Happy Solstice! Making plans for the New Year? Main Line Early Music welcomes you to join us for a concert with the Sylvan Consort!
Lawes & Order
The Sylvan Consort of Viols
Sunday, January 26th at 3pm
Church of the Good Shepherd Rosemont
1116 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr
Tickets: $30 general, $20 senior, $10 student, under 18 free
TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lawes-and-order-tickets-1120744800869?aff=oddtdtcreator
Experimentation, new forms, pushing boundaries of instrumental virtuosity and vocal expression - these are the hallmarks of 17th century music throughout Europe. While we might consider English consort music to be the exception, with its orderly contrapuntal conversations and serene flow of ideas, in fact the old rules were constantly stretched and often broken. William Lawes, the admired and beloved composer who died early, losing his life to a stray bullet during the lawless period of the English Civil War, extended those rules to the furthest limits of both harmony and technique. The Sylvan Viols will play his challenging and sublime music in the context of others who experimented in their own unique ways.