Second setup!!!
This beauty was setup at @mayorbroome HQ.
Bringing a “POP” of “EXTRA-ness” to the building!!!
“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT
Like. Follow. Share. Book @lafeteeventsbr
Contact us today:
📲 225.362.1559 (call/text)
📧 [email protected]
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🎓Congrats to Aubri….such a beauty…class of 2024!!!
🎓The last of the Grad season setups!!
*Grass Wall
*Balloon Garland
*Custom Backdrop sign
*Balloon Garland for the letters
*Center pieces
*Personalized signs
✨Let’s start planning your next event start to finish.✨
LIKE.FOLLOW.SHARE.BOOK @lafeteeventsbr
👇🏽Contact me today via:
☎️ 225.362.1559 (text/call)
📧 [email protected]
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#batonrougeevents #batonrougeeventplanner #batonrougeeventcoordinator #batonrougeeventdesigner #batonrougeeventdecorator #batonrouge #lafeteevents #makememeories #servingbatonrougeandsurroundingareas #womanownedbusiness #vetownedbusiness #smallbuusinessowner #christianbusinessowner #servingGodbyservingothers #poweredoffprayers
Roaring 20s a party filled of class!!
Brim with elegance and beauty!!
Let’s not forget the Fashionable dressed attendees!!!
Thank you @themyrarichardson for allowing us to bring this vision to reality!!! Happy Birthday again!!!!
Event Planner: @lafeteeventsbr
Location: @rivercenterbranchlibrAry
Staff support: @225fest
Florals: @freshnfancyllc
Rentals: @eventsbybellaco
Food/Bar: @boilingroux
Drink sponor: @officialbelaire @djchillychill
Hotel accommodations: @origin_batonrouge
Happy Cyber Monday !!!
Allllllll specials end tonight!!!!
Hurry, get your orders in!!!
Secure your special discount and date today!!!
#PartyPlanningCyberMonday #DecorDeals
#CyberMondayPartySpecials #EventPlanningDiscounts
#PartyDecorSales #CyberMondayPartyPlanning
#PartyPerksOnCyberMonday #cybermonday #crybermondaydeals #cybermondayspecial #cybermonday2023 #vetownedbusiness #womenownedbusiness #mompenuer #blackownedbusiness
#smallbusinessowner #enterpreneur
How did I get my self stuck in this after game??? Tell me how seating in traffic makes you feel??? But LSU won!!! Order your “YARD-a-GRAM” today: FOLLOW. LIKE. SHARE. BOOK Marleen’s Party Enterprises Marleen’s Party Enterprises Book today via: 📲 225.362.1559 (text/call). 📧 [email protected] #yardsigns #yarddecor #yardcards #yard-a-gram #batonrougeyardagrams #affirmationsintheyard #sendinglovewithayardagram #spreadjoywithayardagram #happybirthdaysign #brparents #redstickmoms #batonrougemoms #party #fall #celebration #birthday #marleenspartyenterprises #yardagrams #makeastatement #firstimpression
Happy Fall Y’all!!!!! Lets Fall for Jesus!!!! Can I get an AMEN in the COMMENTS!!!FOLLOW. LIKE. SHARE. BOOK Marleen’s Party Enterprises Book today via: 📲 225.362.1559 (text/call). 📧 [email protected] #yardsigns #yarddecor #yardcards #yard-a-gram #batonrougeyardagrams #affirmationsintheyard #sendinglovewithayardagram #spreadjoywithayardagram #happybirthdaysign #brparents #redstickmoms #batonrougemoms #party #fall #celebration #birthday #marleenspartyenterprises
This arrangement was for a very special young lady who turned 81!!! So this speedy arrangement was done to make sure we assist with making special moments extra special!!! So because she’s a survivor of breast cancer we did the shades of pink!!! Book your arrangement today: 📲225.362.1559 (text/call). 📧[email protected] Also LIKE. FOLLOW. SHARE. COMMENT @marleenspartyenterprises. Marleen’s Party Enterprises #marleenspartyenterprises #popoflove #popofextraness #popofjoy #celebratingeverymoment #celebratingeveryoccasion #mpe #balloondecor #batonrougeballoons #balloonsofbatonrouge #therealballoonsofbatonrouge
Good Morning, This is just a reminder to please water your yard. Do that for 30mins no more than 12hours before your sign is scheduled to be installed!!!!This affects the outcome of the “YARD-a-GRAM”!! We break stakes and can’t fully design due to the ground being hard. BOOK YOUR “YARD-a-GRAM” today: 📲 225.362.1559 (text/call). 📧 [email protected] Marleen’s Party Enterprises 🚨🙅🏽♀️Please NO DMs ❌🛑#raindownonme #marleenspartyenterprises #yard-a-gram #batonrougeyardagram #batonrougeyardagrams #batonrougeyardcards #batonrougeyardsigns #yarddecor #makeastakementwithayardagram #sendlovewithayardagram #spreadjoywithayardagram #firstimpressionwithayardgram #greetyourguestwithayardagram #vetowned #blackowned #womanownedbusiness #smallbusiness #momprenuer #redstickmoms #batonrougeeventsassociation #batonrougemoms #batonrougefamilyfun #batonrougeparentsmagazine #batonrougepartyrentals #batonrougeparty #faithbased #Godfirstalways #Ecclesiastes3:11
This little Mermaid Turned one . . Representation matters to our babies and what they see that represents them such as their likes,their hobbies, their skin color & and hair textures!!! I am so excited to be going to see this movie with my girls!!I remember when Disney first advertised the first little mermaid I was excited. I feel like I’m just as excited now as I was then to see it. Book your YARD-a-GRAM today and tell us how we can represent your special someone on their special day!!! . . 📲225.362.1559 (call/text) 📧 [email protected] LIKE. FOLLOW. SHARE @marleenspartyenterprises
😜BRCVPA BINGO NIGHT w/ 👵🏽Grandparents👴🏻. 🎉 Family + community =success for the babies. =a safe, positive environment to make lasting memories. 🎉Here at “MARLEEN’s PARTY ENTERPRISES”, we assist with setting the first impression of the occasion for your arriving guest. 🎉 First impression is everything so why not be EXTRA!!! 🫵🏾 we are here to serve you🫵🏼. 🗓 Book your YARD-a-GRAM today🗓. 📲 225.362.1559 (text/call). 📧[email protected] Marleen’s Party Enterprises. #makememories #yarddecor #yardcards #marleenspartyenterprises #yardagrams #yardagram #yardletters #yardsigns #makeaSTAKEment #stakeitoutloudandproud #stakeitoutloud #batonrougeyardagrams #tablescape #teepeeparty #rougiepicnics #spaparty #artparty #soapmakingparty #peacejoyandhappinesseveryday #celebrating #thereisalwayssomethingtocelebrate #faithbasebusiness #womanownedandoperated #mompreneur #vetownedandoperated #blackownedandoperated #smallbusinessowner
DON’T FORGET TO VOTE DAILY/ EVERYDAY FOR Marleen’s Party Enterprises marleenspartyenterprises We thank Baton Rouge Parents for allowing the people to support their favorite local businesses!!! NOW GO VOTE!!! 🎉Go to “ITS A PARTY” 🎉Then go to “PARTY SUPPLIES” 🎉Select me “MARLEEN’s PARTY ENTERPRISES”. I thank you for the support and the business!!! Also go the @marleenspartyenterprises LIKE.COMMENT.SHARE. #brparents #brparentsmagazine #brfavorite #marleenspartyenterprises #redstickmoms #batonrougepartyplanner #batonrougeevents #spreadlove #spreadkindness #spreadjoy #allthingscelebrations #celebrate #celebration #yardagrams #balloonstylist #balloondecor #backdrops #tablescape #batonrougefamilyfavorites2022
I know you in the bed scrolling…it’s ok
Because I am too…lol
But before you start back head to my bio and hit the link and….
Go to:
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Select me Marleen’s Party Enterprises
Vote for us as your Baton Rouge Family Favorite Baton Rouge Parents
#goodnight #sleeptight #dontletthebedbugsbite #pray #sweetdreams #VOTE #votedaily