Austin Motivational Speaker-Giani

Austin Motivational Speaker-Giani Giani is a national speaker and professional corporate entertainer specializing in Mentalism, Hypnos Where content and entertainment collide.

Giani as seen on NBC America's got Talent is the perfect fit for your next Austin high-end corporate event or conference! From Decision-making to Focus, Giani provides an interactive experience they will never forget. Not just a talk but an experience.

With 72,000 thoughts a day—it’s a given most of these thoughts are not always pleasant. Take every thought captive. You ...

With 72,000 thoughts a day—it’s a given most of these thoughts are not always pleasant. Take every thought captive. You don’t need to think about what you think about.

Have you ever wondered why people get over the loss of a loved one, job, or tragedy faster than you do?  My best college...

Have you ever wondered why people get over the loss of a loved one, job, or tragedy faster than you do? My best college course was a class in Gerontology. We examined the five stages of grief (Kubler-Ross model). I learned a lot from that course and over the years I have found what helps me not just with tragedy but with any bump in the road. Of course, my faith and prayer help but I use what I call a "grief clock."

When I try to rush the grief process it only prolongs it. The calendar is your friend, do not rush it. Each day gets a little better. Sure there can be regression and some days are worse than others but let time be your friend. Focus on gratefulness and name the things or people in your life who are still here. We cannot change the past and we do not know the future—focus only on the present. Let the Grief Clock work for you.

Do you ever complain? I don't mean just out loud but silently, too. I know I do. Lately, it has been about traffic and c...

Do you ever complain? I don't mean just out loud but silently, too. I know I do. Lately, it has been about traffic and crazy drivers. Complaining (especially about things that are out of our control leads to anxiety. It is also contagious. Want to know a quick fix? It's being grateful. Next time you feel yourself complaining, name a few things you are grateful for. You cannot complain and acknowledge what you are grateful for at the same time. It is a positive and a negative which are opposite like a magnet. Try this next time you become frustrated.

Back in Indianapolis for Cresline’s annual meeting—an interactive talk on perception and how it affects our decision-mak...

Back in Indianapolis for Cresline’s annual meeting—an interactive talk on perception and how it affects our decision-making. Mind-blowing mentalism magic and content. Let the mind games begin!

I made the summit of Texas's highest peak but it was the hardest challenge of my life.  This is not a class 1climb!  I h...

I made the summit of Texas's highest peak but it was the hardest challenge of my life. This is not a class 1climb! I had all but quit because of dehydration. I brought 4 liters of water and electrolytes and still not enough. Families were being rescued this week and another guy was also having severe cramps following me. We had agreed to notify the park rangers of whoever made it down first. Aside from one couple going up to the campgrounds —I was the last climber left on the mountain. God came through lots of prayer. I never knew I would be scrambling to the top on all fours—so many cliffs and edges. One seasoned climber said this climb was harder than Mt Elbert in Colorado. The photo below is just one ledge of the climb. I have a severe fear of heights (acrophobia). I gave up but I didn’t. I was stuck on a ledge with cramps so bad I couldn’t get up. As I sat there on that ledge I had 3 fears running through my mind.

1) Fear of Death

2) Fear of heights (ie death)

3) Fear of failure

I had decided to go down as soon as I could safely stand up.

As I was looking down the slope for a way down, I see a nice couple (from Dallas) climbing up.

They sat beside me and first told me to turn around then said “but you are so close.”

That did it.

Only ten climbers all day and most of the day I was alone. When I arrived at 0630 there was only one car in the parking lot. Uncanny for a week before a holiday.

Never stop challenging yourself. You only have one life on this blue rock. We were not born to just stay in one rut. I’m still not over my fear of heights but the more one is exposed

To a fear—the less it has a stronghold on us. God orders our steps—we need to do the walk. Pushing through life’s obstacles is seldom easy. Just enjoy the journey. Thank you Jesus. Psalms 32:10


1) Don’t let others set

limitations for you. We all have a mountain.

2) Fear is an emotion and emotional decisions are mostly unreliable.

PS: Check out the DPS rescue video from here. Being sick or injured in the wilderness is no joke.

It is said the mind always gives in before the body wears out. Emotional decisions are unreliable.  Keep pushing before ...

It is said the mind always gives in before the body wears out. Emotional decisions are unreliable. Keep pushing before closing that door. Learn more at your next annual meeting.

Think about what you think about.  What do you think about?  Humans have about 70,000 thoughts per day and make 35,000 d...

Think about what you think about. What do you think about? Humans have about 70,000 thoughts per day and make 35,000 decisions. Are your thoughts positive or negative? If most of your thoughts are negative it does not have to be this way. Take every thought captive (Apostle Paul). Is it gratifying or demeaning, positive or negative? Do you ever wonder why a thought comes out of nowhere for no unknown reason? The subconscious stores all these along with every experience. You do not have to be negative, you choose to be. Replace each negative thought with a positive one. Mind the perception gap each day by being alert to your thoughts! Learn more at your next annual meeting. 😎

Any plan is better than no plan

Any plan is better than no plan

For years as a magician, I would see this posted but it seemed to mean if you believe the illusion is real, it is real. ...

For years as a magician, I would see this posted but it seemed to mean if you believe the illusion is real, it is real. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying perception of reality (and time) is an illusion. We can never truly make another person believe anything because we are not them therefore we do not have their perception. If you are an atheist, I cannot make you believe there is a God but that does not mean He does not exist, only He can make you believe (if you believe the Bible is real). (Acts 13:48).

This applies to politics, food, sports, spouses, children, etc. For those in your camp who share your beliefs, you never have to convince them. We associate with those who believe what we do and distance ourselves from the rest. Read the quote below again and think about what it means to you.

Your Next Event Part 1As a meeting and event planner, you have so much on your plate. Having worked with event planners ...

Your Next Event Part 1

As a meeting and event planner, you have so much on your plate. Having worked with event planners for over 20 years, I have learned some simple techniques that may seem obvious on the surface but are often neglected. It does not matter if you are a veteran meeting planner or just a rookie, these techniques from a mentalist point of view will help you keep your present clients and help gain future ones just from word of mouth.

The first and most important rule is to know your audience. Even if your client has been with you for many years, this event is brand new and things change. Sometimes what you don't know about someone tells you everything! Dig, dig, dig then dig some more. Know the company and what its mission is. Is it sales, marketing, or IT? As a speaker on perception, I can normally read a person in less than 10 seconds once I meet them. Not, meeting them I have to apply perception techniques. We are all born with this ability. Focus only on the client and the ones attending the conference including the CEO. I do this whether I am hired as a mentalist entertainer or speaker, it is 100 percent about them and not me. Stay tuned for part 2.

You focus and watch the magic of understanding happen!

You focus and watch the magic of understanding happen!

Well, it's Friday, do you feel motivated? It is human nature to want something. The problem is once we get it, that "wan...

Well, it's Friday, do you feel motivated? It is human nature to want something. The problem is once we get it, that "want" eventually wears off, and it's on to the next fix. Being driven is different because motivation is based on emotions. Being driven applies to goals and lasts.

I discovered from taking off from running my situational awareness has weakened.  I used to know when a car was coming u...

I discovered from taking off from running my situational awareness has weakened. I used to know when a car was coming up from behind me even without hearing it. Even at night I just knew when danger was lurking in the shadows. You know this perception from being in a parking lot where you know when someone is behind you etc. We are all born with this perception but like anything else, you need to use it to strengthen it. When I was a police officer, this perception surely saved my life without my knowing it. Police officers call it “blue sense”. Spiderman calls it “spidey senses.” Next time you are out, train yourself by just honing into this intuition we all have been given. See you on the trails!

I had to repost this from Linkedin, thanks Mr Frugal (owner of Skinwalker Ranch).  My bonsai journey began with this cla...

I had to repost this from Linkedin, thanks Mr Frugal (owner of Skinwalker Ranch). My bonsai journey began with this classic.

Brandon Fugal
• 1st • 1st
Chairman at Colliers International - Utah

Lessons from The Karate Kid

Today marks the 40th anniversary of The Karate Kid, which is one of the three required movies to view if you come to work with me. Why? Because it contains powerful lessons applicable to life & business:

1. Everyone should have a mentor. In The Karate Kid, you had both Mr. Miyagi and Sensei John Kreese - both powerful mentors, who had a profound impact on those around them. In my life, I owe so much to incredible mentors who served as powerful examples, teachers & inspirations.

2. Don’t pick a fight you can’t win. Even though Daniel ultimately grew from the experience, it was unwise for him to pick a fight with Johnny Lawrence and the Cobra Kai at the Halloween dance. One of my favorite videos on YouTube argues that Daniel was the REAL bully.

3. Skills are developed through disciplined focus, repetition, discomfort & unwavering dedication. Who can ever forget the lessons Miyagi taught through “sand the floor/paint the fence/wax-on wax-off”, and the magic moment where Daniel realized what Miyagi had been teaching him? I get CHILLS every time I watch it or even think of it.

4. True strength comes through humility. In the face of threats and animosity, Miyagi remained humble. His humility and quiet confidence ultimately led Daniel to victory.

5. Losing with grace is also winning. One of the most often overlooked but most special parts of The Karate Kid was at the very end, when Johnny Lawrence of the Cobra Kai hands Daniel the trophy and states, “you’re alright Larusso, good match”. I cry every time. It also made me a total fan of Johnny Lawrence.

I remember going to the drive-in with my friends in 1984. It inspired us, propelled us to take Karate and brought that period of time to life like no other. The music, the writing, the acting…and most importantly, the lessons.

Some of my favorite cultural artifacts in my collection include Daniel Larusso’s Miyagi-Do headband, screen-worn Cobra Kai gi and main red referee shirt. I loved meeting William Zabka (who played Johnny) and Martin Kove (Sensei Kreese). They are touchstones to the past and transport me back to 1984, to relive those lessons.


I had to repost this from Linkedin. The direct link was not enough. It's been 40 years and Mr Fugal (owner of Skinwalker Ranch) wrote this beautiful piece. This is where my bonsai journey all began.

Brandon Fugal
• 1st •
Chairman at Colliers International - Utah

Lessons from The Karate Kid

Today marks the 40th anniversary of The Karate Kid, which is one of the three required movies to view if you come to work with me. Why? Because it contains powerful lessons applicable to life & business:

1. Everyone should have a mentor. In The Karate Kid, you had both Mr. Miyagi and Sensei John Kreese - both powerful mentors, who had a profound impact on those around them. In my life, I owe so much to incredible mentors who served as powerful examples, teachers & inspirations.

2. Don’t pick a fight you can’t win. Even though Daniel ultimately grew from the experience, it was unwise for him to pick a fight with Johnny Lawrence and the Cobra Kai at the Halloween dance. One of my favorite videos on YouTube argues that Daniel was the REAL bully.

3. Skills are developed through disciplined focus, repetition, discomfort & unwavering dedication. Who can ever forget the lessons Miyagi taught through “sand the floor/paint the fence/wax-on wax-off”, and the magic moment where Daniel realized what Miyagi had been teaching him? I get CHILLS every time I watch it or even think of it.

4. True strength comes through humility. In the face of threats and animosity, Miyagi remained humble. His humility and quiet confidence ultimately led Daniel to victory.

5. Losing with grace is also winning. One of the most often overlooked but most special parts of The Karate Kid was at the very end, when Johnny Lawrence of the Cobra Kai hands Daniel the trophy and states, “you’re alright Larusso, good match”. I cry every time. It also made me a total fan of Johnny Lawrence.

I remember going to the drive-in with my friends in 1984. It inspired us, propelled us to take Karate and brought that period of time to life like no other. The music, the writing, the acting…and most importantly, the lessons.

Some of my favorite cultural artifacts in my collection include Daniel Larusso’s Miyagi-Do headband, screen-worn Cobra Kai gi and main red referee shirt. I loved meeting William Zabka (who played Johnny) and Martin Kove (Sensei Kreese). They are touchstones to the past and transport me back to 1984, to relive those lessons.

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I started out delivering newspapers when I was 12.  My first real job journey began the next year at age 13 when I rode ...

I started out delivering newspapers when I was 12. My first real job journey began the next year at age 13 when I rode my bicycle to a restaurant named Shoney's. I walked in and asked the cashier to see the manager. Mr. Davis walked to the front entrance and I immediately asked him if he needed any help. He looked at me for a second and all he said was "come back next summer." The following summer at age 14 I did go back and once again asked for the manager, Mr. Davis. I told him "I was here last summer and you said I should return now." He brought me outside to a tool shed and handed me a sickle which does what a w**d eater does but is 100 times harder. It was like 1000 degrees and I felt like I was on Karate Kid 1. Long story less boring, I did what he told me and the following day he had me outside again working. After two days he brought me inside for more testing and finally, I was working busing tables in nice air conditioning.

This is not meant to be a walk to school in 5 feet of snow story. The point is

I was motivated but motivation never lasts because it is emotion-based. I wanted to give up the first day. Sure I needed the money but it was more than that. The only kids I knew working at age 14 were working in to***co fields. I wanted something different, something unique. It's not because I was better it was because I was driven. I was being driven to do what I was determined to do. I believe God puts a desire in all of us. You can call it goals but I think it is more than that. Sometimes we achieve what we desire easily and other times it's a mountain climb. If you are stuck in a rut, take a breath and just be still amidst all the chaos. If you have faith, pray, if not concentrate on what you truly want to do, what you enjoy doing, and if you have to work harder than anyone else, do it. Remember, if it's meant for you, the desire will not go away.


Austin, TX


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Our Story

Giani as seen on NBC America's got Talent is the perfect motivational speaker for your next Austin high end corporate event! Motivational speakers are great but when its talk, talk, talk how will your audience connect? Giani’s motivational speaking interactive presentation will leave the audience with inspiring emotions (the key to a successful presentation). With a family friendly mix of hypnosis, comedy, magic and mentalism, this is something your guests will never ever forget! Having performed at Las Vegas Venetian and Mandalay Bay House of Blues in Las Vegas, Giani is the seasoned pro for mind boggling corporate presentations. Let Magicians Austin be your one source for high end corporate and private entertainment.