【音樂會資訊】 台灣泛音詠唱協會(TOSA)「O TRIOM 」系列音樂會
10/21(六)19:00~21:00 10/22(日)14:00~16:00
夢響廳 Dreamphony Hall 售票網址:
台灣泛音詠唱協會(TOSA)將推出「O TRIOM 」系列音樂會、工作坊和講座,以慶祝米歇爾·費特(Michael Vetter)的生命和遺產。他在
Tickets are now available for this amazing new music-theatrical production, presented in Taipei’s Dreamphony Hall.
The Taiwan Overtone Singing Association is launching O TRIOM concerts, workshops and a lecture to celebrate the life and legacy of Michael Vetter. The three musicians have been greatly influenced by the creative output and teachings of this German artist, who spent 10 years in Japan studying Zen. Each in our own way we continue to absorb ourselves in his creative universe.
台灣泛音詠唱協會(TOSA)將推出「O TRIOM 」系列音樂會、工作坊和講座,以慶祝米歇爾·費特(Michael Vetter)的生命和遺產。他在日本學習禪宗度過了10年,包含我的三位音樂家深受這位德國藝術家的創作和教學影響。我們每個人都以自己的方式繼續沉浸在他的創意世界中。
Tickets are now available for this amazing new music-theatrical production, presented in Taipei’s Dreamphony Hall.
It was a long and intensive collaboration, in which we searched for a balance between Vetter’s very personal take on overtone singing, the voice, breath, instruments and movement, and our own language in these fields. The result is a rich and diverse performance, full of surprises.
Don’t miss TOSA’s latest production and consider to join one of the concerts, the two workshops, the lecture, or join all of it.
時間 2023/10/6(五) 19:00-21:30
地點 牯嶺街小劇場二樓藝文空間
講者 鍾明德教授(北藝大戲劇系)、Mark van Tongeren、呂啓仲、李維琳
Lecture: Transverbal
Time: 6th October (Friday) 2023, 19:00-21:30
Location: Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre, 2rd floor
Speaker: prof. CHUNG Mingder (Department of Theatre Arts, TNUA), Mark van Tongeren, LU Qi Chung, LEE Wei Lin
時間 2023/10/13(五) 10:00-17:00
地點 牯嶺街小劇場三樓排練場
講師 呂啓仲、李維琳
Michael Vetter's Overtone Singing Methods workshop
Time: 13th October (Friday) 2023, 10:00-17:00
Location: Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre, 3rd floor
Facilitator: LU Qi Chung, LEE Wei Lin
時間 2023/10/17(二) 10:00-17:00
地點 牯嶺街小劇場三樓排練場
講師 Mark van Tongeren
OKYO workshop
Time: 17th October (Friday) 2023, 10:00-17:00
Location: Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre 3rd floor
Facilitator: Mark van Tongeren
表演者 Artists:
LEE Wei Lin 李維琳
LU Qi Chung 呂啓仲
Mark van Tongeren 馬克・范・湯可鄰
講座講者Lecture: prof. CHUNG Mingder 鍾明德教授
執行製作 Production: LEE Chichen 李紀辰
視覺設計 Visual design: 白濟豪
for Taiwan Overtone Singing Association 台灣泛音詠唱協會 TOSA