We are honored to contribute to this burial service.
Each year, about 630 people die in Gallatin County. Some go unclaimed at the funeral home or coroner’s office, despite many attempts to locate family, friends, or others willing to make arrangements. When no one is found, the unclaimed are cremated, and their remains stored.
Over the years, many unclaimed urns have been kept at Dokken-Nelson Funeral Service and the Gallatin County Coroner’s Office. These individuals deserve to be respectfully laid to rest. On Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 1:30 PM, 66 unclaimed urns will be buried at Sunset Hills Cemetery in Bozeman. This graveside service, open to the public, will include a reading of names and a prayer by the Gallatin County Chaplain.
The urns date from 1922 to 2020. A list of 63 public names and their years of death is available below. Some names are omitted, including those of infants, unidentified remains, and individuals who requested burial with the unclaimed. Five veterans (denoted by *) will be honored in a separate ceremony. If you recognize a name and can verify a connection, you may retrieve the urn before the burial.
Public Names
Clark Allen (2010), Dagmar Arctander (1973), Carl Arctander (1973), Arthur Bartosch (1995), Frank Bimrose (1965), Marie Bimrose (1960), Mary Brehl (1929), Cheryl Brooks (2005), Walter Cattrell (1950), Dale Christensen* (1955), Melvin Clouse (2007), Katharine Cobb (1989), Beatrice Copeland (2003), George Covey (1981), Edrie Cronin (1969), George Cutler (1996), Arleen Danielson (2004), Sir Roderque Ellis (1944), Fred Fallet (1996), Charlotte Fillbach (2000), Fay Fisher (1987), Thomas Gilkerson (1968), Rose Hablow (1990), Frank Hahn (2016), Lawrence Harner (1975), Harriet Hunt (1959), Ruth Jespersen (1957), Larry Jones (2011), Marvin Jones* (1968), Blanche Landau (1948), Lilliam Laukala (1994), Steven Leffler (2004), Casilda Lenci (2008), Peter Longo (2020), Cora Loraine (1972), F***y Loth (1953), Werner Lundin* (1994), Janet MacIver (1983), James Mantel (2009), Rebecca Mantel (2000), Gary Marks (2019), Alvina McManus (1981), Cavour McMillian* (1997), Evelyn Monroe (1991), Edward Morris* (1967), Joseph Myhre (2009), Stephen Nile (1981), Richard Panzloff (2006), Louise Poro (1990), Susan Quayle (2007), Anne Riddle (1978), Maybelle Rockefeller (1976), Mary Scott (1999), Viola Shivvers (1998), Margaret Smith (1989), William Smith (1999), James Stephens (2004), Diana Stover (1976), Corinne Taplin (1984), Minnie Thrasher (1960), Marjorie Vardalis (1981), Ruth Williamson (2006), Dorothy Young (1997).
Thank you to:
- Dokken-Nelson Funeral Service for storing the urns, donating the outer burial container, and coordinating this effort
- the City of Bozeman for donating the burial plot, opening, and closing the grave site
- Langohr's Flowerland for donating the flower arrangements for the burial service
For more information, contact Dokken-Nelson Funeral Service at 406-587-3184 or the Gallatin County Coroner’s Office at 406-582-2178.