過了快一個月了,我竟然還在美國!今天來到旅程的尾聲,也畫下一個高潮,就是來我從小支持到大的湖人隊球場~ 想要目睹薑黃的廬山真面目嗎?一起來觀賞~ Go Lakers !
來美國,如果沒看美式足球就等於你沒來過!今天跟著我大學朋友和他家人一起來南加州最厲害的大學足球主場看他們的比賽。看樣子我沒帶賽,因為除了南加大USC目前遙遙領先之外,道奇隊也同時在MLB總決賽第一場拿下第一勝!帶你們目睹現場的魅力吧:Let’s go Trojans!
萬聖節沒有任何地方比美國的樂園更恐怖!回到洛杉磯的我,剛好碰到一年一度驚嚇破表的知名老船皇后瑪麗的屍樂園~ 我警告大家,要有夠膽才能繼續看影片喔~ 😱
Happy Halloween!! 🎃 I’m back in LA and crawling thru one of the spookiest place in Cali.. it’s the haunted Queen Mary… be prepared to scared!!
美國一個月假期已啟動了!周一先回洛杉磯的家休息幾天後,前天飛來從未拜訪位於德州的聖安東尼 San Antonio (aka NBA 馬刺隊大本營)。這個城市最吸引人的是 City River Walk. 位於城市馬路旁的低窪河岸,白天可以很愜意的彷彿在歐洲巷弄走著,晚上卻可以享受餐廳和酒吧林立的都會夜生活~
禮拜五在節目上答應大家我週末會到海邊,因為今天是國際海灘節,帶著毛寶貝們來到一個我很喜歡的海邊來走走。知道這是哪的就別說,因為我真的不想太多人知道~ 😝
As promised on my Friday show, I’ll be hitting the oceanside for “World Beach Day” which is today! Hanging out with some furry cuties at one of my favorite seaside spots! (If u know where this is, then u know and don’t say it… and if u don’t know, I won’t tell cuz I wanna keep it a secret) 😝
In an hour, my show is about to start… but I’m still stuck on this boat in the middle of south east Asia!! Help~~~
Alright no worries… Ron will be taking over as I continue my vacay in Taiwan, I mean Thailand… lol~ 😂😂
The Hakka affairs have invited me to Miao Li today to enjoy the nature, the Tung blossom, and of course some delicious Hakka food!
台灣燈會在台南的最後一天了!我們16天的現場直播也剛剛結束了,但在離開會場之前想再帶著大家逛一圈~ it’s the last day of our broadcast at the Taiwan Lantern festival in Tainan. Let me take you on a quick tour before I leave my hometown…
On a 6 day vacation and guess where I am and what am I doing? (Hint: konichiwa! Watashi wa Into The Unknown desu~)
Coming to u live from Japan’s ski resort Naeba Prince! 你們有滑過雪嗎?還是甚至人生還沒跟雪接觸過?一起來看看這個白色美景吧~
Happy New Year!! 新年快樂!! 今明兩天我們要送你薄荷水晶 Babymint 的親筆簽名,紀念限定專輯喔!趕快收驚我春節為大家主持的現場節目~
來到年初三初四是不是開始無聊了呢?那就趕快聽我的節目一起來哈囉貓咪芭樂咖喱一下吧!看著這麼卡哇伊的BabyMint,保證讓你龍舞春風,龍騰虎躍起來! 😛
只要你跟得上薄荷水晶唱出 “Hello Kitty 芭樂咖哩Hello Kitty 喔依系” 然後再回答一個關於他們的選擇題,這兩天節目上就會送你 BabyMint的限量精裝簽名CD喔!!
Happy New Year to all Jammers! How are you doing 3 days into the year of the Dragon? Would you like to win Babymint's autographed box set? Then tune in tonight and try to sing along to their silly crazy but awesome hit single : "Hello Kitty Bala Curry" and win!