Audio courtesy of @lorenapages via Instagram!
What would be my biggest recommendation for someone who wants to begin gardening or maybe try a new gardening technique/fruit/vegetable/etc? Here it is; it’s quite simple… If you feel inspired, just start! Here’s a video of one of my inspirations to begin my flower farming journey, the Zinnias around the base of my dad’s flag pole… It’s a simple inspiration, but to me it means a lot!
I hope our farm inspires you in some way!
💚🌼Janice Butler (Founder of Brigitte’s Blossoms)
What are we working on here?!
***Hint: The Wichita area does not have one...yet... At least that we know of! Ha!
Post your guesses in the comments below!
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Ghost Outfit 👻
My ghost outfit will be extremely stylish! 😜
Our absence this week on social media was due to water or rather, the absence of water…
Our farm uses well water and at the beginning of this week, the water trickled out and ultimately stopped…
This wasn’t the best news for our seedlings… some didn’t survive this drought…
But good news! Our well isn’t empty!! We once again have water! We’d explain to you what happened, but honestly, it’s a bit over our heads… we are not plumbers… ha!
This unforeseen water outage will unfortunately be linked to a flower shortage from our farm, at least until mid/end June…
We are not giving up on the 2022 growing season, it’s just not as long as we had hoped it would be!
Here’s to you, 2022!!!
#ictnewyears #ictentrepreneurs #ictsmallbusiness #ksfarm #ksfarmlife #wichitakansas #ictwichita #ictflowers #ictflowerfarm #flowerfarmer #flowerfarm #newyear2022 #wichitalife #wichitalifeict #ictfarmers #wichitaks #kansas #ksflowers #ictevents #ictwedding #ictweddings
Lesson of the day…. Plan Ahead & STICK WITH YOUR PLAN! 🤪🤣🙃
#tryingnewthings #alwayslearningalwaysgrowing #landscapingideas #venuelandscape #wichitavenues #ictvenue #ictweddings #ictwichita #shopict #ictrocks #ictflowers #ictlandscaping #kslandscaping #sedgwickcounty #movinggravel #rockgarden #ksweddingvenue #countrylandscaping #ictyard #ictbusiness #ictsmallbusiness #ictshopping #ictcreatives #ictevents #ictartist #ictevents #ictentrepreneurs #ictbusinessowner #landscapedesigns #landscapedesigner #rocklandscaping
What is the location of my landscape project⁉️
Any guesses?!
#localsupportinglocal #localvenue #weddingvenues #greenspace #droughttolerant #droughttolerantlandscape #droughttolerantplants #sedgwickcounty #kswedding #ictvenues #ictweddings #ictwichita #ictshopsmall #wichitaareaevents #ictmoments #ruralwedding #ruralvenue #countrywedding #kscountryweddings #ksgarden #wichitakansas #wichitaks #wichitalife #wichitalife #wichitawesome #helloict #rockgarden #wichitarealestate #outdoorspace #rockgardens #rocklandscaping
@dripworksusa you MADE my day!!! I can’t wait to install my drip irrigation system this week...once the random Kansas winter weather has subsided (🙄)!
#dripirrigation #dripirrigationsystem #wateringplants #wateringflowers #waterefficiency #alwayslearningalwaysgrowing #watchmegrow #greenthumbintraining #greenthumb #prepwork #flowerprep #flowerfarm #ksfarm #cutflowerfarm #cutflowerfarmer #growingflowers #growingflowersfromseed #cutflowers #ksfarmlife #ksfarmers #butlercounty #sedgwickcounty #andoverks #readyforspring #readyforflowers #readyforwarmweather #itsthelittlethingsinlife #blessedandgrateful #lovemyflowers #lovemyfarm
Please don’t be jealous of my new shades! 🤪🙃🤷🏻♀️
#stylishshades #mowing #butlercounty #flowerfarm #flowerfarmer #flowerfarming #flowerfarmers #flowerfarmerflorist #flowerfarminglife #flowerfarmers #wichitaks #andoverks #rosehillks #cutflowers #cutflowerfarm #cutflowerfarmer #femalefarmer #kansaslife #kansasfarm #ksfarm #homegrownflowers #myksfarmlife #alwayslearningalwaysgrowing #grownfromseed #watchmegrow #greenthumbwannabe #greenthumbintraining #greenthumb #prepwork #flowerprep