The venue is located at:
Cape Cod Community College
Tilden Arts Building
2240 Iyannough Rd. Airports:
Closest International Airports are Logan International in Boston (approx. 70 miles), and TF Green in Providence, RI (approx 80 miles).
*** Out of state applicants, not familiar with Massachusetts, please plan to either rent a car or get a ride to Cape Cod, as taking a taxi cab is not
a viable option. There is also Plymouth & Brocton Bus Line that runs to and from Logan Airport daily. ****
Cape Cod Community College 2240 Iyannough Rd W. Barnstable, MA 02668 (Tilden Arts Building)
Show times:
Pre-judging: Pro Show 9:00 a.m., Amateur show starts immediately following Pro Show. This show is Live Judged. Divisions:
Men’s Bodybuilding:
Masters 40+
Open. Men’s
Physique: Novice, Open
Bodybuilding: Open
Figure: Novice, Open, 40+
Bikini: Novice, Open, 40+
All divisions split evenly by height in the manner specified in the OCB Guidelines. To be eligible for a novice division, you cannot have placed first in any class besides Teen within any division with any organization. Eligibility will be verified during polygraph testing. Crossovers:
A competitor may elect to enter more than one division. Deadline for crossover signup 10/01/2016. No crossovers will be allowed the day of the event. No crossovers from figure to bodybuilding or bikini allowed or men’s physique to bodybuilding or vice versa. Check-in &
Drug Testing
Polygraph testing for all competitors, with the exception of anyone who has competed in an OCB or other qualifying event within 6 weeks prior to this show with approval from the promoters. Thursday 10/6, Friday 10/7 by appointment only. Promoters will contact participants 1-2 weeks prior to schedule polygraph. $45 payable in cash or money order to the polygraph examiner day of the test. Photo identification for all athletes will be checked prior to polygraph testing. Results from recent polygraph exams performed for other contests will not be honored. Since this is a PRO qualifying event, all contestants must be tested specifically for this show. Urine testing for Bodybuilding and Figure Overall winners also. In addition, all competitors subject to additional forms of testing if requested at the discretion and expense of the promoter. (Saturday check-ins will not be allowed). Contestant Meeting:
None. Full details, such as order of events, etc., will be provided to competitors via email one week out of show
Entry $50 must be paid by 10/01/2016. Walk-ins the day of the event are prohibited. Crossovers $25 per additional class. OCB Membership $70 paid directly to OCB, Polygraph Testing $45 payable directly to the examiner at the time of testing. Awards: Overall Champions: Women's Bodybuilding Open & Physique Open classes and the Figure, Bikini and Men’s Bodybuilding Overall Winners, will be awarded a Pro-card as well as supplement prizes upon completion of urinalysis. Top five placements in each class will all be awarded Niels Andersen Sculptures. Best Poser will be awarded for both Men’s and Women’s Bodybuilding divisions. Tickets:
General Admission $35 (Good for preliminaries and finals)
Backstage policy:
1 assistant per competitor allowed, assistant MUST buy regular ticket (No special trainer’s pass needed)
Routine length - up to 60 secs. for bodybuilding. Music must be supplied backstage and be on CD-R only. Props allowed for bodybuilding only. Figure, Bikini, and Physique competitors will use music supplied by the Promoters for stage walks and should review and follow guidelines on www.ocbonline.com for stage walks - no routines or bodybuilding poses in bikini or figure walks please. Spray Tanning:
Elite Bronzing will be available. Contact www.elitebronzing.com for more info. Host Hotels:
Double Tree Inn & Suites Hyannis Ma (formerly The Radisson)
287 Iyannough Road, Hyannis, Massachusetts, 02601, USA TEL: 508-771-1700
Holiday Inn
1127 Iyannough Rd, Hyannis, MA. 02601
TEL: 508-775-1153
**Ask for group rate for Cape Cod Natural Bodybuilding when making reservation
Please use mapquest.com or yahoo.com maps for precise directions from your location
Sign up online at http://www.capecodnutrition.com or Facebook or Send Entry Form and Advance Ticket sale and payments to:
Mike Hludzik
76 Connecticut Ave. Dartmouth, MA. 02747
Make payments payable to: Mike Hludzik,
Polygraph Fee and OCB Membership Fee MUST be paid separately. PRO SIGN UP GO TO:
www.capecodnutrition.com or show page
Mike Hludzik [email protected]