Thank you so much for a wonderful year! Here’s to 2025! Looking forward to a new year and new events! Now booking Weddings + Events for 2026!
Autumn Scenes at the Farm
It's so beautiful around here! 😊 Take a screenshot of your favorite Whittier photo to use as a new autumn background!
Stop by get your apples by the bushel, fresh-pressed cider, local syrup & honey, concord grapes, pumpkins, pies, and so much more! We're open every day 10am-5pm!
#applecider #freshpressed #freshpressedcider #fall #apples #applefarm #chautauqua #chautauquacounty #ashvilleny #ciderseason #cider #WhittierAppleFarm
Come see us today from 10am to 5pm! How do you prefer your cider - cold, hot, or iced? 🍎
#whittierapplefarm #applecider