Through some serendipity, an opportunity to continue to study Tea came about through a last minute opening to join an incredible group trip to China, led by one of my teacher, Jade Brunel. A dear friend and angel donor, has offered her generous support to ensure this trip happens---we are extending the invitation to contribute to those who might feel called.
How to Contribute:
A Tax-deductible gift to the Soldner Center may be made through the Link Below
100% all gifts received by October 15 will be designated for the trip expenses. (click on "Madelyn Soldner's Tea Retreat Fund" after inserting your gift amount) The remaining amount at this time to cover the trip and travel costs is about $6,500 remaining.
No amount is too small of a contribution--the energetic vote of support through whatever amount you feel inspired to offer is a resource of great substance that gives courage, strength and hope for this opportunity!
My intention for this opportunity:
I hope to bring back what I learn from this experience to the Aspen valley and continue to cultivate a community of practicing presence through Tea together.
It is my intention to continue to bridge the beautiful connection between the Legacy of my grandparent's Paul and Ginny Soldner in the Valley with Tea Ceremony.
My grandfather Paul's innovative work with Raku--inspired by Japanese Tea Ceremony -- alongside Ginny's love and explorations of consciousness and spirituality through her painting -- all comes full circle through the Tea Ceremony, as an art form in its own right, where both ceramics and spirituality are united.
Thank you for considering contributing to this opportunity,
May it continue.
With Gratitude, many Blessings, and a deep bow,