Our Story
A gathering place. That was the main idea, Gary, Steve and Brian Streadbeck had for the Alpine Art Center when they started drafting the plans for its construction in 1996. Birthday parties, weddings, high school dances, class reunions, corporate dinners, and meetings have filled the halls of the center and its gardens over the last 20 years since its opening.
In these two decades, the Alpine Center has faced two major expansions, which included the embellishment of our gardens. A beautiful waterfall, an eye-catching gazebo, a Mediterranean feel pergola, tree-covered pathways, light features, and a sculpture park are now part of our gardens. Today, we are facing a third major upgrade, adapting to the taste and styles of the new decade, with new interior designs in our main hall and a remodeled bridal room.
The original idea for the venue included classrooms, art gallery, and event space to host art shows, but those plans expanded when a local community leader told the Streadbeck’s that the city of Alpine could really benefit from a much-needed reception center for weddings and other events. A place of gathering to celebrate together.
An art show during Alpine Days was the first event we at the Alpine Art Center held when we opened our doors to the public in August of 1998. The month after that came the first wedding celebration, one of the thousands which we have seen since.
The key to our success is clear: we have become an asset not only for the city of Alpine but for all the communities around it. On any given day you will find people visiting the gallery, the sculpture park or the gardens, with the majesty of the mountains as a backdrop.
It is this atmosphere and the ability to make you feel the center of something bigger which makes us the perfect place for any of your life celebrations. It is this uniqueness what makes the Alpine Art Center stand out among the numerous event venues which have opened -and closed- since 1998.
And it is this same passion, after twenty years of serving the community, that have us continuing the goal the Streadbeck's set more than 20 years ago: provide the people of Alpine and its surrounding communities a venue to celebrate life, to promote beautiful art, and to enjoy nature. A gathering place.