First Friday Berea Holiday Hullabaloo: Fri, Dec 2nd 6-9pm on The Lot Berea
Live Music from Allnutts4Music (Christmas Surf Rock?!) & Berea Choral Fixation, Berea Creates Together Crochetmas Tree Lighting, Holiday Market, Berea Kids Eat providing free meals, cookies & hot chocolate for guests 18 and under, kids activity with artist Mariah Rogers, and yummy food + drinks from Peg & Awl and Nightjar.
There are limited vendor booths available. Apply here: firstfridayberea.com/holidayhullabaloo
Crochetmas for the Coalfields Fundraiser: https://gofund.me/1e03a4dc
Brought to you with glee by First Friday Berea, Rebel Rebel Studio & Lounge, Erica Chambers Photography, Peg & Awl Public House, Nightjar, Novelis, Berea Makerspace, Berea Creates Together, Berea Kids Eat, Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen & Berea Arts Council
Poster design: Mariah Rogers