Another great wedding celebration here at the 1888 Barn…. Two weddings to go to cap off an amazing 2024 Wedding Celebration….
Rehearsal Dinners are us… Call Paul at 207-824-0860
The Spruce Wedding Package at the 1888 Wedding Barn in scenic Sunday River Valley Area…. This is what you can expect when you walk in the door.
If you were wondering if the bathrooms could get any nicer than that… Check out the woman’s room at the 1888 Weddingbarnpotential scenic Sunday River Valley area
Just in case, you’re wondering if the woman’s room can look any better at the 1888 Wedding Barn!!!!! You be the judge…
Check out some of the nicest bathroom you’ll see in a Rustic Barn a mere 135 years old. Book with us, and we will take care of you every step of the way.