Kicharee + Yogi Bean Stew Ush6500 0770831657/0788433690
Kicharee + Yogi Bean Stew
Kicharee + Yogi Bean Stew Ush6500 0770831657/0788433690
Kicharee + Yogi Bean Stew
Kicharee + Yogi Bean Stew
Vegeterian Kicharee + Yogi Bean Stew and Kitchari Ush6500 0770831657/0788433690
Kicheree + Yogi Bean Stew and Kitchari
"I love this Kicharee fast which is incredibly balancing and effective, very easy on the whole digestive system and a safe way to restore your health."
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Yogi Bean Stew
Plant foods contain dramatically higher amounts of antioxidants, fiber and vitamins; when we eat we are unified with the environment and each other. I often wonder how many people have been involved in planting seeds to harvest, to food on my plate. I am looking for gratitude to those people and I am now consuming the mighty Sun for providing the energy for the seeds to grow and the energy to which I am now consuming. Our food produces energy that drives our body, but we also think of our thoughts and emotions, which in our lives may be a little less passionate. By eating well and the right foods we can pick ourselves up and be enthusiastic and full of vitality again.
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"Kitchari is an Indian dish, meaning mixture, normally of two grains. In ayurveda terms kitchari is used to balance the three doshas, Vata, Pita and Kapha and bring harmony back to the body. It is easy to digest and detoxifies the system, resting the digestive track from having to process different foods. Its like a soupy porridge using basmati rice and mung beans, spiced with ginger, cardamom, coconut and other things, actually there are quite a few variations of this warming hearty meal so you can play with your recipe and see what suits you best. Certainly when I eat kitchari I can feel the nourishment and the balancing effect on my system, it allows time for the body to restore itself and for healing. For me it is grounding, calming and warming food. Sounds good hey! The digestive system can be weekend by poor food combinations, so by eating this we are giving that system a well-disserved rest and providing essential amino acids an
Kiposhoro. Healthy, Tasty.
In the Garden, we plant original, non~GMO, organic vegetables . You can get to buy the greens raw, but there's more.
We have with us powerful recipes like Kicharee and Yogi Bean Stew that we got from our teachers, and we will be catering the food soon.