We are officially 5 weeks away from this class. I do have spots still available if you know of anyone that got a camera for Christmas and would like to learn all of the things it can do 📷
It's here! If you have a camera under the tree for a family member this year, I'm going to encourage you to slip a gift card for this class into their stocking. Having a cool camera is always a bonus-- but knowing how to utilize the settings is where the fun really begins! Whether you're a parent who wants to better capture your kiddos playing sports, or someone with a hidden desire in your heart to create art, learning the ins and outs of manual settings and lighting are the very first step to take.
I teach this class every year. Generally it is held in January. I moved the class to March so that we are able to get outside and really practice the materials we have just learned. Once class is over, you're added to a private facebook group to bounce questions off of other people who are learning as well.
If you would like a gift card sent to you to download and print, we can do that! Send us a message to sign up!