Share on your page. Sunshine Brenda Cole winner of the New Horizon Female Vocalist of the Year Award BGSSA Let's help Sunshine reach 10,000 followers
Sunshine is a regular guest on TV on Branson Gospel TV
Mon. and Thurs. @ 5:00pm central and on ALG Network on
Sat. @ 5:30 pm central
Our Amerucan soldiers are the backbone of America. The blood sweat and tears. The bold and the brave. Always enjoyed singing at the American Legion Sunshine Brenda Cole God Bless America God bless the USA. The Great American Revival Thank you to our Veterans!!! I Love America USA
AMAZING GRACE. Just droped in for a bite and we were asked to sing. Thought we would bless you with some God's grace from the heart. We are getting ready to re-locate the gospel music barn from Nashville, Tennessee area to Branson USA Gospel Music Barn Sunshine Brenda Cole The Great American Revival Grand Ole Legends will be a lot smaller than the Grand Ole Opry but we will praise the Lord!!! The Jesus Christ Fan Club Melody Dawn Records Sunshine Shine Shine Shine Sunshine Brenda Cole #Gospel #Revival #gospelmusic #music #nashville #Branson #grace #bransonmissouri #bransonmo
#Revival #mariomurillo #Jesus Gospel Music Barn Brenda Cole Branson USA Sunshine Brenda Cole Branson Entertainment News Branson Entertainment The Great American Revival #bransonmo #bransonmissouri #bransonentertainment
Jesus came to save the world!
Gospel Music Barn Branson USA Branson Entertainment Brenda Cole Sunshine Brenda Cole Branson Missouri Branson Entertainment News Better Branson, Missouri Sunshine Shine Shine Shine Christmas Shine Christmas Shine The Great American Revival Great American Revivals The Great American Revival Melody Dawn Records Revival TV #bransonmissouri Branson Groups Branson Area Appreciation and other fun or free happening 2022 Branson Radio Branson Terry Music Awards #branson #bransonmo #BRANSONSHOWS #bransonentertainment
PRAISE!!! Sunshine Shine Shine Shine Gospel Music Barn Sunshine Brenda Cole Branson Entertainment Brenda Cole Branson USA Branson Entertainment News Branson Missouri Melody Dawn Records The Great American Revival Great American Revivals Revival TV The Great American Revival #BRANSON #bransonmo #bransonmissouri #BRANSONSHOWS
Gospel Music Barn #gospelmusic #Revival #Branson #bransonmo Branson USA Branson Entertainment News Sunshine Brenda Cole The Great American Revival #Jesus