Healing Acres

Healing Acres Healing Acres, located in Chandler, OK, is 40 acres of beautiful landscape that is perfect for getting away from the hustle of your life.

When we align our actions with God’s principles, we build an unshakable foundation. It’s not just about staying busy or ...

When we align our actions with God’s principles, we build an unshakable foundation.

It’s not just about staying busy or checking off tasks—it's about centering our lives around faith, prayer, learning, and preparation.

This is how we truly thrive, lead, and serve.

True strength comes from living in alignment with God’s will—grounded in both spiritual and practical order.

When our lives reflect divine priorities, we gain the clarity and resilience to face any challenge that comes our way.

Are you ready to align your life with God's principles and discover your full potential?

Our world has been rocked this week. Hurricane Helene hit the Appalachian region with devastating force, leaving over 20...

Our world has been rocked this week. Hurricane Helene hit the Appalachian region with devastating force, leaving over 200 dead, and the search for more continues. Families are in mourning. Lives have been forever changed.

In moments like this, we’re reminded of how fragile life truly is.

Chaos doesn’t wait. It doesn’t give you time to prepare or get your house in order. When the storm hits—whether it’s a natural disaster, a crisis in your relationships, or a collapse in your business—you either stand strong, or you fall apart.

The image below isn’t just a nice idea. It’s a call to action.

Your life needs to be in order NOW. Whether it’s your health, your relationships, or your business, if there are cracks in your foundation, they will crumble when the pressure hits. Getting your life in order means setting your priorities, creating structure, and eliminating the chaos.

It’s easy to feel helpless when disaster strikes, but faith reminds us that no matter what comes, we are not alone. Faith grounds us, giving us strength to push through and hope that there is a way forward.

Every storm is an opportunity to learn and grow. Those who refuse to learn from the past are destined to repeat it. Are you committed to learning from your mistakes and the challenges you face, or will you stay stuck in old patterns?

Prayer connects us to divine power. It’s not just about asking for help—it’s about receiving guidance and the strength to lead in times of crisis. When the world is in chaos, you need to be a pillar of strength for those you lead.

Men, don’t wait until the storm is at your door to start building your house on a solid foundation. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we do know this: the time to get your life in order is NOW.

If you’re ready to step up, take ownership of your life, and lead your family and community through the storm, join me for next weeks Reclaim YourInner Warrior Retreat. Let’s build lives that stand strong, no matter what comes.

We’ve all faced moments where we questioned, "Why me?" But let me remind you—our trials are not random. Every struggle w...

We’ve all faced moments where we questioned, "Why me?" But let me remind you—our trials are not random. Every struggle we encounter is purposeful, handpicked by God to refine us, sharpen us, and prepare us for the greater mission He has designed for our lives.

Each challenge is a divine tool, meant to build not just our strength for today, but to equip us for the battles ahead. These moments of hardship? They're not meant to break us. They are meant to forge us into who we are destined to become.

God is using these tests to call us to rise to rise into who we were created to be. Our growth and spiritual maturity are born out of the perseverance we show in the fire of adversity. If we trust Him in the storm, if we hold firm to His promises, and let patience do its work, we are being prepared to live lives of fullness, strength, and purpose.

I’ve learned that the trials I once feared and resented are, in fact, the sacred process of transformation. God isn’t putting us through hell for nothing—He's leading us closer to our full potential in Christ. That realization alone shifts my entire outlook on suffering.

The struggles we face aren’t obstacles—they’re the training ground for greatness. It’s through the fire that iron becomes steel. It’s through pain that we discover our true strength. And it’s in the process that we learn to lead in alignment with the calling God has placed on our lives.

So if you’re in the thick of it right now—hold the line. This isn’t the end—it’s the beginning of something greater. Trust God. Lean into His process. You are not being tested in vain. You are being prepared.

Your ego isn’t your edge – it’s your enemy.Your ego is the voice that keeps you locked in a cage of pride, making you de...

Your ego isn’t your edge – it’s your enemy.

Your ego is the voice that keeps you locked in a cage of pride, making you defend what doesn’t need defending and chase approval that doesn’t matter. But what if you let it go? What if you stopped serving the prison of pride and started living for purpose?

Here’s the hard truth: To step into your true power, you’ve got to release the grip of ego. That’s where freedom lies – in focusing not on how you appear but on what you DO and the IMPACT you create.

💥 It’s not about being the man you think you should be... 💥 It’s about becoming the man you’re called to be.

The world doesn’t need more men chasing validation – it needs men of purpose. Purpose that drives you, moves you, and shatters your self-imposed limits.

It’s time to let go of ego. It’s time to rise into a man driven by purpose.

Drop a 🔥 in the comments if you're ready to leave ego behind and step into your power!

Integrity isn’t negotiable. It’s who you are when no one’s watching. In a world full of distractions, one of the hardest...

Integrity isn’t negotiable. It’s who you are when no one’s watching.

In a world full of distractions, one of the hardest things is to stay true to YOURSELF. But integrity means we do not lower our standards or behavior to impress or be accepted by others. You ‘do what is right’ and ‘let the consequence follow.’

This week, I’m focused on living with purpose, clarity, and commitment. It’s not about doing what’s easy—it’s about doing what’s RIGHT.

I’m pulling my Domino Door—that one non-urgent, important task that will move me closer to my long-term goals—and I’m committed to protecting my time and focus to execute it.

No more letting other people’s urgencies hijack my purpose.

If you want to truly transform, stay focused on what matters most. Commit to your highest priorities and let your integrity guide the way. Everything else? It’s noise.

In a world filled with chaos, where agendas of others pull us in countless directions, clarity becomes our greatest weap...

In a world filled with chaos, where agendas of others pull us in countless directions, clarity becomes our greatest weapon. We often find ourselves overwhelmed by the noise, the urgent demands of the day, and the fears that grip us. But there's a different path...

Wake Up Warrior teaches us that our greatest power lies in aligning with the truth—God’s truth. When we embrace His unwavering presence, we gain the clarity to distinguish what truly matters. We’re no longer swayed by the urgent but unimportant demands of others. Instead, we are guided by His light, which shines on the actions that lead us toward our Impossible Game.

God doesn't call us to live a life of fear and doubt. He calls us to embrace abundance, to take action not out of desperation but out of desire and faith. When you trust in His strength, you gain the power to transform your life with intention and purpose. 🚀

🔥 Here's the challenge: Are you living your life by design, guided by God’s truth, or by default, dictated by the chaos around you?

Step into the abundance that God has promised.

Let His truth be your compass. 🧭

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee... I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee." - Isaiah 41:10There's a power with...

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee... I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee." - Isaiah 41:10

There's a power within all of us that’s been there all along—waiting to be unleashed. We’ve been promised strength, divine support, and the power to overcome anything that stands in our way. This is not about perfection; it's about tapping into that God-given potential that fuels our purpose, our passion, and our ability to lead.

It's time to stand up as the husband, father, protector, provider and man we were created to be, with the strength of God and the fire of truth igniting our path. No more shrinking back. No more questioning if we're enough. We’ve been promised more than we realize, and it’s already within us.

When I step into this power, I become the guardian my wife needs, the leader I was meant to be, and the man who lives with courage and conviction.

Today, remember: You are never alone. You have the strength to face whatever comes your way. Embrace it. Own it. And watch your world transform.


Men, the world has fed us lies—lies about what it means to be strong, to have control, to live with purpose. But here's ...

Men, the world has fed us lies—lies about what it means to be strong, to have control, to live with purpose. But here's the truth: Real power isn’t found in staying trapped by these lies. It's found in breaking free. 💥

2 Peter 1:4-9 shows us the path to becoming men of unshakable strength:

Faith: The foundation of every true warrior.
Self-Control: Mastery over your mind and body.
Purpose: Living with relentless pursuit of what truly matters.
When you build yourself on these principles, you become unstoppable. You shed the chains of the past and step into the man you were meant to be—a Guardian of Truth, a force for change.

It's time to rise up and embrace your true power. Break the lies. Build your strength. Live with purpose.

🚀 Ready to step into your true power? Let's talk. 📲 Sign up for the Reclaim Your Inner Warrior Retreat.

This scripture is a bold reminder that the journey to hear God’s voice is ongoing. It's not enough to hear Him once and ...

This scripture is a bold reminder that the journey to hear God’s voice is ongoing. It's not enough to hear Him once and think we've got it all figured out. In every domain of life—Body, Being, Balance, and Business—we must be vigilant, open, and willing to seek His guidance daily.

In our Body, we tune into the whispers that guide us to health and strength. In our Being, we align our souls with His eternal truths. In Balance, we nurture our relationships, letting His voice lead us in our marriage. And in Business, we seek divine inspiration to fulfill our purpose in the world.

God's voice is not a one-time event but a continuous conversation. Are you listening? Are you seeking His word in every corner of your life?

🔥 Commit today to tuning in to God's voice across all areas of your life. If you’re ready to dive deeper into this journey and ensure you’re hearing Him clearly in all domains, sign up for a discovery call. Let's unlock the powerful guidance He has for you.

If you think showing up to our sessions, nodding along, and then going back to your old ways will get you the marriage y...

If you think showing up to our sessions, nodding along, and then going back to your old ways will get you the marriage you crave—you’re deceiving yourselves.

🛑 Stop fooling yourselves. 🛑

We give you the tools. We teach you the frameworks. But if you’re not doing the work every day—if you’re not listening, communicating, showing up with love—you’re not going to see the transformation.

Here’s the deal: Consistency IS the key. Every single day, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard. That's how the breakthroughs happen. That’s how you heal. That’s how you get the marriage that thrives, not just survives.

💡 When you follow what we teach DAILY, here’s what happens: ✨ Real, deep connection with your spouse ✨ Trust starts to rebuild ✨ Misunderstandings become fewer ✨ You create the love story you’ve always dreamed of.

Marriage is WORK, but it’s the most important work you’ll ever do. Are you ready to stop deceiving yourself and start doing what it takes?

👇 Drop a 🔥 if you’re committed to putting in the daily work for the marriage you deserve.

Brothers, it's time to stop running from your pain and face it head-on. The world will tell you that the weight of your ...

Brothers, it's time to stop running from your pain and face it head-on. The world will tell you that the weight of your struggles defines you, but I’m here to remind you that your trials are the very thing that can forge you into the man you were meant to be.

When your heart is filled with Christ, even the heaviest burdens are swallowed up in His joy. Your pain? It’s not your prison—it’s your proving ground. Stop numbing yourself. Stop pretending everything’s fine. Face the truth, embrace the struggle, and let it fuel your transformation.

Real change starts when you stop hiding and start owning who you are. You are a Guardian. Stand in your truth, rise above the noise, and reclaim your life.

As I sit here today, I reflect on the truth found in Isaiah 53:4: "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorr...

As I sit here today, I reflect on the truth found in Isaiah 53:4: "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows." These past weeks have been a battle—my back pain from Spina Bifida Oculta has been relentless, a constant reminder of my physical limits. Daily, I am faced with challenges that would bring anyone to their knees.

But there’s more to the story.

I’m not fighting this alone. (And I acknowledge many have it way worse than I do) I can always call upon the One who has already walked this path for me. Alma 7:11 tells us that Jesus Christ "shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people."

He felt my back pain, just as He has felt yours. He’s already carried that burden on His shoulders so I don’t have to carry it alone. When the pain becomes too much, I reach for His strength because He understands it completely.

The world might tell you to push through, to "suck it up," but there’s a deeper truth that no one else is talking about: You don’t have to do it alone.

When I finally realized this, my life shifted.

The question is: Do you realize that He’s already been where you are?

Every hardship, every pain, every sleepless night—He’s already felt it all. You’re not just enduring it for no reason. There’s a purpose in the pain, but more importantly, there’s a way out. And it starts by calling upon Him.

What if instead of trying to bear your pain alone, you leaned on Him today? What if you accepted that the fight was already fought and the victory already won—for you?

I’ve seen it in my life, even with my daily struggles. I challenge you to embrace this truth and call upon Jesus right now, because He’s waiting, and He knows what you’re feeling. He’s felt it all.

Remember: You're never truly alone. He’s already fought the battle for you. Now, it’s time to stand in that truth.

"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." — Proverbs 17:17 (KJV)Before I really stepped into ...

"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." — Proverbs 17:17 (KJV)

Before I really stepped into coaching, I thought I could lead men to breakthrough without truly understanding their pain. I was focused on solutions, but I missed the most critical piece—they needed to feel safe before they could even start healing.

It wasn't until I learned to truly care for the men I coach—to see them as brothers facing their own battles—that I realized something deeper: before they could change, they needed to know they weren't alone. They needed to know that in their darkest moments, they had someone who wouldn't judge, wouldn't abandon, but would stand in the trenches with them.

I’m not here just to coach. I’m here to listen, to support, and to help create a space where healing is possible. Because true transformation happens when men feel safe enough to be vulnerable—where love and trust are present, even in adversity.

To every man who’s feeling like they can’t trust anyone with their pain, let me tell you: you don’t have to walk this road alone. There’s strength in allowing yourself to be supported, to let someone in.

Together, we fight through the lies. Together, we rise from the pit to the peak. I’m here for that journey. And if you're ready to heal, I'll be that brother for you.

Oct 10-13 is our Mens Retreat here at Healing Acres in Chandler Oklahoma. Join me and reclaim your inner warrior.

For too long, you’ve been living as a captive—trapped by lies you’ve been told or even told yourself. Lies that have kep...

For too long, you’ve been living as a captive—trapped by lies you’ve been told or even told yourself. Lies that have kept you feeling small, powerless, and stuck in a cycle of pain. You’ve heard them, you’ve lived them, but deep down, you know something’s wrong.

❌ "I’m not good enough."
❌ "I can’t provide what my family needs."
❌ "This is just who I am—I can’t change."
❌ "I don’t deserve love or success."
❌ "I’ll never be able to repair my relationships."

These lies are chains holding you back from the man you’re supposed to be. And you’ve been walking around wearing them like they’re your truth. But the REAL TRUTH is this:

💥 You are more than the lies you've been believing.

It’s time to wake up and step into the life you were meant to live. I’m here to guide you from the pit of these lies to the peak of your potential.

No more hiding behind false stories. No more feeling stuck. It's time to shatter these lies and create a new story where you stand tall in your truth.

I’m calling on men who are ready to stop believing the lies and start living with power, purpose, and confidence. Together, we will rewrite those stories that have kept you in the dark for far too long.

This is your moment.

You were never meant to live as a prisoner to these lies. You were meant to rise as a Guardian of Truth—a man of honor, purpose, and strength.

👉 Are you ready to break free and reclaim your life? Drop a 💪 in the comments or DM me to begin your journey from the pit to the peak. We are only 5 weeks away for the next Reclaim Your Inner Warrior retreat here at Healing Acres and this will be the beginning of your journey.

Scriptures tells us to be instructed in both “heaven and earth,” so we’re prepared for ALL things. That means understand...

Scriptures tells us to be instructed in both “heaven and earth,” so we’re prepared for ALL things. That means understanding what’s real, what’s not, and cutting through the noise.

This world is full of distractions, lies, and false paths, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to lead your life, your family, or your business without the proper tools and knowledge.

If you don’t know the truth about yourself, your purpose, or God’s plan for you, how can you expect to lead anyone? How can you expect to repair your relationships, heal your home, or protect those you love?

You’ve been called to something higher. To lead your family. To be the Guardian you were meant to be. But you’ve got to be equipped—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. No more winging it. No more excuses.

It’s time to learn truth. It’s time to arm yourself with REAL knowledge. The kind that heals, empowers, and sets you free. The truth of your purpose as a man, husband, and father.

Are you ready? Let's go deeper.

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut, going through the motions but not really moving forward?  The only limits you face...

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut, going through the motions but not really moving forward?

The only limits you face in life are the ones you accept.

Personal growth isn’t a journey; it’s a battle—one where you either step into your power and crush the lies holding you back, or you stay small and live in the shadows of what could have been.

Rise, evolve, and unleash the unstoppable force within you.

Stay tuned—I’ve got something exciting to share soon!

Guys, You’ve been called to battle—not against flesh and blood, but against every lie, every fear, every challenge that ...

Guys, You’ve been called to battle—not against flesh and blood, but against every lie, every fear, every challenge that stands in your way. This fight isn’t just for your business, your body, or your bank account. It’s for your very soul. It’s for your family. It’s for your purpose.

👉 In a world where the noise is deafening, where the weak crumble and the confused wander, there’s a command that’s been given since the dawn of time: “Be strong and of good courage.” 💪

But what does that really mean? It’s not just about pumping iron or putting on a tough face. It’s about inner strength, that unbreakable core rooted in truth. It’s about having the guts to stand tall when the world tells you to kneel, to keep moving forward when fear is screaming in your ear.

The Book of Joshua lays it down: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

That’s the warrior’s call. When the darkness closes in, when doubt starts to whisper, YOU choose courage. YOU choose strength. Not because it’s easy, but because it’s who you are—a guardian of truth, a warrior of light.

And guess what? You’re not alone in this fight. The same God who walked with Joshua, who empowered Captain Moroni, who parted the Red Sea—He’s got your back. He’s the source of your strength, the fire in your soul.

⚔️ So gear up, warrior. The battle is real, but so is your power. Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s standing up in spite of it. Strength isn’t just physical; it’s spiritual, mental, and emotional. It’s the foundation that holds you up when everything else tries to tear you down.

Remember this, The world needs warriors who are strong in heart, firm in faith, and unstoppable in their pursuit of truth. Be that warrior. Be that leader. And watch as the very gates of hell tremble at your steps.

🔥 Stay strong. Stay courageous. The victory is yours. 🔥

men's retreats men groups men gathering

Living a life of integrity is more than just being honest.It means you constantly seek truth.You ground yourself on a fo...

Living a life of integrity is more than just being honest.

It means you constantly seek truth.

You ground yourself on a foundation of truth. For me specifically in Jesus Christ.

You recognize that your words are powerful weapons that can build or destroy.

You live honesty to your core.

You Master your emotions.

You Obey Gods commandments.

You Value wisdom and always are open to learning.





If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything.

This is the center principle of the men’s retreat here at Healing Acres. October 10-13 is coming quicker then your realize and the early bird price ends August 31st. We still have a couple VIP indoor spots and plenty of warrior camping spots open. Are you ready to reclaim your inner warrior?

How we do that is we heal the emasculation that you have dealt with in your life. We commit you to living a life of integrity. And you go home a different man. It’s as simple as that. PM me for more information.

Brothers, I see you. I see the pit you're in—the pain, the struggle, the weight that feels like it’s crushing you from t...

Brothers, I see you.

I see the pit you're in—the pain, the struggle, the weight that feels like it’s crushing you from the inside out.

I’ve been there too, and I know it’s not easy.

But here’s the truth: that pit doesn’t define you. It’s not your destiny. You are not meant to stay there.

There’s a peak waiting for you—a place where your pain transforms into power, where your deepest wounds become the source of your greatest strength.

It’s a journey from the pit to the peak, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

You don’t have to do this alone. Together, we can face the pain, heal the hurt, and rise to the man you were meant to be.

The man who stands tall, confident, and whole. It’s time to step up, brother.

The peak is within reach. Let’s get there together.

We still have spots open for the "Reclaim Your Inner Warrior" men's retreat here at Healing Acres in Chandler, OK.

If you are ready to be free of the pain and to become King over your life again, then its time to step up. If you have any questions lets get on a call today.

What if 5 days could completely change the trajectory of every relationship you'll ever have with men?The LOVE LAB™ with...

What if 5 days could completely change the trajectory of every relationship you'll ever have with men?

The LOVE LAB™ with Dr. Diamond is a FREE 5-Day Challenge with a leading expert in the field of transforming & healing our relationships with men.

hey, I'm Christi Turley Diamond and my passion is in helping women find their feminine super-power for relationships that 10x their life experience. We dig deep. We call it like it is. I don't tip toe around the fact that you're a part of the problem, sister. 😬

But instead of just calling out what's wrong, I give you explicit strategies and how-to's to come back from the cycle of feminine disconnect.

And in this crazy incredible opportunity to work with me in a group experimental challenge container, my combined experience as a naturopathic doctor with expertise in the biological nature of man and woman and my years of 1 on 1 coaching with men and with women, you get the coaching and education that usually costs 4 and 5 figures to access, completely free.

This coming week only. August 12th-16th 2024. Join me and hundreds of other women from across the globe to unlock the feminine super power for more ease, flow, and joy. Connect to his masculine through your feminine and you will never be the same again.

Learn More and Register Here today: https://www.thehealingcoach.com/lovelab


Chandler, OK

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm





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