60 eager A-P 5th Graders ready to see my instrument demo! The look on their faces last week when I told them I retired two years before they were born = priceless 🤣 Several parents and a grandparent or two were former students in this group! Next up - small group tryouts next week!
In case you missed it, the 2024 Falcon Marching Band show was announced yesterday! It's going to be a great show! If you are interested in helping out with the logistics, set up, or design/construction of any props, reach out to Mr. Mahler!
Spoilers below
~Barbie World (Aqua)
~Choose Your Fighter (Ava Maxx)
~Radioactive (Imagine Dragons)
AP leading some post contest cheers!
AP 2021 State Marching Contest
AMAZING JOB AP! We nailed it with a score of 80.3, a strong Division I rating! I'm so proud of all your work this season, it is a rating well earned!
Falcon Matching Band at West Marshal 10/2
Another awesome competition in the books! First time from memory! I'm proud of all your hard work. One more week until state!
Congratulations to the Falcon Marching Band on earning first place in class 2A earning a score of 63.8. I believe that is the highest rating we have earned at this contest. Next week we travel to State Center, and then on October 9th we have state!
2020 Christmas Concert Teaser
A teaser of the high school band's performance
Danny Elfman, Music in the Dark
The band did an impromptu recording this morning. The audio and video quality is not the best, but you can see how the high school celebrates Halloween!
Enjoy some Danny Elfman music (This is Halloween, Finale from Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Spiderman) with guest conductor David S Pumpkins!
Meme of the week
Happy Meme Monday!*
Here is a meme Mr. Idler made! You can make one too and email your creation to your director. They might post it in the band room when we get back. :)
*This meme is not meant to shame anyone! If you still have your instrument in the band room, please email your director and we will schedule a time to let you pick it up - no judgement!