The Gift Garden is a proud member of Flower Clique, along with fellow florists across the country such as Elaine's flower shoppe, Dehns florist and The Cambridge Flower shop to name a few.
Flower clique is a power house team of all women who are dynamic individuals with strengths and skills specific to the floral industry. They empower us with tools and services such as website management, images, email marketing, wholesale flowers and a supportive community. They help elevate our business so we can thrive and be successful. Pictured is one of our featured arrangements using these Beautiful Free Spirit Roses. You will find this arrangement and variations of it on all Flower Clique members websites and or Social media promotions.
The Gift Garden is Celebrating its 49th year in Business on Main Street. Since having a partnership with Flower Clique we have flourished and grown our florist business, we have expanded and opened a second store, Trade Marked our Business name, logo and tag line all so we can provide you with the freshest and quality floral products,unique gift lines, and exemplary customer service. We can't thank all our customers enough for all your loyal support as we continue to grow and flourish for many years to come.