Hi guys!! Just checking in to say hello, and share this photo from last Spring’s crop of parrot tulips 😍. I am chomping at the bit for Spring to come, but have been very busy prepping, working side-hustles, enjoying family and friends during my off-season, getting things done I don’t have time to do during the growing season, and just enjoying life. I do have a few updates for whats to come, and what Ill be working on:
1. I will be digging dahlia tubers in the next few weeks, so once I have all those dug, washed, and divided, I will post them on my website store ❤️ its a big undertaking so please be patient.
2. I have lots of row cleanup and composting to do, on top of re-doing tons of irrigation lines so that I am ready for Spring when she pops.
3. Specialty daffodils, Persian Lily, anemone, and specialty tulips (parrot, double, french, etc) will be the first to pop once Spring hits.
4. I plan on trying to make it to ASHLAND Grower’s Market this year!!! Medford on Thursdays will be my main priority so that my Meddy peeps can have an easy weekly spot, BUT if time allows, I will be frequenting the Ashland Tuesday market as well! Yay!!
5. I will have at least one new retail spot in downtown Ashland where you can buy bouquets and arrangements this coming season!! Details to come as we get closer, but this will be very exciting for all of you guys who don’t want to drive out to the farm every weekend to get fresh-cut flowers 🤣… you can just walk into this very cute shop ❤️❤️
6. I am still booking weddings for the 2025 wedding season. May and June are pretty packed, but the rest of the season is fairly open, so feel free to reach out (might be able to swing more in May and June, depending on the day). Don’t even ask about the weeks surrounding Mother’s Day 🤣. It’s a sh*t-show lol!!
I hope you all are well, and I SO look forward to being your local flower-farmer/florist this year. Your support means the WORLD, especially in a time where small businesses and farms are disappearing at an alarming rate. I could not make this happen without all of you guys. So much love ❤️❤️❤️
The Wiz (Carly)