Meet Donovan, not only an alum of our Work-Based Learning Experience ( ) program, but a fabulous member of our City Seeds Kitchen serving the Maryland Freestate ChalleNGe Academy at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Donovan is the first participant of our program to be accepted into the University of Maryland, College Park! Through 's TerpsEXCEED program, Donovan will participate in the college experience for two years, ultimately earning a certificate beginning this fall. Donovan is particularly excited about attending UMD for the chance to attend their basketball games, as he himself was a star player for his high school team, Joppatowne High School.
Donovan joined our WBLE program in 2022 when he discovered it through one of his special educators. From the start, Donovan was determined to make the most of this opportunity. He credits Ms. Tasha and Humanim’s Youth Transition Services staff for guiding him every step of the way as he navigated through the program to find the right internship.
Through the program, Donovan gained practical skills that he can easily apply in any future career. He also learned to work effectively in groups, operate independently, and thrive in fast-paced environments. Donovan’s grandmother describes him as “self-motivated” and “never afraid to do things on his own,” two traits that naturally prepare him for any professional challenges he may face.
Among his various internships, Donovan found his calling at the City Seeds kitchen, where he began working in food services. Preparing meals for the cadets of the Freestate ChalleNGe Academy, Donovan quickly adapted to the role and found it to be a perfect fit. Initially, he faced challenges with tasks like sweeping and mopping, but with his coworkers’ guidance, Donovan learned to perform these duties effectively. His perseverance paid off when, after just a few weeks of interning, he was offered a permanent position.
Learn more about Donovan's journey from the WBLE program to a career path on Humanim's blog: https://bit.ly/4dGoAiA