Let's update our feed with our gorgeous Thanksgiving table setup made by @andrealobocatering . Decoration and buffet made by Andrea Lobo.
Grateful 🙏 and thankful 🙏 always!
#catering #privateevents #cateringservice #andrealobocatering #privatechef #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #eventplanner #eventbayarea #food #thanksgivingtabledecor #Thanksgivingdinner #thanksgivingmeal #Thanksgiving #grateful #gratitude #luxuryinteriors #luxurylifestyle #bayareacatering #bayareafoodie
What does this table simbolize? Elegance and sophistication!
Our satisfaction is to see our customers happy!
#catering #andrealobocatering #cateringservice #privateevents #cateringevents #privatechef #cateringbayarea #eventplanner #eventbayarea #food #dinner #appetizers #appetizertable #charcuterie #charcuterieboard .
It was an honor to me to cook for one of the most famous country singers in Brazil 🇧🇷 @maiaraemaraisa .
#catering #privateevents #cateringservice #cateringevents #privatechef #cateringbayarea #eventplanner #eventbayarea #countrymusic #countrysinger #countrysinger #maiaraemaraisa #maiaraemaraisaoficial #turneinternacional
We have no words to thank each customer for their affection.😍
Thank you for choosing our services and honoring us with your trust and loyalty. 🤝
Our gratitude is infinite, as is our commitment to always offering the best for you.💞
Não temos palavras para agradecer o carinho de cada cliente.😍
Gratidão por escolherem nossos serviços e nos prestigiarem com a sua confiança e lealdade. 🤝
Nossa gratidão é infinita, assim como nosso compromisso em oferecer sempre o melhor para vocês.💞
Which kabobs will you want today?🥩🍖🥓
Qual espetinho você vai querer hoje?🥩🍖🥓
#steak #steaklover #steakporn #steakdinner #barbecue #barbecuetime #barbecuelovers #chef #eateateat #cookwithlove #cookwithme #cateringservice #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #catering #bayareafoodie #bayareabarbecue #marincounty #andrealobocaterin
Cambozola cheese terrine with caramelized pears.😋
Top 3 on our appetizer table, among other delicious Terrine options.😀
Are you ready to try one of the options on our menu?
#terrine #terrines #appetizer #appetizers #brunchtime #brunchtable #brunch #brunchideas #dinner #dinnerideas #dinnertime #cateringservice #catering #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #cateringevent #eventplanner #eventbayarea #eventplanners #event #chef #cheflife #cateringmagazine #chefstyle #luxurioustables #elegantcatering #privatechef #privateevents #andrealobocatering
Here's at Andrea's booth tent you will find the tastiest barbecue.
➡️Come and check out our warm and delicious dinner today.
B street in San Rafael in front of Safeway.
Aqui na barraca da Andrea você encontra o churrasquinho mais saboroso.
➡️Venha conferir hoje mesmo nossa jantinha quentinha e deliciosa.
B street in San Rafael em frente ao Safeway.
#grill #grillchicken #chicken #chickenkabobs #kabobs #grilllife #grilllovers #meat #meatlover #barbecue #barbecueparty #barbecuegrill #barbecuelovers #kebabs #shishkebabs #eat #eatwellbewell #eatrealfood #food #cateringservice #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #catering #eventbayarea #eventplanner #privatechef #privateevents #andrealobocatering #meatlover
Come to Andrea's booth tent today and start your weekend in the best way possible, enjoying our delicious dinner with a wonderful barbecue skewer.😋
📌B San Rafael Street in front of Safeway.
Venha para a Barraca da Andrea hoje e dê início ao seu fim de semana da melhor maneira possível, saboreando nossa delíciosa jantinha com um espetinho de churrasco maravilhoso.😋
📌Rua B San Rafael em frente ao Safeway.
#grill #grillchicken #chicken #chickenkabobs #kabobs #grilllife #grilllovers #meat #meatlover #barbecue #barbecueparty #barbecuegrill #barbecuelovers #kebabs #shishkebabs #eat #eatwellbewell #eatrealfood #food #cateringservice #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #catering #eventbayarea #eventplanner #privatechef #privateevents #andrealobocatering #meatlover
We have roasted chicken kabobs, too!😋
What are you waiting for?
➡️Come check it out today at Andrea's booth tent.
B street San Rafael in front of Safeway.
Temos espetinhos de frango assado também!😋
O que você está esperando?
➡️Venha conferir hoje mesmo na barraca da Andrea.
Rua B San Rafael em frente ao Safeway.
#grill #grillchicken #chicken #chickenkabobs #kabobs #grilllife #grilllovers #meat #meatlover #barbecue #barbecueparty #barbecuegrill #barbecuelovers #kebabs #shishkebabs #eat #eatwellbewell #eatrealfood #food #cateringservice #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #catering #eventbayarea #eventplanner #privatechef #privateevents #andrealobocatering #meatlover
Today, at Andrea's booth tent, we have our famous skewer (kebabs), served by a delicious Brazilian dinner waiting for you. 😃
Beef kebabs;
Chicken kebabs;
Chicken wrapped in bacon;
Pork kebabs;
Sausage kebabs;
Chicken heart kebabs;
Coalho Cheese.
served with our delicious rice
Tropeiro beans
Black bean;
Green salad.
All prepared with the best ingredients and Andrea's special touch.🍴
➡️Come to our tent and enjoy our delicacies, which are an explosion of flavors.
We will be on B street in San Rafael in front of Safeway.
🗓Every week - Wednesday to Saturday from 6:30 am to 11:00 pm.
Hoje, na barraca da Andrea, temos nosso famoso espetinho, acompanhado de uma jantinha deliciosa esperando por você. 😃
Espetinho de carne;
Espetinho de frango;
Medalhao de frango;
Espetinho de porco;
Espetinho de linguiça;
Espetinho de coraçao;
Espetinho de queijo coalho.
Acompanhado com nosso delicioso Arroz
Feijao tropeiro;
Feijao preto;
Salada Verde.
Todos preparado com os melhores ingredientes e o toque especial da Andrea.🍴
➡️Venha até a nossa barraca e desfrute das nossas delícias que é uma explosão de sabores.
Estaremos na B street in San Rafael em frente o Safeway.
🗓Toda semana - de quarta a sábado das 6h30 às 11h00 da noite.
#barbecue #barbecueparty #barbecuegrill #barbecuelovers #kebabs #shishkebabs #eat #eatwellbewell #eatrealfood #food #cateringservice #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #catering #eventbayarea #eventplanner #privatechef #privateevents #andrealobocatering #meatlover
You have no idea of the irresistible aroma of this cake made with cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice, covered with a generous layer of dulce de leche.😋
This delight is now ready to be ordered and will soon be available along with other typical cakes, all served in slices at Andrea's booth tent in San Rafael.
Don't miss this opportunity during the months of May and June.👩🌾
Come and delight in our flavors!
#pastry #pastrychef #pastrylove #patisserie #cake #cakedecorating #cakedecorator #cakeart # #cateringevents #cateringbayarea #cateringlife #cinnamon #cinnamoncake #deliciascaseiras
#cakeoftheday #cakelover #cakeboss #catering #cateringservice #bayaerea#festajunina #bolochurros #spicecake