Two Cranes International Music Festival

Two Cranes International Music Festival The two weeks event will include: Master Classes/ piano, violin, cello/ private lessons/ chamber music/ music theory/ Western European music8-3-15

International Young Musician and Concerto Competition, study with world renown Piano, Violin, Viola, cello and vocal professors, students age 8 and above. Limited scholarships are available.

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Shrabanti Basu, May Cabundocan, Jamirddin Sekh, Maricar Ha...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Shrabanti Basu, May Cabundocan, Jamirddin Sekh, Maricar Hasan Reyes

Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Shrabanti Basu, May Cabundocan, Jamirddin Sekh, Maricar H...

Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Shrabanti Basu, May Cabundocan, Jamirddin Sekh, Maricar Hasan Reyes

Come and enjoy CSULB String Quartet Chamber Recital at California State University Long Beach, Daniel Hall  on December ...

Come and enjoy CSULB String Quartet Chamber Recital at California State University Long Beach, Daniel Hall on December 4 at 730 p.m.
Let’s support these young talented Strings musicians. Our alumni- Theodore Hom.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Congratulations to Juliana Ren for performing Rachmaninoff so beautifully at Weill Recital, Carnegie Hall. I’llShe won a...

Congratulations to Juliana Ren for performing Rachmaninoff so beautifully at Weill Recital, Carnegie Hall. I’ll
She won as 1st Place for American Fine Arts Music Festival. Job well done.

The American dream originates from opportunity, rooted in our core principles and values protected by the Constitution. ...

The American dream originates from opportunity, rooted in our core principles and values protected by the Constitution. It envisions a land where life is better and fuller for everyone, with opportunities based on ability and achievement. I am grateful for this beautiful country, where my American Dream has been realized through "A Musical Journey from East to West." I appreciate the opportunity to perform my own composition "Silk Road on an Original Theme and Variations" at Weill Recital, Carnegie Hall. 2025. Thank you so much to mentors, colleagues, students and especially my beloved parents for their dedication and unselfish support.
Two Cranes International Music Festival
Acevedo Music & Art Education Foundation
Carnegie Hall
A musical Journey from East to West
Progressive Musicians

Dear friend: 黃煐媖分享她的新作品絲路變奏鋼琴曲多謝柯釆秀的插畫Recording engineer: Wala RizaSilk Road on an original theme & Variations by Yin Yi...

Dear friend:
Recording engineer: Wala Riza

Silk Road on an original theme & Variations by Yin Yin Huang
You are welcome to share it.

Silk Road on an Original Theme & variations Composed by Yin Yin Huang黃煐媖作曲/首演Dedication - Nat NehdarThemeVariation 1. Silk Roads ...

Looking forward to hearing all the fabulous artists- Arpy AintabIian, Shelly Ren, Ruslan Biryukov, Aaron Liu, Tara Alexa...

Looking forward to hearing all the fabulous artists- Arpy AintabIian, Shelly Ren, Ruslan Biryukov, Aaron Liu, Tara Alexander, Cedric Berry, Jennifer Jo, Dr. Hui Wu, John Hallberg Unity Through Music and Education Unity Through Music and Education.

It’s an honor to present Dr. Hui Wu to Unity Through Music and Education吴蕙,旅美钢琴博士。《美国纽约时报》称赞“吴蕙出色的钢琴独奏带来火花般闪耀的效果”。《美国古典音...

It’s an honor to present Dr. Hui Wu to Unity Through Music and Education


爱乐乐团迪士尼音乐厅新作品首演,与克里斯托弗·兰奇(Christopher Rountree) 和
洛杉矶现代音乐乐团 wild Up 合作; 与维也纳爱乐乐团小提琴家首席 Rainer Honeck,
柏林爱乐乐团圆号首席 Stefan Dohr及Sarah Willis,以及纽约大都会歌剧乐团长笛首席 Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson 分别合作演出。吴蕙的独奏会被纽约时报古典音乐电台 FM 93.6(WQXR)和加州古典音乐电台 FM 91.5(KUSC)现场直播。著名音乐评论家大卫·杜巴尔高度赞赏她

极推广近代音乐及热衷于作曲。吴蕙受邀参加国际Primrose中提琴音乐节,Carlsbad 音乐节,Yellow Barn室内乐音乐节,Music Academy of the West音乐节, Taos音乐节, 北京国际音乐节,德国 Goslar 音乐周及其他国内外音乐节。她在世界各地首演了无数当代著名作曲家的作品,其中最值得一提的有普利策奖获得者杜韵的《Vicissitudes III》,洛杉矶歌剧院指挥Matthew Aucoin的《Merill Songs》(美国西部首演), 美国布朗大学作曲家Eric Nathan 为她而作的《对话》,及《Three by Three》(中国首演),加州大学洛杉矶分校作曲家Paul Chihara 的《Bagatelles》, 黄若的《无风之树》,Elliott Schwartz 的第三协奏曲 (纽约首演)及为吴蕙而作的《Mirrors and Branches》。她在林肯中心的超越机器音乐节中成功演出 Nick Didkovsky 写给钢琴和计算机作品《Zero Waste》。今年8月,美国现代芭蕾舞团 (Raiford Rogers Modern Ballet) 将上演由吴蕙监制录音的Philip Glass作品Glassworks。 另外,她自己作品曾被茱莉亚舞蹈系和管弦乐队演出。吴蕙是美国洛杉矶室内乐组合 ensemble demitasse 和 英-美 Foiros Duo的创始人, 她致力于与新一代音乐家一起打破新旧音乐的界限,用多元化的形式去演绎传统与新生的音乐。吴蕙更结合当代/古典音乐的二元性,首次以编导身份与画家李笑桐合作创作现代多媒体音乐会 “孤独之旅“,并在美国南加州大学中成功上演。

她出生自广州,四岁开始学习钢琴,师从赵自玲、熊道儿教授。2000年考入星海音乐学院附中,师从留德青年钢琴家冼劲松教授及乌克兰钢琴教育家波波娃教授。2006年以全额奖学金赴纽约茱莉亚音乐学院就读,师从罗温索(Jerome Lowenthal)教授及马蒂·拉卡里奥(Matti Raekallio)教授。她分别于 2010年和2012年获得获得茱莉亚音乐学院钢琴演奏学士及硕士学位。此后吴蕙继续在美国南加州大学桑顿音乐学院深造,师从斯图尔特·戈登(Steward Gordon)教授及唐纳德·克罗克特(Donald Crockett)教授,于2016年获得钢琴演奏与音乐艺术博士学位。吴蕙曾在多个国内外钢琴比赛中获奖, 如东京Ryoichi Sasakawa青年领袖奖,美国Beverly Hills National Auditions优胜者,纽约肖邦国际钢琴比赛第一名,德州国际青年艺术家协奏曲比赛第三名,德国第八届埃特林根国际钢琴比赛第四名,美国迈阿密马瑞。卓诺夫国际双钢琴比赛第一名,全国青年钢琴比赛第二名,北京第十届“星海杯”全国比赛第一名等。

吴蕙现定居于洛杉矶。她近年开始活跃在美国的全国音乐比赛中担任评审。她今年起在美国音乐家协会(MTNA)-加州专业音乐老师协会(California Association of Professional Music Teachers)担任南加州音乐节主席 (South Festival Chair)。吴蕙现任教于美国柯爾本音乐学院(The Colburn School),加州路德大学(California Lutheran University)和墨尔帕克学院(Moorpark College)。她并在洛杉矶青少年室内乐艺术机构(Junior Chamber Music)担任室内乐音乐指导。她最近获得由美国范杜拉市学院区颁发的最佳教授奖,奖励她在加州教学体系中对钢琴远程教育的设计与推广所作出的贡献。
Few tickets left, please contact Concert producer : Nat Nehdar (626)437-1354
[email protected]

We are delighted to present a fabulous cellist - Ruslan Biryukov at Unity Through Music and Education"An astonishing you...

We are delighted to present a fabulous cellist - Ruslan Biryukov at Unity Through Music and Education
"An astonishing young cellist Ruslan Biryukov. The audience gave the concert a standing ovation.
If the first concert is any consideration, I would get my tickets early!" - Wendy Kikkert, Beverly Hills Outlook
"To say the performance was incredible would not do it justice." - Jose Ruiz, Review Plays
" ...musicality and technique that immediately commanded the attention of the listener, playing with great nervous intensity one moment and melting lyricism the next. There was no challenge too great for RusLan. His interpretation was nothing short of stunning..."
- Ted Ayala, Crescenta Valley Weekly

"Ruslan is an extraordinary; one of a kind performer. He has everything: technique, virtuosity, personality, communication, attractive and articulate presence, a great human story and background!" "He will be a big WINNER!" - Peter Mark, Artistic Director, Virginia Opera

"Ruslan is a charismatic performer who brings the audiences to their feet. His artistry is both sensitive and passionate and his technical command of the instrument is stunning." - Eleonore Schoenfeld, Piatigorsky Chair, USC Thornton School of Music

Temecula Valley Symphony Principal Cellist and Artist in Residence, founder of the Glendale Philharmonic Orchestra and Los Angeles Cello Quartet, and Artistic Director of Positive Motions Concert Series in San Diego, Cellist Ruslan Biryukov is known for his "superb artistry, passion and individuality." Biryukov represents a new generation of creative professional musicians whose artistic level is recognized not only by awards, but also by a world-wide audiences. Ruslan was the only cellist ever to be invited to perform solo recitals for 10 consecutive years at the Sundays Live Concert Series in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art - the longest running live radio broadcast concert series in the United States . Biryukov is also the only Russian cellist to be invited to solo with orchestra during the inaugural season of the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall in Orange County. Recent appearances by Biryukov include Dvorak cello concerto performances with the Redlands Bowl Symphony and Marina Del Rey Symphony (Summer Series), Glendale Philharmonic (“Bestemming” Cello Concerto by Sharon Farber, World Premiere) and San Bernardino Symphony in Los Angeles. His chamber music accolades include performances with world-renowned violinist Midori at the Disney Hall in Los Angeles, cellist Kirill Rodin at the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory, and members of the Ysaye Quartet.

Mr. Biryukov has been a master teacher in music festivals across Europe and Russia. He has held teaching positions at the Ippolitov-Ivanov State Institute of Music (Moscow), the Music Academy (Lovran, Croatia) and California Institute of Music. His creative artistic ideas are based upon the traditions he learned from esteemed artists Elena Zenchenko, Yuri Abdullayev, Nazmiya Abbaszadeh, Vladimir Anshelevich, Kirill Rodin, Mstislav Rostropovich, Daniil Shafran, Natalia Gutman, Janos Starker, Steven Isserlis, and Eleonore Schoenfeld. Within over quarter century of his teaching career, his students won over 300 prizes at various competitions worldwide, including the International Youth Tchaikovsky Competition (Nathan Le), Stulberg International String Competition, Music Teachers Association of California Competitions, American String Teachers Association competitions, etc. etc. His students performed solo with major orchestras worldwide including San Diego Symphony, Redlands Bowl Symphony, La Jolla Symphony, Torrance Symphony, Culver City Symphony, New West Symphony, Armenian State Orchestra, Moscow State Philharmonic, etc. A number of graduates of “Ruslan Conservatory” enjoy professional music performing and teaching carriers in United States, Russia and Europe.

In 2012 LA Talk Live Radio Station invited Ruslan to host a talk show “The Cool Classics” in collaboration with Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Culver City Symphony Maestro Frank Fetta. The Cool Classics project evolved into a full production company specializing in music videos and films based in Los Angeles.

RusLan was born in Baku, Azerbaijan and received his formal music education at the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory in Russia (Master of Music, M.A.), and the USC Thornton School of Music in United States (Artist Diploma and Graduate Certificate). He first earned international recognition by winning major awards in Azerbaijan and by the inclusion of his name in the Golden Book of Russia's international program "New Names". Biryukov has gone on to win numerous other awards worldwide, including the Grand Prize at the 17th Mu Phi Epsilon International Competition.

Big announcement from Unity Through Music and Education :  Flutist- Jennifer Jo will be featured on September 14 concert...

Big announcement from Unity Through Music and Education : Flutist- Jennifer Jo will be featured on September 14 concert.

Jennifer Jo is a Doctorate of Musical Arts Candidate in Flute Performance at UCLA, where she serves as the Teaching Assistant for the Woodwind Chamber Music course. Jennifer is a Haynes Young Artist and plays on a custom 14k gold Haynes flute. She has recently served on the faculty at the California Institute of the Arts CSSSA program and maintains an active private studio in LA.

As an active orchestral and chamber musician, Jennifer has performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Walt Disney Hall and the Hollywood Bowl under the direction of Gustavo Dudamel. Jennifer holds the Piccolo Fellow Chair with the American Youth Symphony, a fellowship orchestra based in LA.

Jennifer won 1st Prizes in the 2021 Southern California Philharmonic Concerto Competition, the 2019 San Francisco Flute Society Competition, 2019 South Carolina Flute Society Competition, 2020 Sacramento Flute Club Competition, and the 2016-17 Carnegie Mellon University School of Music Concerto Competition. She has also won top prizes in the 2022 Berkeley Piano Club Winds and Brass Competition, 2021 Florida Flute Association Young Artist Comp, 2021 New Jersey Flute Society Young Artist Comp, 2016 Yamaha Young Performing Artists Comp, and the 2016 National YoungArts Competition.

Jennifer has performed in festivals at the John F. Kennedy Center, Festival Napa Valley Blackburn, Tanglewood Seiji Ozawa Hall, as well as festivals abroad in Switzerland, France, Norway, and Canada. She has also performed with the New York Flutists in Manhattan and is a substitute flutist with the New World Symphony.

Jennifer received her Master's of Music degree at UCLA studying with Denis Bouriakov (LA Phil, Principal Flutist). Since 2020, she served as the flute instructor at the Hollywood Boys and Girls Club through the UCLA Music Partnership Program, which she also helped manage. Jennifer received her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree in Flute Performance and a minor in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University, where she studied with Alberto Almarza and additionally, Jeanne Baxtresser (New York Phil, Former Principal Flutist). She graduated with both University and College Honors and was awarded the Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honors Award upon graduation.

For tickets, please check out the website


The Haslemere International String Competition is open. £1500 first prize and a concerto with London Mozart Players

We are proudly introduce and present  one of young rising atars: Unity Through Music and EducationViolinist: Aaron Liu, ...

We are proudly introduce and present one of young rising atars: Unity Through Music and Education
Violinist: Aaron Liu, 15 years old, has been playing the violin since age 4. Currently, Aaron studies with teachers Yuki Mori and Min Jung Park, students of the legendary violinist Jascha Heifetz, and graduates of the Juilliard School.
Aaron has won numerous top prizes at various competitions. He won the Young STARS of the Future competition, 1st prize at the Cecilia International Competition in Tokyo, Japan, 1st Place in the Concerto Competition of California Association of Professional Music Teachers (CAPMT) Orange County, 1st place in American String Teachers Association (ASTA) Southern California Finals, 1st Place at the Musical Arts Competition of Orange County (MACOC) Stings Division, Grand Prize at Southwestern Youth Music Festival (SYMF) Stings Division, 1st Place at the American Protégé International Concerto Competition, and Grand Prize at Satori Summer Music Festival Strings Contest. Aaron has been actively participating in chamber music and has won 1st place in the 2023 and 2024 JCM Chamber Music Competition and 1st place in the 2024 VOCE State Finals. Aaron has collaborated with the South Coast Symphony, the Orchestra Collective of Orange County, the Southern California Philharmonic, and the Bellflower Symphony Orchestra.
Apart from music, Aaron enjoys photography, sports, and spending time with his family and cats.

Aaron will perform Carmen Fantasy by Franz Waxman on the violin

We are pleased to present one of concert artists- CEDRIC BERRY Bass/Baritone on Unity Through Music and Education concer...

We are pleased to present one of concert artists- CEDRIC BERRY
Bass/Baritone on Unity Through Music and Education concert on September 14, 2024
CEDRIC BERRY, bass-baritone, received his music diploma from Interlochen Arts Academy, and both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Southern California. He gained his first professional experience as a Resident Artist with Los Angeles Opera, performing the roles of Fiorello in The Barber of Seville, Schaunard in La Boheme, Second Philistine in Samson et Dalila, Wagner in Faust, Crébillon in La Rondine, and First Mate in Billy Budd. Other roles include the title role in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Collatinus in Britten's The R**e of Lucretia, Falstaff in Nicolai's Merry Wives of Windsor, and Sarastro in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte all with USC Opera, Méphistophélès in Gounod’s Faust with Pacific Repertory Opera, Leporello in Mozart’s Don Giovanni with UCLA Opera, Dewaine in John Adams’ I Was Looking at the Ceiling and Then I Saw the Sky with Long Beach Opera, and The Good Man in Anne LeBaron’s Crescent City with The Industry. Cedric made his first European stage appearances as Jake in a concert version of Gershwin's Porgy and Bess in Madrid, and Cuenca, Spain. He also appeared with Los Angeles Opera at the Savonlinna Opera Festival singing the role of First Nazarene in Salome, and sang a concert in tribute to Paul Robeson for the Banlieues Bleues festival in Paris, France.
On the concert stage he has appeared with Bakersfield Symphony, Fresno Philharmonic and Santa Fe Symphony in Handel’s Messiah, Pacific Symphony in Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor, Arizona Symphony as Balthazar in Amahl and the Night Visitors, the Telemann Chamber Orchestra in a performance of Handel’s Messiah in Tokyo, Japan and of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in Osaka, Japan, the Luckman Jazz Orchestra singing Duke Ellington’s Scared Songs, the New West Symphony as Zuniga in Carmen, the Southwest Chamber Orchestra in Wuorinen’s The Haroun Songbook, the Pasadena Pops Orchestra in Jerome Kern’s Showboat Symphonic Suite, the California Philharmonic in Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess Concert Suite, and the Los Angeles Philharmonic in Michael Torke’s Book of Proverbs. He has been the recipient of several awards including first place in LA’s Artist of the Future Competition, the Italian Educator’s Vocal Competition, and the Metropolitan Opera Western Region Competition. Recent Los Angeles engagements include the lead role of Kublai Khan in Invisible Cities, an opera which was a 2014 Pulitzer Prize Finalist. The production was listed as “Best of 2013” by the Los Angeles Times. The documentary of the production received and Emmy Award, and a CD was recorded and released in Nov. 2014.

Unity concert on September 14, 7:30 PM, 2024Featuring artist : Dr Hui WuPraised as “sparkling” by The New York Times, pi...

Unity concert on September 14, 7:30 PM, 2024
Featuring artist : Dr Hui Wu
Praised as “sparkling” by The New York Times, pianist Hui Wu has continued to display her versatility in a creative approach to programming which stems from a contemporary/classical music duality. Recent performance highlights include World Premiere of Etudes and Glassworks with Raiford Rogers Modern Ballet, in addition to chamber music engagements with Martin Chalifour, Rainer Honeck, Stefan Dohr and Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson. She has also appeared as a soloist with the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Salzburg Philharmonics, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, New Juilliard Ensemble, Moorpark Symphony, and the Xiamen Symphony Orchestra. Hui studied at The Juilliard School for her Bachelor and Master’s degrees. She has also completed the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at USC Thornton School of Music. Currently, Hui serves as faculty at The Colburn School, Moorpark College, and Cal Lutheran University.
Unity Through Music and Education

請幫忙尋找15才的Alison Chao 於星期一16日失蹤.

請幫忙尋找15才的Alison Chao 於星期一16日失蹤.

Have you seen her? According to her mother, Alison Jillian Chao was headed to her aunt's home on her bike but never arrived.’s hard to say goodbye to my second generation students Benjamin and A...

It’s hard to say goodbye to my second generation students Benjamin and Avery Tseng. Watching them grow up musically and mature. So impressed about their parents - Jean Lee Tseng and Dr. Conrad Tseng for raising such remarkable children. May God bless their bright future.


501 N. Hidalgo Avenue
Alhambra, CA


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