⭐️🎄 Join us this Sunday! 🎄⭐️
The countdown continues with only four days to go - Stop by the children’s musical stage for a magnificent show…
Our youngest performers have been practicing for their time to shine - they will capture your hearts and you’ll have a great time!  
Follow our countdown to the 28th Annual Nutcracker Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Village in Downtown Anaheim - We are sharing a few event highlights and look forward to having you join us Saturday, December 3rd, 2022!
*Remember to bring your cell phone or camera to take pictures with Santa & Mrs. Claus. It’s a wonderful opportunity for you to snap event highlights and memories!
#nutcracker #treelighting #holidayshopping #kickofftochristmas #itschristmastimeinthecity #AnaheimBallet #entertainment #AUSD #choir #songs #performances #contests #dogcostumecontest #gingerbreadhousedecoratingcontest #free #familyfun #activities #crafts #trainrides #photoopportunities #visitfromthenorthpole #santa #mrsclaus #gingerbread #everythingsweet #anaheim #ThisIsAnaheim #ourcommunity #annualtradition #alwaysbettercelebratingtogether
The 10 day countdown is on… Are you ready? Here we go - Setting the atmosphere for a fun filled day with the spectacular tree all a glow!
Follow our countdown to the 28th Annual Nutcracker Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Village in Downtown Anaheim - We look forward to sharing event highlights and having you join us Saturday, December 3rd, 2022!
#nutcracker #treelighting #holidayshopping #kickofftochristmas #itschristmastimeinthecity #entertainment #contests #free #familyfun #activities #crafts #trainrides #photoopportunities #visitfromthenorthpole #santa #mrsclaus #gingerbread #everythingsweet #anaheim #ThisIsAnaheim #ourcommunity #annualtradition #alwaysbettercelebratingtogether
Excited to share who we spotted today… They couldn’t stay long, and headed back to the North Pole right away. With everything in order for the big event here… They went home to check on the elves and feed the reindeer. Not to worry, soon they’ll be back in town… They left this special message for our 3 day countdown! 🎄🎅🤶🎄
#Anaheim #Annual #Nutcracker #Christmas #Treelighting #Free #FamilyFun #Entertainment #Activities #Trainrides #visitfromthenorthpole #Santa #MrsClaus #PhotowithSanta #dogcostumecontest #holidayshoopingvillage #food #community #celebration #SeanOliu #AUHSD #CombinedChoir #AnaheimBallet #magical #tradions #downtownanaheim #anaheimcommunityservices #ourcommunity #thisisanaheim #alwaysbettertogether 🎅🎄🤶
Feel the love of the season wherever you are... Let heavenly music fill the air... Let there be love that lasts through the year...and let it be Christmas every where! A lovely reminder Sean Oliu
Until next year, keep the magic of Christmas in your heart! ❤️
Thank you for joining us at the 25th Annual Nutcracker Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Village in Downtown Anaheim
Join us TODAY at the 23rd Annual Nutcracker Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Shopping Village... See you there🎄