Come all ye young Rebels.
20th century Irish writer Liam O’Flaherty’s "The Informer" is brought to life as ART/WNY presents the world premiere of a stage adaptation of his 1920’s novel.
This tale of lost souls desperately trying to make sense of a world around them torn by civil war for National identity, economic hardship, and spiritual absence is set to open March 13th and run until March 29th at the Compass Performing Arts Center, 545 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo NY. The March 15th, 5-7 pm show features a special Saint Patrick's Day celebration following the performance. $25 GA / $20 Military & Student / $15 Arts Industry / Thursday nights are Pay-What-You-Can. Service fee for all online tickets purchased through Eventbright (Links below)
The talented ensemble includes Trevor Dugan, Juli Gygeir, Anthony Grande, Danette Pawlowski, Catherine Burkhart, John DellaContrada, Dan Morris, Jackson Snodgrass, Nate Chateau, John F Kennedy, Tyler Collis, Scott Gattie, Alicia Adema, and Katlyn Gard.
Directed and written by Matthew LaChiusa, the production team also features Sheri Sante (Stage Manager), Jessica Rasp (Costumer), Catherine Burkhart (Dialect Coach/Assistant Director), Anthony Grande (Fight Cordinator), and Suzanne Hibbard (Choreographer).
Don't miss this Peaky Blinders and Tullamore Dew soaked narrative.
Online Ticket Information:
Saint Patricks Day Celebration: