷車主 #保時捷車主活動 #經典回顧 #經典再現 #台北 #汽車愛好者 #陳列設計 #設計佈置 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #活動策劃 #品牌活動 #活動設計 #奢華體驗 #專業策劃 #高端活動

2024 Avnet E-mobility Forum - Driving the Future|研討會-🌟 與Avnet攜手,共同開啟智慧移動的未來! 🌟🚗🔋 汽車電氣化與智慧化是未來移動的核心趨勢。本次研討會匯聚全球產業鏈頂尖合作夥伴,...

2024 Avnet E-mobility Forum - Driving the Future|研討會
🌟 與Avnet攜手,共同開啟智慧移動的未來! 🌟
🚗🔋 汽車電氣化與智慧化是未來移動的核心趨勢。
🚗🔋 Electrification and smart technologies are the core trends shaping the future of mobility. This conference unites leading partners from the global supply chain to exchange insights on the latest technologies and market dynamics, driving the advancement of Taiwan's smart mobility industry. Let’s witness together how technology transforms industries and join forces to create a new chapter in smart mobility! 🌐💡

※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!
合作品牌 ➤ Avnet
統籌策劃 ➤ 十二點原生
專案管理 ➤ Winnie
空間設計 ➤ Kelly
平面設計 ➤ W***y
製作管理 ➤ Lucas
服務內容 ➤ 創意概念發想、活動執行、道具設計製作、硬體統籌、陳列設計佈置、視覺素材延伸

#研討會 #智慧移動 #電氣化革命 #創新合作 #智慧汽車 #台灣科技 #未來移動 #科技創新 #智能交通 #電動車 #產業交流 #陳列設計 #設計佈置 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #活動策劃 #品牌活動 #活動設計 #專業策劃

✸Glenmorangie 18YO  THE INFINITA✸ |品酒會-一種風味,蘊藏無限的可能,每一滴格蘭傑18年,都是通往感官盛宴的鑰匙,層層解鎖深藏其中的細膩與豐富,帶您徜徉在無限詮釋的美妙世界。A One flavor, in...

✸Glenmorangie 18YO THE INFINITA✸ |品酒會
A One flavor, infinite possibilities. Every drop of Glenmorangie 18 unlocks a sensory feast, layer by layer, revealing its delicate richness. Let it guide you through a world of boundless interpretations and exquisite experiences.

#威士忌品酒會 #格蘭傑 #品味生活 #威士忌愛好者 #單一麥芽 #陳列設計 #設計佈置 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #活動策劃 #品牌活動 #活動設計 #奢華體驗 #專業策劃 #高端活動

 #原生作品 ✸2024 PTW 911 Turbo 50 週年 X PUMA ✸|快閃店-911 Turbo 50 周年限量聯名鞋款在巨型鞋盒中閃耀登場!保時捷 x PUMA 以台灣專屬綠色,帶你踏上巔峰,化身賽道傳奇。走入巨大鞋盒的沉浸...

✸2024 PTW 911 Turbo 50 週年 X PUMA ✸|快閃店
911 Turbo 50 周年限量聯名鞋款在巨型鞋盒中閃耀登場!
保時捷 x PUMA 以台灣專屬綠色,帶你踏上巔峰,化身賽道傳奇。
走入巨大鞋盒的沉浸式體驗,見證保時捷與 PUMA 的跨界合作,激情與時尚完美融合,每一步都充滿無限動力。
The 911 Turbo 50th Anniversary sneakers debut in a giant shoebox!
Porsche x PUMA’s Taiwan-exclusive green takes you to the peak, embodying racing legend status. Experience their dynamic collaboration, where passion and style meet with every powerful step.
※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!

合作品牌➤Porsche Taiwan

#陳列設計 #設計佈置 #活動策劃 #場地佈置 #活動策劃 #品牌活動 #活動設計 #奢華體驗 #專業策劃 #高端活動







*) 2024/NIKE HBL POP-UP STORE is managed by 原生概念Creative Concept.

This year, Creative Concept Company had the pleasure of teaming up with NIKE once again to host an unforgettable HBL event outside the Taipei Arena. It's our third consecutive year participating in this event, and we truly understand the special meaning of "once in a lifetime HBL."

Every year, the Taipei Arena hosts the HBL competition, attracting basketball enthusiasts from all over the country. Fans passionately cheer for their schools and applaud players who are chasing their dreams and challenging themselves. We want to give a big shoutout to NIKE for their continuous support and dedication to basketball. Their professionalism makes this competition even more exciting and memorable.

We also want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the champions, the South Mountain High School men's basketball team and the North One Girls' High School women's basketball team! Your hard work and sweat have earned you this glory. Well done! Let's all feel the passion and excitement that basketball brings and cherish every opportunity of "once in a lifetime HBL." In the future, Creative Concept will continue to strive for sports and dreams, persisting until the end!

Lastly, we want to express our gratitude to NIKE for their support over the years. We look forward to more diverse collaboration opportunities in the future, creating more unforgettable experiences together.
*) 2024/NIKE HBL POP-UP STORE is managed by 原生概念Creative Concept.
※ 若您對本篇照片或影像產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡我們,將會立即妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos or video, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!

#一生只有一次 #2024

 #原生作品軒尼詩可說是全球干邑的領導品牌,承襲250年精湛調和技藝,及持續與藝術跨界合作,創作出流傳永世之作,今年2024攜手與享譽國際的當代藝術家楊泳梁, 及結合法國柏圖Bernardaud 百年瓷器工坊,共同傾心齊力推出極具匠心技藝的...


軒尼詩可說是全球干邑的領導品牌,承襲250年精湛調和技藝,及持續與藝術跨界合作,創作出流傳永世之作,今年2024攜手與享譽國際的當代藝術家楊泳梁, 及結合法國柏圖Bernardaud 百年瓷器工坊,共同傾心齊力推出極具匠心技藝的「軒尼詩2024春節限量版」。今日,軒尼詩於Island 133 為「軒尼詩2024春節限量版」打造春節意象,讓各位朋友感受與家人好友共渡佳節的氣氛。

在這蓬勃發展的二十四節氣中,Hennessy 精心籌劃的中國新年盛典即將舉行,迎來充滿活力的龍年。這場璀璨的活動不僅是對過去一年的感恩,更是對未來的熱切期待,彰顯了Hennessy對華人文化的尊重與熱愛。


*) The 2024 Hennessy CNY Event is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept.

Hennessy can be said to be the world's leading cognac brand. It has inherited 250 years of exquisite blending skills and continues to collaborate with art across borders to create everlasting works. This year in 2024, it will join hands with the internationally renowned contemporary artist Yang Yongliang and the French Bernardaud. Centennial porcelain workshops have worked together to launch the "Hennessy 2024 Spring Festival Limited Edition" with great craftsmanship.Today, Hennessy created the Spring Festival image for the "Hennessy 2024 Spring Festival Limited Edition" at Island 133, allowing friends to feel the atmosphere of celebrating the festival with family and friends.

In these booming twenty-four solar terms, Hennessy’s carefully planned Chinese New Year Ceremony is about to be held to usher in the vibrant Year of the Dragon. This dazzling event is not only a thank you for the past year, but also an eager expectation for the future, demonstrating Hennessy's respect and love for Chinese culture.

In this short but unforgettable moment, Hennessy joined hands with all guests to celebrate an extraordinary Chinese New Year. Through this event, we not only celebrate the success and hard work of the past year, but also hope that the new year will be full of hope and harvest.The Chinese New Year Ceremony is a platform for Hennessy to thank Chinese culture for its support of the brand, and it is also an honorary tribute to Hennessy's profound history.

Just like old wine that ages, Hennessy has been constantly tempered and has gone through hundreds of years of baptism. It not only maintains the classic elegance of the brand, but also incorporates awe of Chinese culture into every bottle of wine. This grand ceremony is not only about the mastery of wine, but also about the profound understanding of the Year of the Dragon. The Year of the Dragon symbolizes strength, courage and wisdom, just as every drop of Hennessy’s wine contains the ultimate pursuit of winemaking skills. Through this Year of the Dragon celebration, Hennessy expresses its highest respect for Chinese culture through the fusion of tradition and modernity.
*) The 2024 Hennessy CNY Event is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept.

#軒尼詩干邑 #干邑白蘭地 #龍聚吉創新局 #2024春節限量版

※ 若您對本篇照片產生侵害肖像權之疑慮,請隨時聯絡本公司,將會妥善處理!
If you have concerns about the infringement of portrait rights on the photos on this webpage, please inform us, and we will deal with it immediately!



12GROUP如何整合ESG實踐呢? 我們擁抱“GREENTIVITY”概念,結合綠色(可持續性)和創造力的理念來推動我們的創新方法。12GROUP的辦公空間不僅位於綠色設計環境中,還擁有一個非常穩定且以健康為重的工作文化。這種雙重承諾反映了公司致力於對環境可持續性和員工福祉。






ESG investments revolve around the evaluation of companies based on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards, directing investments towards businesses that demonstrate responsible behavior in these areas. Fund managers increasingly incorporate ESG standards into their asset selection processes, adopting a detailed bottom-up research and selection method to align with established standards. Terms such as ethical or responsible investments, including sustainability, social awareness, and impact investing, are not recent phenomena. The industry has already established ESG standards to assess companies' behavior in environmental practices, social interactions, and corporate governance. This framework guides evaluations of factors such as waste management, energy usage, diversity, and transparent governance practices.

How does 12GROUP integrate ESG practices? We embrace the "GREENTIVITY" concept, combining the ideals of green (sustainability) and creativity to drive our innovative approaches. 12GROUP's office space is not only situated in a green design environment but also fosters a highly stable and health-focused work culture. This dual commitment reflects the company's dedication to environmental sustainability and employee well-being.
In terms of green design, 12GROUP's office areas undergo thoughtful planning to adhere to environmental principles. Sustainable practices are integrated into the use of green technologies and materials that promote energy efficiency. The design emphasizes harmonious coexistence with the natural environment, fostering a workspace that is aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.

Additionally, the emphasis on a stable and healthy work culture highlights the company's commitment to creating a positive and supportive environment for employees. A stable work culture indicates a robust organizational structure, providing teams with a sense of security and consistency. This stability may positively impact employee morale and productivity, indicating the company's proactive stance on employee well-being. This may include health plans, ergonomic workspaces, and measures supporting work-life balance, benefiting not only individual employees but also promoting overall productivity and employee retention rates.
In terms of the environment, 12GROUP demonstrates its commitment by embracing digital technologies, implementing digital transformation, reducing paper usage, conserving energy, and adopting eco-friendly design practices.

On the social front, 12GROUP actively cultivates a diverse and inclusive workplace, supporting global talent from various countries. The company contributes through donations to education and local activities, building enduring relationships with teams and clients.
In governance, the company reviews its governance practices, including shareholder rights and transparent director compensation. At 12GROUP, transparent discussions are crucial for success, ensuring fair compensation for both shareholders and employees. Overall, the close intertwining of ESG investments and ethical considerations has become a part of the financial landscape. 12GROUP demonstrates a steadfast commitment to responsible practices in environmental, social, and governance aspects.





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