Hello Everyone unfortunately I never have had the chance to finish setting up my dream business D.D. Photography! A year ago in October 2 of my children were diagnosed with disorders that have required and happily taken my attention to them full time. I just logged onto my Facebook for the first time in almost a year and noticed someone has obviously hacked my Facebook accounts and set up a working Whatsapp account! They may have also been using it, in someway for what I was trying to build this photography business. My dream of Deserai Dahlgren photography had to be put on hold because my children's health and mental health come first!!!!!! Unfortunately just discovering this Whatsapp that was linked to my 3 Facebook accounts that was setup God knows when in the last year may have been used to reach out to my friends and followers or to unknowns Facebook accounts. I apologize if you were contacted by an imposter or hacker of my Facebook accounts. This is very unfortunate for me as well as many others online social networking these days. This occurrence happens far to much. Please do not respond to any calls or contacts from Whatsapp number 907-201-9777 or any other contacts claiming to be me! It is not me! Has not been me if has already happened and please help me by sending me copies of any attempts to reach you with my name or my D.D. photography page, Dahl Fam or Deserai Dahlgren. Thank you and once again I apologize deeply for any confusion. I have already filed a police report with my local police department for hacking my devices through what I believe is my WiFi modem or IP address and will be adding this illegally created Whatsapp account that was created to the report. I did as google suggested downloaded the app just 3 days ago and taken over the access to this account so no one has access other than myself and am also trying to figure out how to cancel it. Once again block any Whatsapp contact attempts from any of the 3 accounts listed here also from any phone numbers that are saying they are me or the 3 listed accounts and report it to Facebook as well as send me the proof how ever possible for you. Thank you everyone and have a blessed night. Wishing you all Happy Holidays! Lots of love Deserai D.