“Barton navigates the complex dynamics between characters, each grappling with the aftermath of Nora’s departure. The tension crackles with unresolved issues and shifting power dynamics.”
“Mia Christou’s Nora is a force to be reckoned with - confident yet vulnerable, her return a mixture of triumph and trepidation. Peter Zizzo brings depth to Torvald, revealing layers of hurt and confusion beneath his composed exterior.”
“Barton’s direction shines in the play’s quieter moments. He allows silences to speak volumes, letting the weight of years apart hang in the air. The result is a production that feels both intimate and expansive, tackling big ideas while never losing sight of the human story at its core.”
“Boldly mannered, Christou’s portrayal is underpinned by stringent subtlety.”
“We are swept up in Barton’s nearly-flawless staging… perfectly realized.”
“Peter Zizzo is virtuosic as the sadly “broken” Torvald. while a wonderful Lisa Robins, sporting a mop of wildly unkempt hair, is drolly matter-of-fact as Nora’s former nanny Anne-Marie.”
“The performances by these extraordinary actors are phenomenal.”
“Peter Zizzo’s Torvald was an absolute delight.”
“Mia Christou’s Nora was a bold and beautiful choice. Almost goddess-like in her stage presence, her facade cracking ever so slightly.“
“Tati Jorio as Emmy was exquisite and formidable and Lisa Robbins almost stole the show as Anne-Marie!”