I meant to post this the other day, but I was absolutely dead from being at Retrogamecon on Sunday. It truly was the con of lines, but I knew that going in. All I wanted was the main cast's autographs. I ended up with 3- plus Shadowhearts girlfriend who was not only a developer but voiced the NPC Corrina in the game.
Neil's line was a total lost cause, between hearing stories of a 7.5 hour wait on Saturday to the line being capped at 11:06 am on Sunday... the con had ended and someone took a video of people still waiting in line for Neil...and I'm sure some people waiting didnt even make it to see him.
I'm reasonably upset about it, like the time that i missed Bryce when his line was capped and hour before the signing began. I don't know if there could have been a better system to get through everyone- he already wasn't doing selfies at the table to try to get through more people which I'm sure helped. But how incredibly insane that the line was capped all day Sunday- even if I had gone Saturday as well, the chances of getting to meet him were slim to none.
Hopefully I can catch him at another con- but being from across the pond i have many doubts that he'll ever attend another con that i go to...
BUT i am happy I have the group photo, which i was fortunate enough to be able to afford and stand next to him. And I'm grateful I was able to meet the other three of the main cast that were present. All in all, I had a great time at the con and can't wait to see what guests they announce for next year ♡
# -generation