Once Upon a Magic Show, The Real-Life Tale of a Hometown Magician is the inspiring, funny, sometimes poignant story of how a self-styled “ordinary Joe” from Ann Arbor, Michigan grew up to become an accomplished “Magic Man,” who, for decades, brought joy and amazement to audiences of all ages. Daryl’s story provides insights and inspiration to those who connect to his entrepreneurial and artistic s
pirit, as well as those who aspire to follow his lead. A Hometown Magician may be an everyday liberal arts student, a magic hobbyist or even a semi-professional who seeks to perform primarily in their local community, for various occasions, and in a wide variety of settings and venues. Practical Entertainment refers to magic routines and other entertainment that can be performed in a variety of formal and informal venues without significant restrictions, giving professional results with simple props and minimal staging. Coaching by a qualified mentor goes beyond the beginner’s magic kit and the curious world of magic shops, books, and clubs to provide the kind of guidance, insight and encouragement missing in self-study. Daryl focuses on storytelling, playfulness, artistry, and education, the fundamentals of creating wonder that elevate magic as a performance art. Daryl Hurst Daryl is an Ann Arbor ‘townie’ and a 1975 Honors graduate from the University of Michigan in Speech Communication. Daryl’s 25 years as an entertainer, entrepreneur and educator, combined with his subsequent careers as a Certified Balloon Artist™ and non profit administrator, have given him a broad liberal arts background to leverage as he shares his unique story and coaches his studio patrons.