Rauslyn D Adams
and I LOVE you Too, Rausie!
"She’s last to the table. She’s busy making sure everyone has what they need.
She’s last out to the car. She’s been searching for missing shoes and hurrying to get everyone else ready.
Often, she’s last to get to wherever she’s going. She’s got good intentions, but she’s getting used to being late.
Yet, when you ask her children who’s always been there; their cheerleader; their safe place…
Her name comes first.
When the world looks around and notices the most influential voice in the lives of the next generation…
Her name comes first.
When it’s been a hard day, and her family needs someone who’ll listen with compassion and grace…
Her name comes first -
'Hey, Mom…'
She’s nowhere near perfect. She’s messy and frustrated and on her knees asking God to be her strength and to redeem.
She keeps getting back up, and she keeps going. She keeps giving. There’s abundance of blessings she receives.
She trusts when God handpicked the right mother for her children -
Her name came first.
You’re doing such a good job, mama!! You may not hear a 'thank you' today, but one day, you will!"
Credit: Mommys15Minutes by Jaclyn Warren