Woohoo Home Church!!! I love it!!!
"Be Ready"
We are called to “be ready in season and out of season to give a reason for our faith”, but how do we do that?
Peter and John’s experience with the lame man at the Temple gives us an answer…
Ugly Christmas Sweaters aren't the only ugly things we can wear during the Christmas season... Join us Sunday, 10:00 am, Bonham Community Church
What is a Christian?
This term has been abused over the years… It has become so commonly used — misused I should say — that it has lost its meaning.
The word “Christian” is only used in the Bible 3 times… And it was not a term that the disciples used to refer to themselves!
.... We like to call ourselves Christians.... Our world tosses it around like it’s a crown… A title demanding respect…
Gospel of Luke / Burden-Bearers; Love; Service; Disciple / Luke 5:17–26
The Church today is struggling... We are experiencing decline like never before. Analysts are calling it "the rise of the Nones"... That is people who identify themselves as having "no religion". Everyday, thousands of people and pastors walk away from the Church -- from ministry... WHY???
A lack of BURDEN!
Christians have lost a burden for the Holy Spirit, and a burden for the lost!
Wind The Clock
How long have you lived? There are moments in life where time stands still, where we know in our hearts that we are truly alive... We need to "wind the clock" on those moments!
Flip The Script
In John 10, Jesus tells us why He came to this world: "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."
In other words, We were meant to thrive!
But sometimes, even as Christians, it doesn't feel like we are thriving... Sometimes it feels like we are drowning... like life is swallowing us up... BUT IT DOESN"T HAVE TO!!!
We don't find the abundant life all at once. We find it by winning one day at a time!
The Thriving Church. Part 1
What does it mean for a church to "Thrive"? Does it mean that the church has lots of people and money? NO!!!!
"Thriving means excitement... excitement about Christ..." Thriving means involvement in something greater than ourselves... The book of Acts presents us with a church that thrived!
They made disciples... They reproduced... They were on mission together.
All In: Commissioned
Jesus calls us to salvation for one purpose.. He wants us to follow Him ... to do things His way... to dedicate our lives to Him, so that He can send us out into the world. He sent His Holy Spirit to guide us in our work, but we must choose to follow Him...
If we want to go "ALL IN" for Jesus, the we MUST live the commission He has given us!
All In: Follow Me
Knowing Jesus can happen in a single moment, with a single prayer... but following Jesus happens over a lifetime. Jesus uses His words strategically throughout His ministry, calling people from all different backgrounds and lifestyles to... Follow Him! But... What happens when we do?
All In: Take up your cross
What motivates missionaries to stay in the field regardless of the threat to their personal lives and the lives of their families?
What caused 5 women to move their children into the village of the exact same village that murdered their husbands?
What motivates people to give up their lives for the sake of serving others?
They were "All In"!
Going "All In" for Christ means making Him our #1 source...