Superhero cake for my Grand-Nephew. And a hidden villain in the back😂 #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp
Hear that crunch! 😋 one of the few items in my neighbors’ gift baskets. My local style crack mix. Only because it’s so addicting😂 #fyp #chexmix #yummy
Vanilla butter cake filled with guava cheesecake mousse, frosted with SMBC and solid chocolate “16”. #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp
Tonga Day, November 9th!
1 dozen red velvet cupcakes stuffed with vanilla cheesecake mousse, 1 dozen strawberry cupcakes stuffed with puréed strawberries+cheesecake mousse, 2 dozen chocolate butter cupcakes stuffed with Oreo mousse, all frosted with SMBC and edible images or flowers. #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp #tonga #tongaday
Baby Shower order. Chocolate butter cake with Chantilly mousse filling and SMBC frosting with edible images. Congratulations Kerwin and Tu on your baby girl 💕 #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp #babyshower
A “Half-Cake” for a Happy Half-Year Birthday for my grand-nephew Konnor💕 the topper is going to be added at their house later.
One piece birthday cake. Good thing my daughter Cat loves that show and told me about the purple fruit😊 chocolate butter cake, filled with vanilla cheesecake mousse and frosted with SMBC. Airbrushed and edible glitter dust, topped with edible images and solid chocolate numbers. #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp #onepiece
The customer who ordered this and the beautiful lady receiving this had to be sisters in their previous lives.🥰 they are both amazing women and dedicated customers. Top tier is a strawberry cake with fresh strawberries+cheesecake mousse filling, bottom tier is red velvet with cheesecake mousse filling, frosted with SMBC. Decorated with edible glitter, edible gold paint, and fresh flowers. Love you ladies and thank you for making me a part of your special day! #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp
360 video of the LV Purse Cake. #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp #lvcake
Dragon ball Z themed cake with edible images. Chocolate cake with Nutella mousse+ crushed Oreos filling and SMBC frosting. Happy Birthday to my nephew Jordan! #cupcakes #yummy #desserts #hawaii #fondant #weddingcake #birthday #buttercream #cake #fyp