Hello everyone,
This is Addisyn, the venue manager at Carmons. Many of you have reached out to the owner and I about the rumor that we are closing. These rumors are NOT true. It is true that the property (not the operating business) is in a snit with the bank … we look to get this resolved in the next few weeks. Please be assured that the property ownership has no impact on the Carmon’s business and your wedding celebration.
We are sorry for the confusion and headache these rumors have caused, as we know how important your wedding/event is.
If you need to contact me please use my email [email protected]. I am more than happy to help.
Some of you may have my personal phone number, and if I have given that to you, I don’t mind communicating through that. What I don’t appreciate is people handing out my number without permission. I understand this has been a stressful time for many of you, and I have been trying to ease nerves best I can. But please respect my privacy.
Carmons looks forward to many weddings and events in the future 🎉
Thank you.