What we have is the present moment. Some moments include feelings that we call pleasurable. Other moments include feelings we call painful. We want to create moments that maximize the feelings we call pleasurable. I don't know exactly why this is, but it seems to me that we are inescapably pursuing an increase of the feelings we call pleasurable. Even if we choose to accept things as they are and let go of trying to feel more pleasurable feelings, we find that we are doing this to release ourselves of the meta-pain of resisting reality as it is, in order to create the more pleasurable experience of acceptance. My experience is that when I let go of all of it, I still feel compelled to move toward my preferred future, even if that means accepting things as they are. Sometimes, after that acceptance has been reached even deeper, there is a calmer and more empowered sense of movement toward something that is more aligned with my preferences. At that point, resisting that movement creates more unpleasurable feelings than allowing it, and so I allow it. I still don't know why or exactly how it works this way, but it seems to for me. And so my mind asks, how can I make moments that create the most pleasurable feelings in my body? And it's by maximizing that which my lens finds most beautiful, which is just another way to say, maximizing alignment with my preferences. And the preferences I find most authentic, include people being in harmony with one another, and include music, light, food, smells, and physical sensations that invoke a parasympathetic or empowering response in my body and the bodies of others. And that's the explicit purpose of The Gift, to create as many moments as possible that include humans in harmony and art that invokes pleasurable feelings in us all, at the deepest level for all the human population into eternity. As far as I can tell, beneath kinks in the emotional system due to childhood, everyone shares this preference for the future, which means that everyone has a unified shared desire at the core. If we can access that, together, and allow our minds to move in the direction of it even if we do not know how to create that reality, we may be able to live in a world of harmony between all humans, surrounded by experiences of our senses that generate the feelings we desire (art). It will happen when we are all connected consciously in that preference, so helping to remind each other that we all want that, and creating things that help others to connect that, can accelerate the process. So that's the other side of The Gift, to create experiences that connect people permanently to their internal drive for a world of harmony for all, and to help them be empowered to fulfill their particular capacity in creating that world starting now. Since we create the meaning we give to the present moment, we can give no meaning, and experience it as it is, which on it's own is an option, and if we are going to communicate, we can create meaning that is most likely to generate the feelings we find most pleasurable and are most likely to help us create future moments that will create more of those same feelings. I've found that giving the meaning that it's all a Gift, simply because it's here and I'm receiving it, generates the most pleasurable feelings and the most action toward creating future moments that will generate those feelings. That's why my project is called The Gift. It's all The Gift, and we can give that meaning in this moment, and find that at our center, beneath all painful feelings creating by other meanings, there is already an abundance of the pleasurable feelings we desire, waiting just below the surface, and there is already the empowerment that will help us create future moments that will generate more of the feelings we desire. That's The Gift Within. We are given this experience, somehow, and I'm grateful that there's this Gift Within, and that there's The Gift all around. Let us receive The Gift Within and allow it to move through us to create a world of Safety, Power, Joy, Love, and Peace for and between all of humanity.