Plague Presents - Halloween Goth Ball, Saturday, October 26th, at AURA featuring Performance Arts, Live Visuals, Costume Contest and more!
A Gothic Soiree for Halloween in the upstairs hall at Aura! Creative Gothic Halloween attire is encouraged! All costumes are welcome!
DJs Mothra, Nemesis, and Sawtooth spin goth/industrial/dark Halloween music! Live performances by Aerial Arts 207, Lexi GoGo with Visuals by VJ Foo!
Costume contest at midnight with cash prizes! Vending by Black Magic Rose Vintage and Djinn!
9pm-1am, 21+, $25 adv, $30 at the door Tix available at www.auramaine.com
PLAGUE @ Aura, 121 Center Street, Portland, Maine
Facebook plaguemaine