Приехал домой в Херсон, температура 20 градусов, пчелы 🐝 активны. Варроатоза очень много... у кого как? Чем лечите? Мы щавельной кислотой, би-пин их осыпает но не убивает, и учитывая, что пчелы активны, вредители снова залазят на пчел.
Момент з життя пасіки
Один фрагмент з пасіки.. А як пройщов ваш день сьогодні?
Краса! Цвіте гречка, працюють бджілки!
Гречка цвіте – буде гречаний мед!
Бо саме в липні, коли цвіте гречка, бджілки-трудівниці збирають його для нас.
До слова, вітамінний склад гречаного меду представлений цілою лінійкою вітамінів групи В, аскорбіновою кислотою і ніацином.
Знавці Caravan TRADE рекомендують, починати і закінчувати кожен день ложечкою меду. З ранку він пробуджує життєві сили, задає бадьорий ритм на цілий день. Ввечері він знімає напругу і дарує спокійний сон. Окрім цього, систематичне щоденне вживання меду (1-2 ст., л.) є гарною імунологічною профілактикою простудних і вірусних захворювань.
This Bee Works 50 Times Harder Than the Honey Bee
Using blue orchard bees to pollinate crops is an idea with a lot of promise. For one thing, they visit 50 times more flowers than honey bees.
A beekeeper has trained a hive of "canna-bees" to produce honey from weed, it has been claimed.
A Frenchman using the pseudonym Nicolas Trainerbees has become a viral sensation after posting a video which allegedly shows his bees feasting on marijuana flowers.
Nicolas has reportedly spent several years trying to combine his love of weed and beekeeping, eventually happening on the idea of letting an insect army loose on his cannabis plants.
The beekeeper has almost 10,000 followers on Facebook, while a video of his stoner bees has been viewed more than 9 million times.
Although some people have cast doubt on the claims, experts told us it was plausible that bees could create "intoxicating" honey.While any humans who ate the honey would end up buzzing, the bees are unable to enjoy the effects of the drug, the Frenchman has been quoted as saying.
"The bees that produce the canna-honey are not affected by cannabinoids because they do not have an endocannabinoid system," the beekeeper told a cannabis news site.
Nicolas has worked very hard to teach his bees to make sweet stuff which most working people would NOT want to spread on their toast in the morning.
“I have trained bees to do several things, such as collect sugar from fruits, instead of using flowers," he added.
"The aim arose for me to get the bees to obtain this resin."
To produce the "canna-honey", he claimed the bees harvest the weed resin and then bring it back to the hive, where it's processed as it was normal nectar.
P.S. There is just one problem - if you want to bring a bottle of honey to your native country, there would be a lot of interest from the police at the airport.