On This Day In History
6 January 1494
A Twelfth Night Supper hosted by King Henry VII
To keep morale high, more splendid celebrations than usual were held at court on the Twelfth Night: after a 'sumptuous & great dinner', the king's players put on 'a goodly interlude' based on St George and the dragon, after which the wine flowed and 120 dishes were set before the assembled company.
In the time of Christmas before passed, the king kept an honourable household at Westminster, & upon the twelfth day was holding a sumptuous & great dinner in the white hall.... The mayor with his brethren... were worshipfully & plenteously served with all manner of dainties... & after he was desired... to tarry & see such disports as that night should be showed in Westminster Hall... which... at that time was hanged with arras [tapestry], & staged along the hall at the king's cost that the people might well & easily see the said disport... Anon from the kitchen being behind the Common place... 60 dishes were all served unto the king's mess [table], & forthwith were as many served unto the Queen, of the which six score dishes was not one of flesh or fish, but of all confections of sundry fruits & conserves....
& finally as all worldly pleasure has an end, the board was reverently withdrawn, & the king & queen with the other estates.... conveyed into the palace, & the mayor with his company yood [gone] to the Bridge where 2 barges tarried for him, & so came home by the breaking of day, & then the mayor kissed his wife as a double lady.
- A Twelfth Night Supper, (by Robert Fabian, The Great Chronicle of London, pp. 251-2)
◼ In medieval & Tudor England, Candlemas traditionally marked the end of the Christmas season, although later, Twelfth Night came to signal the end of Christmastide, with a new but related season of Epiphanytide running until Candlemas. A popular Twelfth Night tradition was to have a bean & pea hidden inside a Christmas cake; the "man who finds the bean in his slice of cake becomes King for the night while the lady who finds a pea in her slice of cake becomes Queen for the night." Following this selection, Twelfth Night parties would continue & would include the singing of Christmas carols, as well as feasting.
The main image is a depiction of a medieval banquet.