Thank you @rivertowne_public_house for a fun night!
Cozy and Fun, The Honeybees felt right at home at The Rivertowne Public House. Thanks to all who came out - our friends at @360yogacharleston - You made our night!!!
The Honeybees cover of “Sister Golden Hair” at the Commonhouse Aleworks in Park Circle. Thanks Commonhouse for an incredible night!
The Honeybees had so much fun jamming out at Commonhouse Aleworks this past weekend! Here is “Listen to the Music”
The Honeybees had the best time again at The Mount Pleasant Farmers Market! Thank you for our friends that came by and thank you vendors for your delicious produce and food!
#chshoneybees #mountpleasantfarmersmarket @kendellstange @zeriah08 @mclure.susan
The Honeybees cover “No Roots” at the Mount Pleasant Farmers Market and @zeriah08 nails it on the base 🐝
#chshoneybees #mountpleasantfarmersmarket #thehoneybees @kendellstange @mclure.susan
Come eat some fresh produce at the Mount Pleasant Farmers Market on Tuesday 9/3 and enjoy The Honeybees from 3:30-7:00! #mpfarmersmarket #mountpleasantfarmersmarket #chshoneybees
#chshoneybees #mountpleasantfarmersmarket @mclure.susan @zeriah08 @kendellstange
Zeriah West nails it in this Dreams cover. Zeriah West #chshoneybees #thehoneybeesSusan McLureKendell Stangebelle_station_mtp
Repost to capture both Honeybees! Such a fun night! Thank you friends and family for your love and cheers! Thank you Darrick Lemmon, DIJAM, and New Realm! Susan McLureKendell StangeNew Realm Brewing Co. - CharlestonGrooveKittyEmily HamberlinDerrick Lemmon
@groovekitty @emilyhamberlin (DIJAM) It was so fun opening for you at @newrealmbrewingchs #newrealmbrewingchs.
We had so much fun dancing the night away to your incredible music!! Thank you @derricklemmon for connecting us! @emilyhamberlin love your voice!
Thank you for a wonderful evening Wharf 7! Chow Bella: your Italian cuisine is incredible! #listentothemusic Susan McLure Kendell Stange Wharf 7@chowbellafoodtruck