You have to ask your teen these questions!
These are Carter’s answers.
1. What is a Rolodex?
A watch
2. What is a Walkman?
A thing you could listen to CDs on
3. What are the yellow pages?
A phone book
4. Do you know what a phone jack is?
Something you can hook up to your phone like a USB cable
5. What’s a trapper keeper?
A binder
6. What is a crimper?
A thing to make the edges of a pie crust
7. What is a hacky sack?
A little beanbag thing you kick around
8. What is a boom box?
A small stereo
9. What is an Atari?
The first video game system
10. What is Tang?
The precursor to Sunny D
11. What is a TV?
A television
12. What is a view finder?
That thing you look through and click that shows pictures
13. What is the Oregon Trail?
Its a place in history that settlers traveled
14. What was the minimum wage in 1980?
Like $4.00
15. What is a bon-bon?
A pastry
16. What is a card??
A piece of paper that you get for birthdays and things
17. What is a Lite Brite?
Something that helps you read when it’s dark?
18. What is Teddy Ruxpin?
I don’t know
19. Do you know what Aqua Net is?