We are only 2 sleeps away from the start of TutuSchool. I want to share a few of my scattered-but-trying-desperately-to-be-focused thoughts. This post is not just for the 47 people (yes zi ssid 47!) coming to hone their costuming skills. It’s for all who love ballet costumes - students, costumers, teachers, dancers, choreographers, artistic directors. Our seminars aren’t about sewing, although you WILL sew while here. Our seminars are about the same things that the best ballet school seminars are about: learning what it takes to move forward, while honoring the techniques of the past. As those of you who have come before know, I’m an ex-professional ballet dancer (Harkness, Chicago Ballet, NYCOpera Ballet, to name a few), who fell in love with costumes while dancing. I was so lucky to be at the right places at the right times and to be taken under the wings of some pretty amazing talents. I’ve learned as I went along. I still, even after teaching tutus for 29 years, learn something new every time I teach. Here is my best advice for those coming to TutuSchool, and the dancers, choreographers, and directors with whom you work: Don’t overthink the process. Trust yourself, your teachers, your dancers, your directors/choreographers, and each other. Don’t micro-manage the process. Open your minds and come to class, rehearsal, etc., with an open, un-jaded, non-judgmental mind. The secrets to success are twofold: being open to change AND being respectful of the past, the history. Ballet is steeped in tradition. You simply cannot ignore the traditions. As a former student/turned-friend of mine once noted- Ballet design/creativity lives & thrives within the confines of certain traditions (she called it the ballet box)as well as the types of movements that must be possible within the confines of a costume. There should be a reason for every choice you make, whether designing or constructing, choreographing, or directing. It is simply not good enough to make choices because that is what you feel like doing. We will give you reasons for every part of our costuming process and if we don’t, then ask! Don’t just assume. You become better, more knowledgable when you know why you are doing what you do. Finally, relax, bond with each other, and have fun! The past meets the future by