原生概念 Creative concept

原生概念 Creative concept 原生概念前瞻性的思維和創意無限的活動策劃聞名







*) 2024/NIKE HBL POP-UP STORE is managed by 原生概念Creative Concept.

This year, Creative Concept Company had the pleasure of teaming up with NIKE once again to host an unforgettable HBL event outside the Taipei Arena. It's our third consecutive year participating in this event, and we truly understand the special meaning of "once in a lifetime HBL."

Every year, the Taipei Arena hosts the HBL competition, attracting basketball enthusiasts from all over the country. Fans passionately cheer for their schools and applaud players who are chasing their dreams and challenging themselves. We want to give a big shoutout to NIKE for their continuous support and dedication to basketball. Their professionalism makes this competition even more exciting and memorable.

We also want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the champions, the South Mountain High School men's basketball team and the North One Girls' High School women's basketball team! Your hard work and sweat have earned you this glory. Well done! Let's all feel the passion and excitement that basketball brings and cherish every opportunity of "once in a lifetime HBL." In the future, Creative Concept will continue to strive for sports and dreams, persisting until the end!

Lastly, we want to express our gratitude to NIKE for their support over the years. We look forward to more diverse collaboration opportunities in the future, creating more unforgettable experiences together.
*) 2024/NIKE HBL POP-UP STORE is managed by 原生概念Creative Concept.
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#一生只有一次 #2024

 #原生作品軒尼詩可說是全球干邑的領導品牌,承襲250年精湛調和技藝,及持續與藝術跨界合作,創作出流傳永世之作,今年2024攜手與享譽國際的當代藝術家楊泳梁, 及結合法國柏圖Bernardaud 百年瓷器工坊,共同傾心齊力推出極具匠心技藝的...


軒尼詩可說是全球干邑的領導品牌,承襲250年精湛調和技藝,及持續與藝術跨界合作,創作出流傳永世之作,今年2024攜手與享譽國際的當代藝術家楊泳梁, 及結合法國柏圖Bernardaud 百年瓷器工坊,共同傾心齊力推出極具匠心技藝的「軒尼詩2024春節限量版」。今日,軒尼詩於Island 133 為「軒尼詩2024春節限量版」打造春節意象,讓各位朋友感受與家人好友共渡佳節的氣氛。

在這蓬勃發展的二十四節氣中,Hennessy 精心籌劃的中國新年盛典即將舉行,迎來充滿活力的龍年。這場璀璨的活動不僅是對過去一年的感恩,更是對未來的熱切期待,彰顯了Hennessy對華人文化的尊重與熱愛。


*) The 2024 Hennessy CNY Event is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept.

Hennessy can be said to be the world's leading cognac brand. It has inherited 250 years of exquisite blending skills and continues to collaborate with art across borders to create everlasting works. This year in 2024, it will join hands with the internationally renowned contemporary artist Yang Yongliang and the French Bernardaud. Centennial porcelain workshops have worked together to launch the "Hennessy 2024 Spring Festival Limited Edition" with great craftsmanship.Today, Hennessy created the Spring Festival image for the "Hennessy 2024 Spring Festival Limited Edition" at Island 133, allowing friends to feel the atmosphere of celebrating the festival with family and friends.

In these booming twenty-four solar terms, Hennessy’s carefully planned Chinese New Year Ceremony is about to be held to usher in the vibrant Year of the Dragon. This dazzling event is not only a thank you for the past year, but also an eager expectation for the future, demonstrating Hennessy's respect and love for Chinese culture.

In this short but unforgettable moment, Hennessy joined hands with all guests to celebrate an extraordinary Chinese New Year. Through this event, we not only celebrate the success and hard work of the past year, but also hope that the new year will be full of hope and harvest.The Chinese New Year Ceremony is a platform for Hennessy to thank Chinese culture for its support of the brand, and it is also an honorary tribute to Hennessy's profound history.

Just like old wine that ages, Hennessy has been constantly tempered and has gone through hundreds of years of baptism. It not only maintains the classic elegance of the brand, but also incorporates awe of Chinese culture into every bottle of wine. This grand ceremony is not only about the mastery of wine, but also about the profound understanding of the Year of the Dragon. The Year of the Dragon symbolizes strength, courage and wisdom, just as every drop of Hennessy’s wine contains the ultimate pursuit of winemaking skills. Through this Year of the Dragon celebration, Hennessy expresses its highest respect for Chinese culture through the fusion of tradition and modernity.
*) The 2024 Hennessy CNY Event is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept.

#軒尼詩干邑 #干邑白蘭地 #龍聚吉創新局 #2024春節限量版

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12GROUP如何整合ESG實踐呢? 我們擁抱“GREENTIVITY”概念,結合綠色(可持續性)和創造力的理念來推動我們的創新方法。12GROUP的辦公空間不僅位於綠色設計環境中,還擁有一個非常穩定且以健康為重的工作文化。這種雙重承諾反映了公司致力於對環境可持續性和員工福祉。






ESG investments revolve around the evaluation of companies based on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards, directing investments towards businesses that demonstrate responsible behavior in these areas. Fund managers increasingly incorporate ESG standards into their asset selection processes, adopting a detailed bottom-up research and selection method to align with established standards. Terms such as ethical or responsible investments, including sustainability, social awareness, and impact investing, are not recent phenomena. The industry has already established ESG standards to assess companies' behavior in environmental practices, social interactions, and corporate governance. This framework guides evaluations of factors such as waste management, energy usage, diversity, and transparent governance practices.

How does 12GROUP integrate ESG practices? We embrace the "GREENTIVITY" concept, combining the ideals of green (sustainability) and creativity to drive our innovative approaches. 12GROUP's office space is not only situated in a green design environment but also fosters a highly stable and health-focused work culture. This dual commitment reflects the company's dedication to environmental sustainability and employee well-being.
In terms of green design, 12GROUP's office areas undergo thoughtful planning to adhere to environmental principles. Sustainable practices are integrated into the use of green technologies and materials that promote energy efficiency. The design emphasizes harmonious coexistence with the natural environment, fostering a workspace that is aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.

Additionally, the emphasis on a stable and healthy work culture highlights the company's commitment to creating a positive and supportive environment for employees. A stable work culture indicates a robust organizational structure, providing teams with a sense of security and consistency. This stability may positively impact employee morale and productivity, indicating the company's proactive stance on employee well-being. This may include health plans, ergonomic workspaces, and measures supporting work-life balance, benefiting not only individual employees but also promoting overall productivity and employee retention rates.
In terms of the environment, 12GROUP demonstrates its commitment by embracing digital technologies, implementing digital transformation, reducing paper usage, conserving energy, and adopting eco-friendly design practices.

On the social front, 12GROUP actively cultivates a diverse and inclusive workplace, supporting global talent from various countries. The company contributes through donations to education and local activities, building enduring relationships with teams and clients.
In governance, the company reviews its governance practices, including shareholder rights and transparent director compensation. At 12GROUP, transparent discussions are crucial for success, ensuring fair compensation for both shareholders and employees. Overall, the close intertwining of ESG investments and ethical considerations has become a part of the financial landscape. 12GROUP demonstrates a steadfast commitment to responsible practices in environmental, social, and governance aspects.


 #原生回顧🌟 十年前的今天,時光穿梭至LINE快閃活動的璀璨時光 🌟十年前的這一天,我們與LINE攜手,在香港點燃了一場奇幻的快閃活動。當時的街頭,彷彿被我們的歡笑聲和節慶氛圍填滿,每一處都彌漫著聖誕節的溫馨氣息。那是一場充滿驚喜和感動的...


🌟 十年前的今天,時光穿梭至LINE快閃活動的璀璨時光 🌟




*) The 2013 LINE X’mas Mission is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept.

🌟 A Decade Ago Today: Reliving the Radiant Moments of the LINE Flash Event 🌟
A decade ago today, we joined hands with LINE to ignite a magical flash event in the heart of Hong Kong. The streets at that time seemed to be filled with our laughter and the festive atmosphere, each corner infused with the warm spirit of Christmas. It was a flash event brimming with surprises and emotions, spanning two days and electrifying the entire city. Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, and Causeway Bay in Hong Kong became the enchanted stages co-created by us and LINE.

Every corner was filled with magical surprises, from impromptu performances to the random distribution of LINE gifts, leaving people in awe of the festive wonders. This event not only energized the city but also achieved remarkable heights in KPI challenges. The app saw over 1000k downloads in just two days, marking a dazzling milestone in LINE's history.
Beyond being a vibrant flash event, it was an opportunity for people to feel the magic of Christmas. The sounds of music and laughter on the streets seemed to blend with the jingling bells of Santa Claus, infusing endless warmth into the winter days. We didn't forget the spirit of Christmas, organizing a candlelight ceremony for participants to share love and warmth, exchanging festive blessings. The evening sky was adorned with exceptionally bright stars, adding a touch of mystery and romance to the event. Together, we gazed at the stars, anticipating the arrival of a new year.

A decade has passed, and we are still profoundly grateful for this day ten years ago. Thanks to every participant, partner, and the support of LINE, we jointly created this vibrant Christmas miracle. Looking ahead, we will continue to collaborate, bringing more joy and inspiration to cities. The magic of Christmas never fades; let's embrace the beautiful moments of the next decade together.
May the Creative concept dreams of the festive season continue to sparkle, during this joyful holiday season, I want to share my warm wishes with all of you and wish you a Merry Christmas ✨🎄
*) The 2013 LINE X’mas Mission is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept.

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Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May 2023 usher in significant changes for each of us, much like the vibrant hues of Christmas tree bulbs evolving over time. Let's remain prepared for every season, challenge, and blessing that comes our way. As the old saying goes, we may not alter the weather or seasons, but we can transform ourselves. As 12GROUP embarks on a new journey along the road of blessings, we extend our heartfelt wishes for all to embrace the changing seasons and always be prepared for the future!






Whisky and Craftsmanship.

For almost 130 years, The Balvenie has been dedicated to honing the art of whisky making. During this time, the brand has been captivated by the creative methods, often obsessive human qualities, and profound intrinsic values that transform something from merely great to truly exceptional.

In 2021, this journey ventured into a new realm with the introduction of Quest for Craft: an inquisitive digital series delving into the intersection of craft and creativity. Hosted by bestselling author, cultural icon, and creativity scholar Questlove, the series explores this fascinating convergence.

Ian, the master cooper, boasts extensive experience working with wood. He possesses the remarkable ability to differentiate between American oak and European oak solely through touch. His expertise lies in repairing and reconstructing casks, infusing The Balvenie's distinct character into our whiskies—a craft that demands a minimum of four years to grasp and a lifetime to truly master. Ian's apprentice, Jason Taylor, aspires to carry on his grandfather's legacy and pursue a career as a cooper. He is diligently mastering the same age-old techniques, just like his grandfather did, all without the aid of a tape measure.



*) 百富 藝境尋味 品酒會 is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

Art is all about creating stories
The Balvenie as the whisky flavor artist
Let us lead the way and tell you a story about art and whisky
And most importantly, to write your own story afterwards
As every each one of you is the storyteller of life

Every artisan within The Balvenie Distillery is the author of a unique story. The Balvenie Stories series encapsulates the anecdotal tales that unfold within the distillery, preserving them as distinctive flavor memories in each bottle. These narratives poignantly interpret the flavor sentiments belonging to Dufftown and The Balvenie Distillery.
*) The Balvenie Artistic Mentoring Event is managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept.

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 #原生作品​​Jaguar F-TYPE R 75 外觀設計依然極具張力,是 Jaguar 豪華跑車血統的代表,起源可以追溯到 75 年前。這款前置引擎的雙座跑車採用輕量且堅固的鋁合金打造車身結構,其外型完美的比例讓人一眼就能認出,而其專...

​​Jaguar F-TYPE R 75 外觀設計依然極具張力,是 Jaguar 豪華跑車血統的代表,起源可以追溯到 75 年前。這款前置引擎的雙座跑車採用輕量且堅固的鋁合金打造車身結構,其外型完美的比例讓人一眼就能認出,而其專注和自信的風格則源自 Jaguar 豐富的跑車設計底蘊,始於 1948 年推出的 XK120 - 當時是世界上最快的量產車。

這是一場媒體拍照的發布會,主要透過光影及顏色勾勒出車子魅惑的線條,展現出隱晦卻又迷人的一面,Jaguar的全新設計美學是以『速度、美學、未來』三面向做為F-TYPE經典設計元素,並隨著即將邁向純電化品牌,Jaguar F-TYPE V8獨特的聲浪將被記錄典藏提供後代欣賞。
*) Jaguar F-TYPE 媒體拍照發布會managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

The Jaguar F-TYPE R 75 maintains a highly captivating exterior design, representing the heritage of Jaguar's luxury sports cars, with origins dating back 75 years. This front-engine, two-seater sports car features a lightweight yet robust aluminum body structure. Its perfectly proportioned appearance is instantly recognizable, and its focused and confident style stems from Jaguar's rich sports car design heritage, which began with the XK120 launched in 1948 - at that time, the fastest production car in the world.

This is a media photoshoot launch event, primarily using lighting and colors to outline the car's seductive lines, revealing a subtle yet enchanting aspect. Jaguar's new design aesthetics are based on three dimensions: "speed, aesthetics, and the future," as classic design elements of the F-TYPE. As Jaguar moves towards becoming an all-electric brand, the unique roar of the Jaguar F-TYPE V8 will be recorded and preserved for future generations to appreciate.
*) Jaguar F-TYPE media photoshoot launch event managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

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 #原生作品台北保時捷精心打造911的60週年晚宴為車主們特別規劃於『維修中心』舉辦,在享用佳餚的同時並且能欣賞特別展示出的數輛911車款,包含無可取代的傳奇之作 911 Carrera RS 2.7、渦輪的起源 911 Turbo (93...

台北保時捷精心打造911的60週年晚宴為車主們特別規劃於『維修中心』舉辦,在享用佳餚的同時並且能欣賞特別展示出的數輛911車款,包含無可取代的傳奇之作 911 Carrera RS 2.7、渦輪的起源 911 Turbo (930)、964 世代的 911、外型與設計皆為經典的 993 Targa、道路絕對性能指標 996 GT3、立下新科技里程碑的 997 Carrera、911 五十周年紀念版、以及馬力與性能都相當驚人的 992 Sport Classic。這一切讓在場的所有人都留下一個美妙的夜晚。
*) Porsche911 60週年晚宴managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

Porsche Taipei meticulously arranged the 60th-anniversary dinner for the 911. Porsche Center Taipei curated the event at the "Service Center" exclusively for car owners to mark this special occasion. Guests indulged in delectable cuisine while marveling at an array of 911 models on display, including priceless ones. The iconic 911 Carrera RS 2.7, the groundbreaking 911 Turbo (930), the 911 from the 964 generation, the classic 993 Targa with its timeless design, the high-performance 996 GT3, the 997 Carrera that set new technological standards, the 911 50th Anniversary Edition, and the powerful 992 Sport Classic were all showcased, creating an unforgettable evening for everyone.
*) Porsche911 60th anniversary dinner managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

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#台北保時捷中心 #91160周年餐會

 #原生作品近日,INEOS Grenadier在台灣首次亮相,為越野愛好者開啟了令人興奮的新篇章。Grenadier 在 INEOS 集團創始人 Jim Ratcliffe 富有遠見的領導下構思而成,標誌著越野車輛的突破性方法。 INEO...

近日,INEOS Grenadier在台灣首次亮相,為越野愛好者開啟了令人興奮的新篇章。

Grenadier 在 INEOS 集團創始人 Jim Ratcliffe 富有遠見的領導下構思而成,標誌著越野車輛的突破性方法。 INEOS Automotive 由倫敦的專家團隊於 2017 年成立,其使命是打造完美、堅定的四輪驅動越野車。 透過將英國野獸派設計的精髓與德國精確的汽車製造工藝融為一體,Grenadier 代表了經典復興與強勁動力的融合。 它經過精心設計,可以征服各種地形和路況,確保駕駛員具有卓越的越野能力、實用性和可靠性。
*) INEOS Grenadier 發表會 managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

Recently, the INEOS Grenadier made its highly anticipated debut in Taiwan, signaling the commencement of an exciting new chapter for off-road enthusiasts.

Conceived under the visionary leadership of Jim Ratcliffe, the founder of INEOS Group, the Grenadier signifies a groundbreaking approach to off-road vehicles. Formed in 2017 by a team of experts in London, INEOS Automotive embarked on a mission to craft a flawless, unwavering four-wheel drive off-road vehicle. By blending the essence of British brutalist design with Germany's precise car-making craftsmanship, the Grenadier represents a fusion of classic revival and robust power. It has been meticulously engineered to conquer a wide array of terrains and road conditions, ensuring exceptional off-road capability, practicality, and reliability for its drivers.
*) INEOS Grenadier launch event was managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

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 #原生悠活此為集團內公司 - 十二點原生概念股份有限公司 贊助台北市大民生地區商業發展策進會之活動,本公司為協辦單位。十二點原生概念在過往的十二年一直深耕在台北地區,我們用實際行動去共同推動,期許能有所回饋到我們的土地,並且持續支持及贊助...

此為集團內公司 - 十二點原生概念股份有限公司 贊助台北市大民生地區商業發展策進會之活動,本公司為協辦單位。十二點原生概念在過往的十二年一直深耕在台北地區,我們用實際行動去共同推動,期許能有所回饋到我們的土地,並且持續支持及贊助也進入到了第二年。希望大家能一起去感受如此優質的民生悠活節~共襄盛舉🙌🙌🙌





優雅的晚宴是由米其林星級廚師烹製的 5 道菜餚,讓整個晚會變得非常特別令人驚豔。 也讓米其林指南更上一層樓。
*) Michelin Guide Ceremony was managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

The MICHELIN Guide’s roots were far more humble, with the idea originally conceived to encourage more tourists to take to the road using a little red guidebook.

To help motorists develop their trips - thereby boosting car and tyre sales and in turn - the Michelin brothers produced a small red guide filled with handy information for travellers, such as maps, information on how to change a tyre, where to fill up with fuel, and for the traveller in search of respite from the adventures of the day.

Today is the michelin guide CEREMONY in Taiwan , celebrating retainer and new winner of 1, 2, 3 stars award including green award , sommelier and young chef award.

Classy gala dinner with 5 dishes from michelin star rated chef , makes the gala very exceptional and amazing. bring Michelin Guide one step higher.
*) Michelin Guide Ceremony was managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

Michelin Michelin MICHELIN Guide

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歡迎世界上第一輛超級旅行車 - 阿斯頓·馬丁 DB12

DB12 是 75 年來定義奇蹟的標誌。 穿越大陸、打破標準並馴服傳統。 融合尖端技術最先進的發動機讓您的每一個感官都得到增強。
作為世界首輛Super Tourer,DB12繼承 Aston Martin 經典 DB 血脈,於車輛運動性格和動態操控方面大幅提升,底盤則帶來全面性的升級及諸多科技挹注,立下 Aston Martin 極致性能與操控及舒適動態平衡新指標。DB12 將超凡的駕駛體驗、領先科技和千錘百煉的頂級手工內裝結合,成為 Aston Martin 史上最面面俱到且富藏內涵的 DB 車款。

DB12 於 8 月 10 日在台灣上市。 它是世界上最令人驚嘆的汽車之一。

台灣區銷售營運部經理 王永勝 Andy Wang
台灣區品牌總經理 蘇士松 Menson Su
大中華區 銷售運營區域經理 袁可嘉 Kejia Yuan

三位貴賓出席並介紹了 DB 的歷史和汽車的里程碑(“DB”名稱源自於 1947 年創建該公司的 David Brown 的名字首字母。),最後展示了新的標誌性阿斯頓·馬丁 DB12。 此次活動得到了媒體的高度評價,VIP出席人數共計200人
*) Aston Martin DB12 launch event was managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept


DB12 an icon risen from 75 years of category defining marvels. Cutting through continents, bruising benchmarks and taming tradition. swelling every sense with state-of-the-art engine fusing cutting-edge technology.As the world's first Super Tourer, DB12 inherits Aston Martin's classic DB bloodline and greatly improves the vehicle's sporty character and dynamic handling. The chassis brings comprehensive upgrades and many technological injections, establishing Aston Martin's ultimate performance, control, and comfortable dynamics. Balance new metrics. DB12 combines an extraordinary driving experience, leading technology and a refined, top-notch handcrafted interior, making it the most comprehensive and richest DB model in Aston Martin history.

DB12 launched in Taiwan on August 10th. It is one of the most astonishing car in the world. the event opened by
Taiwan Sales Operations Manager - Andy Wang
Taiwan Brand General Manager - Menson Su
Greater China Sales Operations Regional Manager Kejia Yuan

It shows the history of DB and the milestones of the cars (The "DB" designation is from the initials of David Brown who built up the company from 1947 onwards.) , last they show the new iconic Aston Martin DB12. The event gaining high appraisal from media and also VIP attendance with total 200 peoples.
*) Aston Martin DB12 launch event was managed by 12GROUP_Creative Concept

Aston Martin Aston Martin Taiwan

 #原生編紀實這一次台灣賓士把EQS SUV的媒體試駕日帶來到南投中的秘境,遠離了都市喧囂,就沈浸在好山好水的空間裡,並細細品嚐這一款車的獨特風格,這次的車款在外觀的線條上或是內裝都散發出一種高貴優雅的風格。而最讓人驚艷的就是他的自動停車系...


這一次台灣賓士把EQS SUV的媒體試駕日帶來到南投中的秘境,遠離了都市喧囂,就沈浸在好山好水的空間裡,並細細品嚐這一款車的獨特風格,這次的車款在外觀的線條上或是內裝都散發出一種高貴優雅的風格。


最後還是很感謝我們 台灣賓士超專業產品經理_Omar及 台灣賓士超帥公關_Rex 為我們親自做解說,讓這場活動的層次又提升了好幾個檔次((笑~


 #原生作品 米其林寶寶真的是小編我從小看到大,回想起來好像都是在車上看到他在戶外廣告上面,當下不知道他的名字,只知道他一圈一圈的很可愛,長大後才比較了解他是一個很專業的輪胎品牌!而這次十二原生精心打造的Michelin EV & 4+ L...


米其林寶寶真的是小編我從小看到大,回想起來好像都是在車上看到他在戶外廣告上面,當下不知道他的名字,只知道他一圈一圈的很可愛,長大後才比較了解他是一個很專業的輪胎品牌!而這次十二原生精心打造的Michelin EV & 4+ Launch Event,童年的回憶再次滿滿的浮現出來~
謝謝 米其林🫶

#十二點原生概念 #我原生我驕傲





#大家來聊聊 #十二點原生概念 #我原生我驕傲

十二點原生概念在此先獻上最高的敬意給遠在捷克的你們,期許能勇奪佳績以及一切平安順利!這次我們很榮幸能有這樣的機會為台灣的車手盡一份小小的心力, 12 o'clock Track Experience dept. 同為在推廣車輛運動體驗的我們...

十二點原生概念在此先獻上最高的敬意給遠在捷克的你們,期許能勇奪佳績以及一切平安順利!這次我們很榮幸能有這樣的機會為台灣的車手盡一份小小的心力, 12 o'clock Track Experience dept. 同為在推廣車輛運動體驗的我們,能遇到這麼優秀的賽車手就必須要支持到底!拉力賽是一個極困難的項目,車手必須要有很強大的意志力、團隊信任、耐力、隨機應變的能力等等...才有辦法達成完賽,如果能取得佳績又是更不得了的事情!所以我們很敬佩也感謝,願意走出台灣讓世界看到我們優秀的一面,吸取國際經驗再帶回來繼續傳承,生生不息~相信一切也都會越來越好!RESPECT!
12 o'clock creative concept hereby presents the highest respect who are far away in the Czech Republic. I believe you achieved great results and everything is safe and smooth! This time 12 o'clock Track Experience dept. are honored to have such an opportunity to participate for the drivers in Taiwan.

We are continuously promoting the experience of vehicle sports. To meet such excellent drivers, we must Support them to the end! Rally is an extremely difficult event. Drivers must have strong willpower, team trust, endurance, ability to adapt to changing situations, by then, they can finish the race. It will be even more amazing if they can achieve good results! Therefore we are very grateful and willing to go out of Taiwan to let the world see our performance, absorb the international experience, and bring it back to inherit it endlessly~ I believe everything will get better and stronger! SALUTE!
#林沅滸 #謝宗佑





#十二點原生概念 #我原生我驕傲 #創造有效的創意之於建構有效的溝通力

12 o'clock Track Experience dept.   這一次Esperienza Ferrari Track day是專為車主及準車主而設立的賽道體驗活動,為求讓車主們能在最安全的環境下,親自體驗享譽世界的跑車賽道,並帶領...

12 o'clock Track Experience dept.
這一次Esperienza Ferrari Track day是專為車主及準車主而設立的賽道體驗活動,為求讓車主們能在最安全的環境下,親自體驗享譽世界的跑車賽道,並帶領車主一同探索駕駛樂趣及深入了解車款內在。



 #原生作品 這一次,大家共同完成了一件讓台灣驕傲的事,而“大家” 指的就是讓這一切發生的所有參與者。這次看下來可能又是一門賠錢生意(哈..),但好玩啊;好玩的背後還有著極度高壓及無數夜晚的趕工!要有人敢想這麼大要有人計算、無數次的模擬要有...

而“大家” 指的就是讓這一切發生的所有參與者。




你們! #渾身是膽

#軒尼詩 #軒尼詩干邑 #干邑白蘭地






這一次讓我出乎意料的就是,我們的原生人_『游靜雯 aka Camille aka 卡蜜樂』!她整個就是進入超級賽亞人模式,真的控場控到一個穩到不行的穩噎,就是可以一個打十個那樣的跟大家溝通來溝通去,整場下來也臉不紅氣不喘的; 但回想到之前在別的品酒會有簡單認識到,想說她就是個一直喊肚子餓要叫外送吃的小妹妹吧,俗不知一上工那整個氣場,強大到讓我都差點漏尿了,妳真的也是讓人失禁失敬啊~

ok我覺得原生人真的很棒!願原生力 be with u all!

Creativity We Made It.
#十二點原生概念 #我原生我驕傲

 #原生作品這是一場麥卡倫結合光與影的藝術,並如同漫遊在蘇格蘭高地體驗著四季的變化,相信絕對是一場與眾不同的風味饗宴!時光潤過雪莉桶每一吋肌理,將釀就何等風味? 春的甦醒、夏的濃豔、秋的澄澈、冬的蟄伏,在此凝鍊一滴無與倫比。 麥卡倫印象風味...


時光潤過雪莉桶每一吋肌理,將釀就何等風味? 春的甦醒、夏的濃豔、秋的澄澈、冬的蟄伏,在此凝鍊一滴無與倫比。 麥卡倫印象風味體驗領你漫步蘇格蘭斯佩河畔, 以沉浸式體驗品讀四季更迭中臻於峰頂的工藝。


Creativity We Made It.




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