✨👊Want to learn more about some of our Design Sound team members?? Here goes...our next ❓Q & A session❓is LIVE. The question is, "What achievement/s last year are you most proud of?"❣✨
#designsoundproaudio #losangeles #designsoundstudio #qualityservice #team #thinkoutsidethebox #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #QandASession #qanda #qandatime #prosound #livesoundreinforcement #livesoundengineers #livesoundmixing #prosoundcrew #soundengineer #designsound #soundmixer #soundmixerproduction #soundengineering
✨👊🏻We are so honored to have had the opportunity to contribute audio for a Night at Revelry. We featured our white L'Acoustics Svya @l.acoustics.official along with 16 5xt 🔊speakers hidden throughout the pathways of the party. Backed by our Digico Quantum 225, we enjoyed supporting Elan Artists. 👊🏻❣🥰
The Team |
Venue, Design, Draping, Furniture & Custom Decor: @revelryeventdesign
Floral Design: @eddiezaratsian
Lighting: @images_lighting
Catering: @untitledeventscatering
Sound: @design.sound
Entertainment: @elanartists
Stage & Rentals: @townandcountry_eventrentals
Candles: @vogue.candles
Carpet: @eventcarpetpros
Photo Booth: @hollywood_photobooth
Event Videographer: @maksud_sharipov
BTS Videographer: @jaredwortleyfilms
Photography: @annaanikinaphotography
Bartending & Specialty Cocktails: @sipsipmobilebar
Dessert: @saltedbuttercompany
Grazing Table: @luckygraze
Whiskey Bar: @kinwhiskey
Specialty Ice Cubes: @westcoasticepro
Custom Menus: @studiorestore.co
Coffee Bar: @arvvocoffee
Acrylic Sticks: @jordanpayneevents
Generator: @powertrip_rentals
#designsoundsystem #designsoundproaudio #losangeles #designsoundstudio #qualityservice #lacoustics #proaudiogear #livesoundreinforcement #livesoundengineers #livesoundmixing #prosoundcrew #soundsystem #soundengineer #designsound #soundmixer #installedaudiosystem #soundengineering #designsoundproductions #audiopro #digico #ANightAtRevelry #revelry
🌟👊Davis Jones @prosoundjones does it again! Sound engineering, beachside...there's nothing BETTER than being SERENADED at the ☁🌊BEACH☁🌊. Just heavenly!! BRAVO!! 🌟👊❣
#designsoundstudio #losangeles #designsoundproaudio #designsoundsystem #livesoundreinforcement #livesoundengineers #livesoundmixing #sound #soundsystem #soundengineer #liveeventsproduction #designsound #soundmixer #soundmixerproduction #soundengineering #designsoundproductions #audiopro #prosoundrental #livesoundengineering #westcoastmusic #prosound #proaudiogear #lacoustics #beachside #soundcheck2025
✨🔊🎖Our EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT🎖 of the month goes to....JAMES BUCKEY!!! 👊🏻🌟 At Design Sound, we believe in recognizing the incredible contributions of our team members who go above and beyond to make our company great. James ALWAYS takes initiative to push himself forward. Leading with kindness, he lifts up everyone around him. His impeccable work ethic is a model we all should follow.
Thank you James!🧡❣✨
#designsoundstudio #wordsofwisdom #designsoundproaudio #wordstoinspire #losangeles #thinkoutsidethebox #qualityservice #team #livesoundreinforcement #livesoundmixing #livesoundengineers #sound #soundengineer #designsound #soundmixer #soundculture #installedaudiosystem #soundengineering #designsoundproductions #wordsofencouragement #communityovercompetition #soundcheck2025
✨☁️🧡Take a moment and enjoy our QUOTE of the WEEK!!! "What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet." ~Anne Frank
Have a wonderful week from our team at Design Sound to yours!❣✨
#thinkoutsidethebox #designsoundproaudio #businessquotes #designsoundstudio #designsoundsystem #happynewyear2025 #winterquotes #quoteoftheday #losangeles #wintervibes #wordstoinspire #wordsofwisdom #quoteoftheweek #livesoundreinforcement #livesoundmixing #sound #soundengineer #soundsystem #designsound #soundculture
✨⁉️Our last Q and A ⁉️session to finish out 2024. Check out how some of our Design Sound🔊 TEAM members👊🏻 responded to the question, "What's your hidden TALENT?" Thank you for watching!!!❣✨
#designsoundsystem #designsoundstudio #designsoundproaudio #losangeles #wintervibes #winter2024 #designsound #livesoundmixing #livesoundreinforcement #livesoundengineers #soundengineer #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #team #teamwork #communityovercompetition #designsoundproductions #QandASession #qanda #qandatime #endoftheyear
✨❣Cheers to our final ❣QUOTE OF THE WEEK❣ to finish out 2024. Words to live by. "We are what we do. End the year being the person you hope to become. There is no time like the present." The end of a year is a time for reflection on the past and anticipation for the future.✨👊❣
#teamworkmakesthedreamwork #wintervibes #designsoundstudio #designsoundsystem #designsoundproaudio #winter2024 #losangeles #endoftheyear #wordsofwisdom #quoteoftheweek #wordstoinspire #livesoundmixing #designsound #soundengineering #designsoundproductions #quotestagram #nevergiveupquotes #wordsofencouragement #communityovercompetition #happynewyear2025
✨🎆🎉The year 2024 may be coming to an end, but its memories will forever be etched in our hearts as we journey into 2025. ✨🎆🎉THANK YOU to all of our COLLEAGUES, COLLABORATORS...FRIENDS❣ and FAMILIES for a fabulous year and cheers to another AMAZING year to come! Think of tomorrow as a blank canvas to create another masterpiece in what you call life. 🍾🥂HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!✨✨🎆🎉
#designsoundsystem #designsoundstudio #designsoundproaudio #endoftheyear #losangeles #happynewyear2025 #holidayinspiration #happyholidays #businessquotes #winterquotes #qualityservice #thinkoutsidethebox #quoteoftheday #audiopro #teamworkquotes #nevergiveupquotes #quotestagram #designsoundproductions #soundengineering #designsound #soundcheck2025 #weddingseason2025
✨💍💓🎵The Reception - Our Design Sound team at work preparing for this fabulous event.🔊🎵💓✨
Sound Production: @design.sound @prosoundpablo @prosoundjones @ryanamen
We are extremely GRATEFUL!
Thank you to the TEAM:
Planning & Design: @toddevents
Team Todd: @crystalnmoriarty @iamasterg @tessstephenn @kenzie.spoo @katychristian @cadekieschnick
CGS: @casadeperrin
Venue: The Vintage Club
Decor Rentals: @partydallasrentals
Paper + Design: @tpddesignhouse
Dance Floor: @rcddancefloors
Scenic/AV/Lighting: @jacobco_creative
Entertainment: @lucywrubel
Band: @westcoastmusicbevhills
Photography: @johncainphotography
Rigging: Ricochet Rigging & Design, Inc
#livesoundreinforcement #livesoundmixing #soundengineer #luxuryweddingsandevents #soundculture #soundengineering #designsoundproductions #ceremonymusic #luxurywedding #proaudiogear #lacoustics #designsoundsystem #designsoundproaudio #designsoundstudio #losangeles #livesoundengineers #weddingservices #soundmixer #installedaudiosystem #brideandgroom #stunning_shots
✨💍💓Another luxuriously stunning event in the books! Our Design Sound team on deck preparing for the ceremony with sound checks and final touches.🔊🎵✨
Sound Production: @design.sound @prosoundpablo @prosoundjones @ryanamen
We are extremely GRATEFUL!
Thank you to the TEAM:
Planning & Design: @toddevents
Team Todd: @crystalnmoriarty @iamasterg @tessstephenn @kenzie.spoo @katychristian @cadekieschnick
CGS: @casadeperrin
Venue: The Vintage Club
Decor Rentals: @partydallasrentals
Paper + Design: @tpddesignhouse
Dance Floor: @rcddancefloors
Scenic/AV/Lighting: @jacobco_creative
Entertainment: @lucywrubel
Band: @westcoastmusicbevhills
Photography: @johncainphotography
Rigging: Ricochet Rigging & Design, Inc
#livesoundreinforcement #livesoundmixing #soundengineer #luxuryweddingsandevents #soundculture #soundengineering #designsoundproductions #ceremonymusic #luxurywedding #proaudiogear #lacoustics #designsoundsystem #designsoundproaudio #designsoundstudio #losangeles #livesoundengineers #weddingservices #soundmixer #installedaudiosystem #brideandgroom #stunning_shots
✨🎅🏻⛄🎁🎄We at Design Sound wish you and yours a very 🎄🎁MERRY 🎄🎁CHRISTMAS!!! ❄️🎅🏻🔔✨
#merrychristmas #designsound #livesoundmixing #soundengineer #losangeles #winter2024 #wintervibes #designsoundproaudio #holidayinspiration #designsoundstudio #designsoundsystem #familytime #communityovercompetition #businessgrowth #designsoundproductions #soundengineering #holidayseason #happyholidays
❣❣❣Just a simple quote of the week to begin your holiday celebrations. ❄️⛄️"Chill our and reflect!"❄️⛄️ ❣❣❣
#designsound #designsoundproductions #quotestagram #wordsofencouragement #CommunityMatters #wordstoliveby #nevergiveupquotes #businessgrowth #CommunityImpact #teamworkquotes #teamworkmakesdreamwork #quoteoftheweek #wordsofwisdom #businessquotes #wintervibes #winter2024 #designsoundproaudio #losangeles #winterquotes #holidayinspiration