I had a great time seeing everyone at Felix Family Christmas Lights last night! Come see me there tonight around 7:30pm!
We would like to thank the men and women at the Paulding Public Safety Appreciation Inc for all of their help and support of our display. Several years ago when we decided to change to a local charity rather than a national one, a young woman reached out to me about the PPSA. Her husband, at that time was also with the PCPD and I believe she was involved with the charity. She didn't tell me at the time, but her and her sister were former students from my days at EPMS.
It has been such a great relationship over the last several years. The men and women I have met are just such great people. We have really been blessed to have them as our charity over the last several years. Hopefully, we will continue to work together until the the display lights it's last year. Whenever that may be, idk. Lol.
I would like to thank them all so much for their support, their service to our community, and to please stay safe while on their jobs.
If you would like to support the PPSA here is their page. You can donate on the website I believe. I'll also post my venmo and make certain they get your donation.
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