Haven Foods aims to provide excellent home-delivered, gluten-free, paleo meals, wonderful service, and a world class experience at a reasonable price. We exist for people who are too busy to cook, but who desire a home cooked meal anyway. Haven uses locally sourced organic meats and produce. Haven will be a certified gluten free kitchen in the Pioneer Valley to service those with dietary restricti
ons and others who chose a low or no gluten diet. Haven specializes in paleo meals to cater to those who chose a healthy, organic lifestyle. Haven is an upscale food delivery and banquet facility dedicated to giving people excellent food at an affordable cost. Our mission is to have everyone eat a healthy, organic, home cooked meal, everyday. Gluten Free has become a food trend in America today, and it shows no signs of stopping. For people with celiac disease, chrons disease, fibromyalgia, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis, among other aliments, gluten can be poison, exacerbating symptoms and causing real health risks. Over 3 million people in the US have celiac disease alone, though this number is thought to be smaller than the reality of the disease. (In many European countries, celiac disease is diagnoses in as many as twenty five percent of the population.) Many of these people fear eating out because of accidentally ingesting gluten. The Pioneer Valley is ripe for a certified gluten-free eatery. There are many places offering gluten free options, but the reality of the kitchen is that gluten-free option and gluten-free kitchens are two completely different things. Risks like cross contamination from pots, pans, and hands abound for those sensitive to gluten. By being fully gluten free we negate those risks. Gluten-free doesn't mean it has to be restrictive. Paleo and Primal diets (grain and legume free) are taking the nation by storm. Many people have seen the health benefits of eating a grain free diet. We will partner with local organic farms to get the ripest best produce for our clients.