Good morning lovely people! 🌈
📣 An update for all of you regarding the wedding day tomorrow and the dance party, please read!
Thank you to everyone who has offered to help with the wedding day, to everyone who has wanted to join in the celebration for those choosing to get married, and to everyone who has been eager to just bear witness to love in all it's forms having the equal right to join in marriage. If I have not reached back out personally to you, please know that I have not been ignoring you! We have wanted to give it all the time to make sure everyone had the opportunity to choose to have a wedding tomorrow if desired before we knew if we would need any help or not. Even more, we needed to give it time to see if we would be having the party in the evening where we would certainly need the volunteer support.
Hundreds of people viewed the dance party event, only a handful registered for the event, so sadly the dance party is cancelled. It's a tough time of year for a lot of people; we will try again at a later date perhaps. 💞
We are so thrilled that four couples will be getting married tomorrow, with love, support and completely free of charge! 🎊
What a beautiful thing that our community came together to cultivate in the name of equality and kindness. I am so grateful for all the vendors who are making this possible.
These weddings are sacred and private and because of that we sincerely want to make sure we honor the privacy of those getting married. They are able to bring their chosen guests and if they choose to make their wedding announcement public later then we will share with all of you, but if they choose to keep it private, we want that to be honored.
Because of this, we won't be having any other volunteers or community members present at the wedding ceremonies. Please know that your excitement and cheer for their love is felt and appreciated so much!
If you celebrate traditional holidays this time of year, we hope that you have/are enjoying them.
We hope that all of you have been able to feel seen, respected, loved, and accepted by those in your life during this season ❄️
Big love, thank you!