Tammy Stuhr Keynote Speech - The Playbook of Courage
Doing this video for Tammy and hearing her message came at such a perfect time in my life - I have had to exercise my “courage muscle” as Tammy calls it quite a bit since taking this business full time about a year ago. But what’s the alternative?
Regret is the scariest thing in the world to me - I don’t want to get to the end of my life and look back and know that I could have done/been/accomplished so much more, all because I didn't have the courage to really go for it. I’ve been working on switching my mindset from “what happens if I try and fail” to “what happens if I don’t even try”? Failure is scary, yes. But regret of what could have been is even scarier. And keeping that front of mind has made it easier to be brave with my choices ❤️🔥
Joane Olson - Artist & Illustrator
Joane Olson - artist & illustrator 🎨
It was so inspiring talking with Joane about her new venture! She is proof that it’s never too late to start a new path and chase your dreams ✨
Tammy Stuhr Keynote Speech - Touch of the Master's Hand
The first time I worked with Tammy, I listened to her talk to a group of young kids about the importance of identifying and pursuing your unique talents. It was really cool to listen to her share the same message with a group of adults this summer as I covered her keynote speech! Kind of a full circle moment 😌
I just love this message so much!! We all have amazing things to offer the world in our own ways, and we have a responsibility to live in those talents - not just for ourselves, but to lead by example and show others what’s possible in life when you take your God-given talents and apply yourself. Pursuing your own talents just might inspire someone else to do the same thing with THEIR unique talents. And that domino effect is truly how we change the world 🫶✨
The Dentist - All on X
Once again piggy backing off of my posts from the last couple days, here’s video #3 that I’ve produced for The Dentist this year. Like I mentioned a couple days ago, we’re on a retainer program, so more videos to come!
If you need video production work done, whether that’s for a one time thing or you’re looking for consistent content, hit me up and let’s chat about how I can help 🎞️✨