Cedar Rapids Police Department love won't fix the world; my passion for accountability will 😈 by the usa Constitution its legally none negotiable
No wonder you Pretend state code is law to avoid accountability. Oh titan you're the one who wished id have your job and career bevauw they used you dont value you and exploited you multi times; and sparta eyə looked up to you and you let them use you like a lil bitch 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Just like titan did in the parking garage you follow lead you dont know how to be a leader; great at communicating until it triggers your programming. You two where r***d of your rights first because you where not educated you where trained and programed at the expense of your rights to justify stealing others rights; thats not a hero that's a PAWN 🤣😂🤣😂💋💋 TAKE A HARD look in the mirror crpd you got USED and you didn't even avenge your ancestors.
Happy Friday the 13th; 💃💃💃
Look yall funny other peoole try to pay Departments to come get my ass;
Bahahaha; thats funny; the crpd let eyə go; yall dont know dvsa;
If they cant have eyə no one can; its called femicide; the murder of woman
Its what happend to Hoffman; 😈 eyə know the Physiactric development to the neurological dysfunction of humanity's 😂🤣 its justifed narcissistic gaslighting stonewalling tactis; yall ran out of "new ideas" 🙃🤣😂🤣😂🤣😈Predictable; situation and variable change;
Your job was to honor the institution to respect the people; your inability to do sow speaks volumes to your inability to seə outside your "pet-agree" robots spineless StormTroopers; you are programmed not educated.
The task force is not law and that proves illegal military occupation
If you where educated and not groomed to be "not knowing" you would know this and not be indoctrinated to a groomed conditioning at the expense of your usa Constitutional rights; they crpd are domestic terrorist committing treason claiming to be police to hold state code at the expense of educational understanding of the usa Constitution by grooming you all to think seə and believe state code is law; BOT
State code is not law it is the practice of the law witch magically
S-P-E-L-L-S the usa Constitution 🇺🇸 get fu**ed corrections;
You are not the law you do not enforce the law you do not uphold the law you Pretend state code is law it is not never has been you groomed people to entrap them; not save them; witch speakers volumes to your groomed pet-agree mmmkk like the fact cops dont know they are the OG dumbo "tail" nd Pinocchio "tail" speaks volumes to their inability to reflect take accountability and evolve;
Iowa dot and all government bodies;
State code is not law; it is the practice of the law witch is the USA constitution to wordsmith understanding use coercion and intimidation against and entire population at the expense of their usa Constitutional rights is in FACT DOMESTIC TERRORISTS COMMITTING TREASON and using the police to hold this illusion makes them illegal military occupation beacaue you arr brainwashed them to think they are the law to stop eyə from holding you all accountable for farming humanity against the lawful letter.
War is justofed murder you just manipulated the publics understanding of what death is; none of you where to kill in my absence; told you to take accountability and utilize corrections correctly or you will face the punishment of domestic terrorism committing treason; if you dont respect the sytem you won't get the protection of the system officlas you dont getto act above the real law or wepoize code and pretend its laws; when by true understanding and definition it is not;
Crpd you where already at RICO a decade ago;
Now you sealed your fate for the entire department.
None of you can be saved because you choose to pretend youbhad to power to run away from the real law and explit me n my kids unlawfully; Eyə will relish in your punishment because you relished in trying to kill me and mine unlawfully 💃💃💃
1456 12.13.24
Love isn't blind its neive;
narcissistic manipulation is; and its illegal af; you dont know the law you know justified code to hold order and call it law to control the public and enslave them and explot them; just like your department was erected
I've got doc notes for new jersey; yall gunna love when that drops; 😂🤣 Pemberton NJ is a "Hoot" 😈 KCRG-TV9 First Alert Weather Governor Kim Reynolds City of Cedar Rapids Iowa Government Linn County, Iowa Cory Goldensoph PC Cedar Rapids Community School District CIA Vice President Kamala Harris President Joe Biden FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation NBC News CBS News NFL UnitedStates OfAmerica