So, this is gonna rustle some jimmies but sometimes that needs to happen to inspire growth. Sunday at our local Walmart as we passed through the beer isle (you know where this is going) an older blatantly southern woman sneezed, my reply as the goodish southern gentleman (of sorts) that I am was reactively "salute" as I am also Italian and not super religious. Her reply was "I miss my bud light"..
This has now overcome my entire being.
Everytime anyone has asked me a question at work that wasn't work related, my reply has been "I miss my bud light!" and it's becoming a problem. I'm naturally a smartass and mess with everyone constantly but it's gotten predictable already and it's only been three days. If mention of what a beer company might possibly sell you (which you have the choice not to buy) sends you on a jihad then maybe you should stop drinking s**tty beer? 🤷♀️
I personally don't care either way. If Yuengling started selling bottles with two dude passionately stroking each other, I'd still drink it because I'm not insecure. We live in America, where people are supposed to be free. That means absolutely or not at all. Pick one.