First Saturday Worship Night

First Saturday Worship Night Neighborly folks sharing musical gifts followed by food & friendship. Everyone’s invited


a cloud and smoke by day
and the shining of
a flaming fire by night;
for over all the glory
shall be a canopy
(a defense of divine love
and protection).


It’s okay to sing about Jesus,
but methinks worship is more about singing
to Jesus.

ALL LIVES MATTER! You can do something  Students for Life of America!

You can do something Students for Life of America!

Join me and thousands of pro-life Christians across NY for the Walk for Life Weekend! Get inspired at the Online Rally on Friday, April 29th 7:00 - 8:00PM THEN publicly express your pro-life convictions at the In-Person Walk on Saturday, April 30th 9:00AM - 12:00PM!


This is your personal Invitation to the First Saturday Worship Night of 2022! Jan 8th, 2022 (Every First Saturday of the month, except this month) 5:00 PM Refreshments will follow. Feel free to bring...


The Angels Return To Heaven

Christmas was now over and the angels had finished their assignments. It was time to pack their wings and catch a flight back to heaven. Most of them were glad to go back to the Place of No Pain, No Tears & No Sorrows. A few of the angels though, had other ideas.

There was a message from Wisdom that seemed to affect them more than the others. The message was, “He desires that none should perish.” We may never understand why, but some beings go the extra mile. These angels originated from a rare heavenly lineage of Spirit Messengers. The hallmark of their character was going Beyond Expectations. Wisdom gave them a name, they were called The Beyonders.

Before going back to heaven, these angels looked beyond the horizon. From the mountain on which they rested, the angels could almost see the gentle curve of the earth. Each one of them scanned the earth for those who might be succumbing to perishing circumstances.

On December 18 when their journey began, the angels had taken notice of a group of Beyonders among the people on earth. They were known as Pastors who acted as Shepherds. They were tasked with teaching people about Love, Humility and Wisdom. The Pastor’s had organized an Event With Residual Effects.

The event was called Christmas For Kids. Over 1,000 children and their families freely received the blessings of gifts and Encouraging Love. Even a revered figure in human lore called Santa Claus greeted children with a Manger Message of New Beginnings. The Pastor’s had hoped the event would plant Seeds of Good Neighborliness. It did that and more.

The angels were experts at orchestrating Divine Appointments. They arranged for a man who had traveled from a faraway Perishing Place to connect with one of the Pastor’s. The man came from a community where the Perish Root had grown. The angels knew that People Who Perish were not Born To Perish. Life becomes hard and some folks become bitter. Hard lives and bitter hearts become soils where the Perish Root sprouts in despair.

After sharing some heart knowledge, the angels caused a Heart-Storm to pass over the Pastor’s Heart. He told the man that any leftover gifts would be delivered to the people in the Land of Diminished Opportunity. On the afternoon of December 18 after the first Residual Event was finished, the Pastors loaded the man’s truck with Residual Blessings Leftover from the Residual Event.

There was a little girl with Humble Desires who lived in the Perishing Place. The people who lived there were good people with hard lives. Opportunity was increasingly perishing which only serves to Accelerate a Perishing Mindset. The little girl was asked what gift she would like for Christmas. Out of the depths of her pure heart she replied, “I want some firewood for my Grandmother so she can stay warm this winter.”

Humble Desires are Wisdom’s Way of using Residual Blessings to Enlarge the Territory of Love on Earth as it is in Heaven. The little girl was given wood and so much more. The Leftover Blessings created a Surplus of Multiplication that Keeps On Giving Beyond Expectations.

Go and do likewise.


“In the same way,
wisdom is sweet to your soul.
If you find it,
you will have a bright future,
and your hopes will not be cut short.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭24:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“He will not forget the needs of the poor.
One day the needy will be remembered,
and their hopes will not be
forever dashed in disappointment.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭9:18‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“A shepherd should pay close attention
to the faces of his flock
and hold close to his heart
the condition of those he cares for.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27:23‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Monday, December 27, 2021
6:50 AM
Doney Park, AZ
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.


Doing Life In A Manger Place

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the earth, the angels were happy about the pending New Birth! Their week in the world below heaven was almost over. Gladness was mixed with sadness as they knew joy was always one step away from sorrow. In the blink of an eye, life could be turned upside down.

Although the Christmas season had been commercially expanded, the reason for the season seem to be getting more lost in the money. That’s where folks on earth were finding their value these days. People ignored the fact that money can’t buy love and it’s useless against loneliness. Still, they persisted in using money as a fake healer.

On this 24th day of December, the angels had 24 hours to visit both the Place of Gladness and the Place of Sadness. Despite the opposite nature of their names, these places existed side by side. Old folks who knew Wisdom, were given the ability to look back on the journey of their lives and see how they’d traveled frequently between both places.

The angels were energized at being able to lay out a plan for the people called: “Doing Life In A Manger Place.” It would be easy for Wisdom to gather all the people on earth and teach them a lesson all at once. That’s what a teacher does in a classroom, but the Lesson of Wisdom is only learned through Life. The angels had to utilize Life Lessons to reach both the Teachable and Unteachable. There is a Final Place of Sadness for Unteachable folks.

A Manger Place is small and tucked away in a Humble Heart. The Manger is a Birthplace and Beliefplace. The structure contains beams of gladness held by nails of sadness. Within its walls are sounds of travail and the silence of unspeakable joy.

All things are birthed together for good in the Beliefplace. The Manger has Food for Thought bought with Poverty Money. The Value of Little becomes Greater in the Manger. All creatures Great and Small, there’s Room in the Manger for folks who answer Wisdom’s Call.

The manger is a place for the tired and poor to Receive Refreshment. The manger is a door to a Peace that Surpasses All Understanding. Some who pass this way may never leave and go back the way they came. Heaven lies beyond the Manger Door.

Gladness or Sadness, they both shall pass, Tis better to live Life in a Manger Place. The Landlord is your Savior who will never reject you or abandon you. The life you live was chosen for you and influenced by the choices you make.

The Landlord of the world knew you before you were born. His journey for you is unique. You are Specially Chosen, Highly Valued and Deemed Worthy to carry Beams of Gladness with Nails of Sadness. The sun only rises after darkness has befallen the world. The Son has risen in the Manger Place to redeem a fallen world.

Live your Life in the Manger Place and let the Son rise within you. Joy to the world your Savior’s here! Joy to the world it’s freedom you hear! Start over again. Be born again. So be it, just believe it and say Amen!


“And if I were to be so generous
as to give away everything I owned
to feed the poor,
and to offer my body
to be burned as a martyr,
without the pure motive of love,
I would gain nothing of value.
Love is large and incredibly patient.
Love is gentle and consistently kind to all.
It refuses to be jealous
when blessing comes to someone else.
Love does not brag
about one’s achievements
nor inflate its own importance.
Love does not traffic
in shame and disrespect,
nor selfishly seek its own honor.
Love is not easily irritated
or quick to take offense.
Love joyfully celebrates honesty
and finds no delight in what is wrong.
Love is a safe place of shelter,
for it never stops
believing the best for others.
Love never takes failure as defeat,
for it never gives up.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:3-7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Coming Next:
Back To Heaven


Friday, December 24, 2021
5:02 AM
Doney Park, AZ
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.


A Mindset In A Manger

The angels were glad that their prison visitations were over. Funny thing though, it wasn’t as hard as they had made up their minds it would be. The biggest challenge they faced was hearing the taunting voices of the fallen angels. “You too will fall! You won’t make it in heaven! Wisdom is too hard for you to understand!”

The taunting put downs stopped when the angels set their minds on things above and things that had fallen. Today is December 23, two days before Christmas when their earthly journey will end. Like Teachers, they would never really know how many lives had benefited from their efforts. The Blessing of Deficit was a heavenly concept that brought an Income of Grace for those who embraced it.

Today the angels would enter the territory of the Prison of One’s Own Mind. Many people on earth created jail cells in their own bodies. As creation on earth groaned on, the devil had become a Master of Deception by gaining control of most forms of media. Public Communication was manipulated through blatant lies, misinformation and partial truths. The goal of the enemy was to create fear and isolation.

To protect themselves from fear, folks began to quarantine in their own minds. Seclusion became a protection. Segregation became a safety net. Isolation became an acceptable detention. Home confinement became an assurance of immunity. The culture around them became insistent on creating within them a Shelter Mindset. Messages were sent to solidify the Mindset,
“You’ll be safe as long as you don’t leave your shelter.”
“There’s unsafe people outside your home.”
“Listen to the media and you’ll the truth.”

People were freely persuaded to imprison themselves in their own mindsets. The angels were awestruck at the simplicity of recognizing the deception that controlled human mindsets. The huddled together to heart-storm and come up with a game plan. They could not intervene, but they could influence. The solution they came up with was to use Billboards to spread positive messages.

The Billboards of Mindset Guardians

*Discard corrosive thoughts.
*Develop positive thoughts.
*Deal with damaged memories.
*Identify dangerous temptations.
*Study Wisdom to avoid deception.
*Defend against becoming offended.
*Guard against becoming overwhelmed.
*Don’t allow your mind to wander into misleading news.
*Reject falsehoods immediately.
*Create a clean mind.
*Allow only mindsets that stir up, build up and cheer up.

The greatest Mindsets of all are a Giving Mindset and a Gratitude Mindset. God gave us a Mindset in a Manger as a gift of Truth that Sets us Free from worldly mindsets of sin. Receive Him, be grateful for Him and share Him.


“Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:17TPT‬‬

“For although we live in the natural realm,
we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims.
Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide.
We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God.
We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:3-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Coming Next:
The Christmas Place


Thursday, December 23, 2021
8:35 AM
Doney Park, AZ
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.


Generational Jail Cells

When Wisdom had given the angels instructions for Christmas week, they were never given advance notice about where they would go. All they knew is that they’d visit a region somewhere on earth. Now the earth is nowhere near as vast as heaven, but there was still a lot of ground to cover.

Within the domain of the earth were miniature replicas of what people would experience in their lives beyond their present world. Freedom and Bo***ge existed in many different forms. Prisons were physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Freedom was represented by a Peace that Transcends All Understanding in this world and the next.

The angels referred to the earth as the Circle of Clay. They knew it had been created and shaped by Wisdom. The people who lived there existed in mortal bodies that were perishable with a Limited Time of Survival. The angels called them the Clay People. Clay could only be shaped for a time and time and a half. For the angels, time is of the essence to prepare the people for life after their bodies perished.

Today’s mission for the angels on December 22 was to visit those imprisoned in jails. The angels would rather not go. They had read the stories in the Angelic Archives of Antiquity about the Fallen Angels. Wisdom had cast them away from heavenly freedom into the bo***ge of a Fiery Abyss. Nonetheless, they knew their mission was extremely important and unavoidable.

On the Northeastern Coast of the country with the highest incarceration rate in the world was a Family Prison. The United States was the leader in jailing its citizens. Young people grew up without dads who were in prison. Time in jail was expected and accepted as something a man had to do. Time away from the neighborhood was called a Vacation.

Some guys never met their fathers until they were locked up together. The angels were spread out over America and instructed to go behind bars on a Time Sensitive Rescue Mission. One of the angels was directed to the Paradidomi Penitentiary. A grandfather was doing a sentence of life without parole for murder. His son was sentenced for conspiracy under the Rico Law for gang activity and was serving 20 years to life. The grandson had just arrived to serve 8-10 years on a burglary charge.

Grandpa was serving in the Prison Ministry while his son was involved in gangster activities. The newly arrived grandson was eager to follow in his dads footsteps. He told his friends that he had gangster blood. He’d never met Grandpa before. When he heard he was a Jailhouse Deacon, he wanted nothing to do with him. The angel needed to influence the youngster fast before he was hardened beyond reach.

The angel knew of a triple murderer who’d learned the Way of Wisdom and wanted to help younger guys steer clear of trouble. He worked in the kitchen and was given great liberties by the Warden because of his record of helping guys change their lives. The angel opened a door for the youngster that was too hard to refuse. Soon, without realizing what was happening, he was being tutored by an Old Gangster with Wisdom.


1. It’s better to be accepted as you are instead of changing to be accepted.
2. Avoid trouble to find safety.
3. Joining a Faith Community is safer than joining a Fighting Community.
4. Deal with your emotions before they control your behavior.
5. It’s okay to be vulnerable with guys you trust.
6. Write your struggles, emotions and causes in an Attitude Journal.
7. Admitting your weaknesses and seeking help is an act of power.


“At last we have freedom, for Christ has set us free! We must always cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bo***ge of our past.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:1‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“You will be a light to shine for all people.
You will help the blind to see.
You will free those who are in prison.
You will lead those who live in darkness
out of their prison.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42:6-7‬ ‭ICB‬‬

Coming next:
Guardians of The Mindset


Wednesday, December 22, 2021
9:04 PM
Doney Park, AZ.
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.


Multiple Streams of Poverty

The angels seemed to be up against more than they had bargained for. The people were spending much more than they had. Christmas was turning into the Season of Spending Beyond Reason. Folks went overboard in making materialistic purchases hoping to provide proof of their love.

Today is December 21 and the angels were assigned to cover the Middle Class & Poorest Communities all over the world. People who lived in these neighborhoods were often living on the borders of desperation. They could be easily enticed into believing that overspending would bring them happiness. Overspending was only one of the Multiple Streams of Poverty, but it could be the catalyst in opening the floodgates of Greater Poverty.

The devil and his deadbeat parasites were well-versed in Wisdom’s Plan of Truth for Life. They had become experts at Twisting Truth. The evil sycophants knew that untaught and unstable people could be manipulated by False Hope. They sold lies that were easily bought by people whose hearts were easily deceived.

One particular house with a peculiar red haze over it caught an angel’s attention. The breath of wickedness hovered like a poisonous v***r over an apartment complex. A single mother was alone in bed as her five children slept nearby. One of the Fiends of Evil knelt by her bedside. Being alone, the woman was desperate to hear any voice that would give hope to her aching soul.

Christmas would be here soon and though not quite penniless, there wasn’t much money to cover the Dreams of her children. To make matters worse, her wealthy sister was always rubbing her nose in shame as she bragged about her abundance and prosperity.

The woman’s pillow was drenched with tears. She cried out loudly hoping someone would hear and take pity on her sad situation. She opened her mind to any possibility that might exist. In that opening, the Fiend of Evil seized an opportunity and began speaking to her. “I can help you. I have a way. The Secret is the Spending Way. Spend all you have. Spend all you don’t have. Borrow to Spend More. You’re a good woman and you deserve to Spend like your sister does.”

The woman’s crying ceased as she allowed the words of the Fiend to seep into her mind. Unfortunately the darkness had just begun to spread and was about to become more twisted. The Fiend continued its lies, “Now I will give you the greatest Spending Secret of All. I know you believe in Wisdom and the Truth you learned as a child. Listen to what the Truth says, ‘And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

The Fiend almost shouted into her heart, “Don’t you see? You can Spend Everything Always and All Your Needs Will Always Be Fully Met!”

The angel heard enough of the Fiends Lies and Deception. Although they weren’t allowed to directly intervene, angels could use the Power of Influence. The angel entered the room with the sound of a mighty rushing wind. Its presence was like a Shining Star reflecting the Light of the Son. The brilliance of Light caused the Fiend to flee.

The warmth of serenity filled the woman’s room. The Light penetrated her heart and shined on a remembrance long forgotten. It caused her to recall a Manger Story she’d heard as a child. A Baby was Born in a feeding for animals. The Child’s parents probably had less material possessions than she did.

By her bed was a nightstand with a copy of Wisdom and Truth. Her tears returned as she opened it and began reading.
“Not that I speak from [any personal] need,
for I have learned to be content
[and self-sufficient through Christ,
satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy]
regardless of my circumstances.
I know how to get along and live humbly
[in difficult times],
and I also know how to enjoy abundance and live in prosperity.
In any and every circumstance
I have learned the secret [of facing life],
whether well-fed or going hungry,
whether having an abundance or being in need.
I can do all things
[which He has called me to do]
through Him who strengthens and empowers me
[to fulfill His purpose—
I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency;
I am ready for anything and equal to anything
through Him who infuses me
with inner strength and confident peace.]
Not that I seek the gift itself,
but I do seek the profit
which increases to your [heavenly] account
[the blessing which is accumulating for you].
And my God will liberally supply
(fill until full)
your every need
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
To our God and Father be the glory forever and ever.
Philippians 4:11-13, 17, 19-20 AMP

The woman recognized how Evil had Twisted Truth to Deceive her. Had she listened, her family would have Increased the Streams of Poverty and Enlarged their Plight.

Out of the pages of Wisdom and Truth fell some notes she had taken the last time she had taken the kids to church. She silently read the words.

1. Spend only what you have.
2. Don’t obtain money in ways that deny God the opportunity to provide.
3. Don’t sacrifice future peace for profit in the present.
4. The Gift of Love is immaterial and more meaningful than money.
5. Having faith is not a credit card with God.
6. Focus on what you can leave this world with.
7. Count the cost. Have a Plan. Keep a Record.


“I know what it means to lack,
and I know what it means to experience
overwhelming abundance.
For I’m trained in the secret
of overcoming all things,
whether in fullness
or in hunger.
And I find that the strength of
Christ’s explosive power
infuses me to conquer every difficulty.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:12-13‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Coming next:
Poverty Roots


Tuesday, December 21, 2021
9:35 AM
Doney Park, AZ
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.


Gangsters Disrespect A Young Girl

Some folks noticed something different about yesterday. When the angels came to earth from heaven on high, there was a shift in the atmosphere. Only those with an awareness and yearning for the Ancient of Days could sense the change. They were few in number - at the beginning.

Today is Day Two of the angels earthly visitation to share the Seven Poverty’s. The more they spread throughout the world, ripples of recognition began to awaken hungry hearts. There was something happening, but the people weren’t sure what it was.

An angel arrived in the Northeastern Region of the United States of America. The name of the Region sounded fictitious as the people who lived there were anything but united. The place of the angel’s arrival was a gym in one of the most impoverished and violent neighborhoods in America. Fatherless young people populated the homes around the gym.

Children who grow up without fathers are left with a Poverty of Personality. This one Poverty has the Potential to cause most of the other Poverty’s in the world. For young people, the emptiness is not easily identifiable. The absence of a Father-Personality leaves an unfulfilled desperation to be recognized and loved.

They were good kids with absentee dads living hard lives. The moms were doing the best they could to fill the role of a Father-Personality. Poverty pushed against their efforts from all sides. Gangs prowled the streets looking to recruit new members willing to steal, kill and destroy anything to benefit the gang.

Gangsters would come to the gym in a youth center to play basketball. Girls would come mostly to watch and be seen. The guys treated them nicely as the first step in their grooming process. The girls were looking for the Love of a Father. The guys lacked that love and were looking for a girl to use.

The angel focused on the guy who ran the gym. He had no special expertise or talent, but possessed a strong desire to do the right thing. A small seed of compassion was dropped in between the beats of his heart. The angel planted a seed of compassion in hopes of generating the growth of Father-Personalities in the young people. This was done in accordance with Wisdom’s instructions about not intervening or alleviating suffering. Angels were only to plant seeds and allow people to make the choice of pursuing compassion.

Five guys had gathered around a 14 yr. old girl. She was easily flattered by the attention she was receiving. The guys in the gang and the young girl were living fatherless. Fatherlessness is a contagious cultural contamination that causes generational despair. She was too innocent to realize they were grooming her for their devious pleasures. They asked her to jump, and while that may not appear as a lewd request, it came from the root of nasty thoughts.

The girl was quickly embarrassed. The look on her face was shame mixed with fear and awkwardness. The guy running the gym may not have had any special skills, but he did have a keen awareness of what was happening in every corner of the gym. He exploded in anger at the gangsters. He would not allow any girls to be treated like dirt. The guys were told to leave.

Any expulsions from the gym were temporary and intended for discipline. The disrespect of girls was the worst offense fatherless guys committed. The youth director became a Father-Personality to help fill the void of absentee fathers.

The angel had found an imperfect, but willing soul. The man surrendered the weakness of his own flesh and expressed an eagerness to demonstrate a Father’s Love to the fatherless.

Coming next:
Breaking A Witch’s Curse


“For in You [O Lord] the fatherless
find love, pity, and mercy.”
‭‭Hosea‬ ‭14:3‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

“Learn to do right!
Seek justice, relieve the oppressed,
and correct the oppressor.
Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭1:17‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

“Defend the defenseless,
the fatherless and the forgotten,
the disenfranchised and the destitute.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭82:3‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Sunday, December 19, 2021
7:02 AM
Doney Park, AZ


Angels On Earth As They Are In Heaven

The metal from the man’s prosthesis gleamed in the sun as he lay on the sidewalk. An old Army green wool blanket partially covered his curled up body. A rolled up newspaper was under his head providing a small cushion on the cold cement. There was a sewer grate on the curb just a few feet from his head.

Most passersby gave a quick glance, registered a bit of pity in their hearts and kept going. Many of them were on their way to church. To them he was just another poor lost soul in a city of many homeless folks looking for a handout.

It was 7 am on December 18 and the Army of Angels had just passed through the firmament between heaven and earth. Today was the beginning of the Seven Poverty’s of Christmas. Wisdom had trained them for this special occasion to coincide with the Seven Days Before Christmas.

Each angel was assigned a specific territory on earth. They would designate certain individuals to receive one or more of the Seven Poverty’s of Christmas. This distinction was referred to as the Blessing of Deficit. The man with the metal leg represented an opportunity for someone to perform an Act of Compassion. The Poverty of Flesh was lying on the sidewalk.

The angel reviewed Wisdom’s Teaching on the Poverty of Flesh.
[1. The greater the brokenness in spirit, the greater the understanding of how to alleviate suffering in broken flesh.
2. Humbleness in spirit creates helpfulness to hurting humans.
3. Lean not on your broken flesh, but rather seek mercy and grace on your way to wisdom
4. All broken bodies are temples in disrepair waiting for compassion to rebuild them.
5. Temporary brokenness on earth is a Bridge to Permanent Healedness in heaven.
6. Grace undeserved is meant to be freely given to the under served.
7. The Seven Words of Renewal: Recognize, Respond, Relieve, Redeem, Release, Respect and Raise.
The eyes of Wisdom will go round about the earth looking for brokenness and those who offer tenderness.
Your task will be to take special note and record those offerings.
In the coming days they will be known as Compassioneers, Gracegivers and Rebuilders.
The Law of First Sight demands
that you give a Second Look.]

The man didn’t have a sign and wasn’t begging, he was just there - sleeping. All of the cars drove by granting only a glance of First Sight except one. A man and his wife were on their way to church. They were already late. The First Sight of their eyes demanded a Second Look from the hearts. They turned around and drove back to where the one legged man was lying on the sidewalk.

After getting out of his car, the man almost tripped on the curb as his eyes were fixed on the metal leg gleaming in the sun. The man with the metal leg lifted his head, smiled and said hello. After some small talk, the man with two legs asked the one legged man how he could help him. He replied: “I’m good, just waiting for a ride.”

After praying with the man and leaving him a business card, the man and his wife went off to church. Nothing special happened except maybe the one legged man knew somebody cared. Caring is a big thing in this world. The angel smiled and recorded the Act of Compassion.

Coming next:
Gangsters Dirsepect A Young Girl


“I’ve left you an example of how you should serve and take care of those who are weak. For we must always cherish the words of our Lord Jesus, who taught, ‘Giving brings a far greater blessing than receiving.’ ””
‭‭Acts‬ ‭20:35‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“I, the Son of Man, will one day return with my messengers and in the splendor and majesty of my Father. And then I will reward each person according to what they have done.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16:27‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Saturday, December 18, 2021
4:14 PM
Doney Park, AZ


Buffalo, NY

Opening Hours

9pm - 9pm


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