THE MET GALA, First Monday in May.
With the big Fay approaching, we’ll look back for a little inspiration, a la Londres, for this years Met theme-The Gilded Age. The event which was the highlight of the 1897 London Social Season was the Devonshire House Ball given by the Duke & Duchess of Devonshire at their sprawling Mayfair home. In attendance, among those recipients of reportedly 700 invites, were members of nearly every European Royal House including the Czar Nicholas ll and Czarina Alexandra. British royalty attending the masquerade ball included The Prince and Princess Of Wales and The Duke and Duchess of York. The host, the Double Duchess, appeared as Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, wearing a “magnificent costume of gold tissue, cream crepe de chine, with a train of green velvet of a lovely shade, delicately embroidered in Oriental designs introducing LOTUS FLOWERS in rubies, sapphires, amethysts, emeralds, and sprinklered all over with diamonds.” Who wouldn’t want to be sprinkled with diamonds! Here’s to an equally special evening at the Met.
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